tūranga - stopping place (as in: tūranga pahi bus stop; tū + nominal suffix -ranga)
pahi - bus
pāhi - purse, to pass
pahī - adventure
Ko te pahi o te kura tēnei.This is the school bus.Identity sentences - ko...
Tae mai ai te pahi, i ia hāora, i ia hāora.The bus regularly arrives every hour.Habitual action - ai
Mā runga pahi ahau haere ai.I travelled by bus.Travelling by means of - mā runga
Kua roa te pahi nei e tāria ana. Āwhea ka tae mai?This bus has been waited for for a long time. When will it arrive?Be waited for - tāria
Kāore au i maumahara ki te haora o te pahi tuatahi.I can't remember the time of the first bus.Negations of the past tense - Kāore... i...
Hāwhe pahi i te iwa karaka.Half past 9.Telling time - kara
He pahi tēnei nō te kura.This is a bus belonging to the school.