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Results for 'pai'

pai - good (adj); to like (v); good

Ko te kūmara tāku tūmomo huawhenua pai rawa.
Kumara is my favourite type of vegetable.
Identity sentences - ko...

Ko wai te mea pai ki te kōrero Māori?
Whose good at speaking Māori?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai te iwi e pai ana ki te haka?
Who is the nation who is good at doing haka?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ehara tēnā i te whakaaro pai e tama.
That's not a good idea guys.
Negations of identity sentences - ehara...

Ehara i te miti kau te hapa pai ki a au.
It's not meat that I like for dinner.
Negations of identity sentences - ehara...

Ehara i te mīti kau (te hapa pai ki a au).
It's not meat (the dinner that I like).
Negations of identity sentences - ehara...

Kei te pai rawa atu.
Really good.
Simple sentences: present tense with a verb - kei te

I pai koe.
You were good.
Simple sentences: past tense - i

I pai ia.
He or she was good.
Simple sentences: past tense - i

I pai taku moe, tuahine.
My sleep was good, sister.
Simple sentences: past tense - i

I pai tāna waita.
His singing was good.
Simple sentences: past tense - i

I tino pai a Rangi.
Rangi was very good.
Simple sentences: past tense - i

Ka pai ahau.
I will be good.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka

Ka tino pai ahau.
I will be very good.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka

Ka āhua pai a Mere.
Mere will be somewhat good.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka

Ka pai koe.
You will be good.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka

Ka tino pai ia.
He or she will be very good.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka

Kua maroke pai koe ināianei.
You're all dry now.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua

Kua mahia te mahi pai e kōrua.
The good work has been done by you two
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua

Kia pai te .
Have a good day.
Mild imperatives (You should be...) - kia

Kia pai tētahi ki tētahi!
Be good to each other!
Mild imperatives (You should be...) - kia

Kia pai koe, kei kohetengia koe.
Be good, or you will be told off.
Be careful... lest! - kia... kei...

Ari, ka pai māu te tēpu e whakawātea?
Ari, could you clear the table?
Is it OK if... ? - Ka pai taku...?

Ka pai taku hari i aku tamariki ki te whakangahau?
Can I take my kids along to the entertainment night?
Is it OK if... ? - Ka pai taku...?

Ka pai taku wehe ā te whā i tēnei ahiahi?
Is it okay if I leave at four this afternoon?
Is it OK if... ? - Ka pai taku...?

Ka pai whakamaumahara i a au ina tata atu ki te ?
Could you remind me a little closer to the day?
Is it OK if... ? - Ka pai taku...?

Ka pai kōrua whakahoki mai i taku tama ina mutu te whakawai?
Would you mind dropping my son off here after practice?
Is it OK if... ? - Ka pai taku...?

Ka pai anō kati i te keti i muri i a koe?
Could you possibly shut the gate behind you?
Is it OK if... ? - Ka pai taku...?

Ka pai anō hoko waea pūkoro hou māku, e ?
Could you buy me a new cellphone, Mum…?
Is it OK if... ? - Ka pai taku...?

Ka pai tēnā, māku hoki ētahi kai e hoko te haerenga?
That's good, will I buy some food for the trip?
Is it OK if... ? - Ka pai taku...?

te moko o Ponga i pai ai.
It is because of Ponga's facial tattoo that he was attractive.
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic

Nāku ētahi kai i hoko, reira kua pai tātou.
I already bought some food, so we are alright.
Conjuctions - because - nā te mea

Hoatu koutou ki mua, kei te pai au i konei.
You guys go up the front, I'm fine here.
You go on ahead - hoatu koe

te whai i ēnei tohutohu ka pai te noho a te hau ki roto i te ranunga.
By following these instructions the air will stay in the mixture.
Through (one thing/action), (a second thing) will be achieved. - Mā te... ka...; mā... e... ai

te whai i ēnei tohutohu ka pai taku tae atu ki te konohete.
By following the directions I will get to the concert.
Through (one thing/action), (a second thing) will be achieved. - Mā te... ka...; mā... e... ai

He marama pai a Hōngongoi kia kokotia ngā rōhi.
July is a good month to prune the roses.
Passive sentences - tikina...

E ai ki a Mira, he pai te rimurimu hei whakamōmona i te whenua.
According to Mira, seaweed is good for enriching the soil.
According to... - E ai ki.../E ai ki tā... /Ki tā

Kei te kuia haere taku waka, engari he waka pai tonu.
My car is growing old, but she's still a good car.
It is becoming... - E... haere ana

He aha te pukapuka pai hei pānui ngā tamariki?
What is a good book for the children to read?
For the purpose of - hei

He aha te pukapuka pai hei pānui ngā tamariki hei konei hei āpōpō?
What is a good book for the children to read here tomorrow?
For the purpose of - hei

Ko te Rāhoroi te pai hei haerenga ki Pōneke.
Saturday is the best day for going to Wellington.
For the purpose of - hei

Kei te pai au, engari kei te tangi ia.
I'm ok, but she's crying.
Conjunctions - but - engari

He pai ki ahau te mahita, te mea, he humarie ia.
I like the teacher, because he's handsome.
Conjunctions - but - engari

Kāore e pai ki ahau te mahita, na te mea, he haunga ia.
I don't like the teacher because he smells.
Conjunctions - but - engari

He wahine pai a Ataahua. He kakama, he pukumahi, ka mutu he ngākau māhaki.
Ataahua is a good woman. She's clever, hardworking, and also/moreover she is gentle-hearted.
...and also, moreover - ...ka mutu

Heoi anō, te mea pai o te koni ahi, ehara ko te mahana anake te hua ki te tangata. Ko te mea tino pai, ko te pārekareka o ngā kōrero.
Still / However, the good thing about sitting round the fire was that it didn't just keep us warm. The really good thing was the enjoyable conversation.
Conjunctions - on the other hand, however - heoi anō

He rawe te kaitono tuatahi. He pai tōna āhua. Heoi anō, he pai ake te reo Māori o te kaitono tuarua.
The first applicant was great. He had a really nice way about him. On the other hand, the second applicant had better Māori language skills.
Conjunctions - on the other hand, however - heoi anō

He ruarua noa ngā ika i mau i a au i tēnei ata. Heoi anō, he pai ake te iti i te kore.
I only caught a few fish this morning. Still, a few is better than none.
Conjunctions - on the other hand, however - heoi anō

Heoi anō, he pai te rahi.
However, this size is good.
Conjunctions - on the other hand, however - heoi anō

He tangata pai tonu ia ki a au, ahakoa āna mahi i ētahi .
I think he's an okay guy, in spite of the fact that he stuffs up sometimes.
Conjunctions - although - ahakoa

Kei te pai rātou.
They're (not us) okay.
When - Kia

Kei te pai rawa atu au.
I'm extremely good.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te

Kei te pai au.
I'm okay.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te

Kei te pai koe.
You're okay.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te

Kei te tino pai a Hēmi.
Hēmi is very good.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te

Kei te pai au, me koe?
I am good, and you?
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te

Kei te āhua pai ahau.
I am somewhat good.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te

Kei te pai koe?
You're okay?
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te

Kei te pai ahau.
I am good.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te

Kāore au e pai ki te takurua, he makariri rawa.
I don't like winter, it's too cold.
Negations of the present tense (I am not working) - Kāore... i te...

Kāore au i te pai ki tēnā mahi.
I don't like it when you do that.
Negations of the present tense (I am not working) - Kāore... i te...

Kāore au i te pai ki tēnei pāhotanga. Whakawhiti ki tētahi atu.
I don't like this programme. Change over to a different one.
Negations of the present tense (I am not working) - Kāore... i te...

Kāore i te pai au.
I'm not good.
Negations of the present tense (I am not working) - Kāore... i te...

Ka rongo ahau i tētahi waiata pai i tēnei .
I heard a nice song today.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Kāore au e paku pai ki te inu waipiro.
I have no desire to drink alcohol.
Negations of the future (I will not go) - Kāore... e...

He hoa pai koe.
You are a good friend.
Categorizing sentences - he

He waiata pai tērā.
That's a nice song.
Categorizing sentences - he

He tāone pai rawa a Raumati.
Raumati is the best town.
Categorizing sentences - he

He mea pai ake kia āta kōrero.
It would be better if it was spoken slowly.
Categorizing sentences - he

He pai pikitia.
You're picture's great.
Categorizing sentences - he

He hāte pai tēnā.
That's a nice shirt.
Categorizing sentences - he

He mātua pai a Taika rāua ko Rina.
Taika and Rina are good parents.
Categorizing sentences - he

He whānau pai Mia, he nui rātou aroha ki a rātou anō.
Mia has a good family. They love each other very much.

Tōna tikanga, me hōmai ngā tuhinga roa āpōpō, engari, taku aroha ki a koutou, e pai ana kia hōmai ā tērā wiki.
Strictly speaking, you should hand in your essays tomorrow, but out of the kindness of my heart, I'll let you do it next week.

He kai Māori te kai pai ki a Aroha.
Māori food is what Aroha likes.

Ka pai ā mātou kaimahi katoa.
All our workers are doing well.
Possessives - 'a' class - ā, tāku...

Ka pai ia ki tāna pāi.
He likes his beer.
Possessives - 'a' class - ā, tāku...

Ko tēnei tōku hoa pai rawa.
This is my best friend.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...

He pai ki a koe tōku tūru hou?
Do you like my new chair?
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...

He pai ki taku māmā tēnei momo .
My mum likes this type of shoe.
Family relationships - mother - mama, whaea

He mātauranga pai tōu.
You have a good education.
Do you have any...? - He... ?

He mātauranga pai tōu.
You have good knowledge.
Do you have any...? - He... ?

He aha te hapa pai ki a koe?
What dinner is good to you?
What? - He aha?

He aha te parakuihi pai ki a koe?
What breakfast do you like?
What? - He aha?

He aha te tāone pai ki a koe?
What town do you like?
What? - He aha?

He aha te tina pai ki a koe?
What lunch do you like?
What? - He aha?

He aha te wāhi pai ki a koe?
What place do you like?
What? - He aha?

He aha te mea pai ake?
What's better?
What? - He aha?

He aha te kai pai ki a koe?
What is your favorite food?
What? - He aha?

He aha ngā hākinakina pai ki a koe?
What sport do you like?
What? - He aha?

He aha te kai kāore e pai ki a koe?
What food do you dislike?
What? - He aha?

He aha te kaimoana pai ki a koe?
What seafood do you like?
What? - He aha?

He aha te hākinakina pai ki a koe?
What sport do you like?
What? - He aha?

He pai atu tēnei i tēnā.
This one is better than that one.
That (near you) - tēnā, te... nā

He pātai pai tēnā.
That's a good question.
That (near you) - tēnā, te... nā

He pai rawa atu tēnā.
That's great.
That (near you) - tēnā, te... nā

He pātai pai tēnā.
That's a good question.
That (near you) - tēnā, te... nā

He pai tēnā waiata.
That's a good song.
That (near you) - tēnā, te... nā

He pōtae pai tēnā.
That's a neat hat.
That (near you) - tēnā, te... nā

He pai ake tēnei koti i tēnā koti.
This coat is better than that one.
That (near you) - tēnā, te... nā

Kāore au e pai ki te tae o tērā motoka.
I don't like the colour of that car.
That (over there) - tērā

Mōrena e hoa. Kei te pai a Hera i tēnei ata.
Morning friend. Sarah's good this morning.
This week, this month, this year - i tēnei wiki, i tēnei marama...

He paki te , he pai te kai, he pai te kōrero. He rawe tērā mutunga wiki i tērā tau.
It was a sunny day, good food, good conversation. That was an excellent weekend last year.
Last week, last month, last year - tērā

Ko tēhea kaupapa te mea pai rawa ki a koe?
Which subject do you like the most?
Which - Ko tēhea?

Ko tēhea te kapu pai ki a koe?
Which cup do you like?
Which - Ko tēhea?

Ko tēhea te tāone pai ki a koe te hararei?
Which town do you like for a holiday?
Which - Ko tēhea?

Ko tēhea te tāone pai ki a koe?
Which town do you like?
Which - Ko tēhea?

Ko tēhea te mea pai ake?
Which is better?
Which - Ko tēhea?

He tino pai te hui, ā, he tino pai anō hoki te kai.
The meeting was very good, and the food was also very good.
Conjunctions - and - ā

He pai ake te wāhanga tuatahi o te pukapuka nei i te wāhanga tuarua.
The first chapter is better than the second chapter of this book.
Ordindinal numbers (First, second, third...) - tuatahi, tuarua...

Kei te tino pai rawa atu māua i nāianei.
We are really good now.
Direction markers with adverbs - tonu mai, kā atu, rawa mai...

He pai rawa atu taua pōwhiri ki a au.
I really enjoyed that pōwhiri.
That aforementioned thing - taua, aua

He pai rawa atu kia a au taua pōwhiri.
I really enjoyed that pōwhiri.
That aforementioned thing - taua, aua

Ka pai te waiata a aua kōtiro.
Those girls sang well.
That aforementioned thing - taua, aua

He pai ki a au ngā rangi pēnei, he ātaahua.
I like days like this - beautiful!
Like this, like that - pēnei, pēna, pēra

Ka kōrero a Toto, ki ana kōtiro, mehemea e pai rāua ki te moe tāne.
Toto asked his daughters if they wanted husbands.
If (using mehemea) - mehemea, mehe, mēnā

Ka kōrero a Toto ki ana kōtiro, mehemea e pai rāua ki te moe tāne.
Toto asked his daughters if they wanted to get married.
If (using mehemea) - mehemea, mehe, mēnā

pai hoki ki te tunu keke!
How good you are at baking cakes!
How... - Te... hoki...

Te pai hoki o hanga i ēnā kākahu.
You look pretty/handsome in those clothes.
How... - Te... hoki...

Te pai hoki o tēnei kai!
How good this food is!
How... - Te... hoki...

Te pai hoki!
How great!
How... - Te... hoki...

Te pai hoki o tēnā whakaaro!
How great that idea is!
How... - Te... hoki...

Kei te pai ngā tio ki a au.
I like oysters.
I like... - He pai ki a au...

He pai ki a koe te pānui pukapuka?
Do you like to read books?
I like... - He pai ki a au...

He pai te aihikirīmi me te pītiti ki a au.
I like ice cream and peaches.
I like... - He pai ki a au...

Ko hea te wāhi pai rawa o Aotearoa ki a koe?
Where is your favourite place in Aotearoa?
I like... - He pai ki a au...

He miti me te raihi te hapa pai ki a au.
Meet and rice are good to me.
I like... - He pai ki a au...

He pai ki a koe te netipōro?
Do you like netball?
I like... - He pai ki a au...

He pai ki a koe te tākaro i te netipōro?
Do you like to play netball?
I like... - He pai ki a au...

Ko ngā mahi pai ki a ia, ko te mahi māra, me te ruku kai moana hoki.
She likes gardening and diving.
I like... - He pai ki a au...

He pai ki a au tēnei kēmu.
I like this game.
I like... - He pai ki a au...

He pai te tūtaki ki a koe.
Nice to meet you.
I like... - He pai ki a au...

He pai ki ahau tēnei kēmu.
I like this game.
I like... - He pai ki a au...

He pai ki a ia ngā kai moana.
He likes seafood.
I like... - He pai ki a au...

He pai ki a koe tēnei kiriata?
Do you like this movie?
I like... - He pai ki a au...

He pai ki te kōtiro tērā pōtae.
The girl likes that hat.
I like... - He pai ki a au...

He pai ki a rāua ngā pukapuka o te whare.
They (two) like the books in the house.
I like... - He pai ki a au...

He pai ki a koe te rorohiko hou?
Do you like the new computer?
I like... - He pai ki a au...

He pai ki ngā tamariki te kēmu hou.
The children like the new game.
I like... - He pai ki a au...

Ka pai te tūtaki ki a koe.
Nice to meet you.
I like... - He pai ki a au...

He pai ki a Hōne ngā hōiho.
Hōne likes horses.
I like... - He pai ki a au...

He pai ki a koe tēnei pukapuka?
Do you like this book?
I like... - He pai ki a au...

He pai rawa atu te kaimoana ki a ia.
She really likes seafood. (Seafood is best to her.)
I like... - He pai ki a au...

He mīti me te raihi te hapa pai ki a au.
Meat and rice are the best dinner for me!
I like... - He pai ki a au...

He pai te huawhenua ki a au.
I actually like vegetables.
I like... - He pai ki a au...

He rimurimu te kai pai ki a koe?
Is seaweed the food that you like?
I like... - He pai ki a au...

He pai ki a ia te kōrua.
She likes crayfish.
I like... - He pai ki a au...

Kāo, kāore te rimurimu i te kai pai ki a au.
No, seaweed is not the food that I like.
I like... - He pai ki a au...

He pai ki ahau te mea nei.
I like this thing.
I like... - He pai ki a au...

Engari, he pai ki ahau te tae.
But I like the colour.
I like... - He pai ki a au...

He pai te tāwara o te pata heihei ki a au.
I like the flavour of butter chicken.
I like... - He pai ki a au...

He aha ngā mea pai ki a koe?
What things do you like?
I like... - He pai ki a au...

Tēnā, he aha te kai pai ki a koe?
Okay then, what food do you like?
I like... - He pai ki a au...

He ika me te maramara rīwai te kai pai ki a ia.
He likes fish and chips.
I like... - He pai ki a au...

He pai ki a ia te hāte kahurangi me te pōtae.
He likes the blue shirt and the black hat.
I like... - He pai ki a au...

He pai ake tīma i tōku tīma.
Your team is better than my team.
Negating the past agent emphatic - ehara i...

He pai ake te tīma Kahurangi i te tīma Āwhiowhio.
The Blues are better than the Hurricanes.
Comparatives (better than...) - pai ake...

He pai atu te tīma Kahurangi i te tīma Āwhiowhio.
The Blues are better than the Hurricanes.
Comparatives (better than...) - pai ake...

Haere atu ki korā ai, kia pai ai titiro.
Go over there to stand so you can have a good look.
In order to... - kia... ai...

Me haere wawe tātou kia pai ai tātou tirohanga atu.
Let's go early so that we can get a good view.
In order to... - kia... ai...

pai hoki.
How good you are!
How... - tō... hoki

Tōna pai hoki.
How good she is!
How... - tō... hoki

He pai ake pea kia haere atu ki tētahi atu kura kaua ko tēnei.
Perhaps its better if she goes to a different school, not this one.
Another, a different - tētahi atu

Ehara tēnei kēmu i te pai ki ahau.
I do not like this game.
I don't like... - Ehara... i te pai...

Ehara ngā kai moana i te pai ki a ia.
He does not like seafood.
I don't like... - Ehara... i te pai...

Ehara tēnei kiriata i te pai ki a koe?
Do you not like this movie?
I don't like... - Ehara... i te pai...

Ehara tērā pōtae i te pai ki te kōtiro.
The girl does not like that hat.
I don't like... - Ehara... i te pai...

Ehara ngā pukapuka o te whare i te pai ki a rāua.
They do not like the books in the house.
I don't like... - Ehara... i te pai...

Ehara te rorohiko hou i te pai ki a koe?
Do you not like the new computer?
I don't like... - Ehara... i te pai...

Ehara te kēmu hou i te pai ki ngā tamariki.
The children do not like the new game.
I don't like... - Ehara... i te pai...

Ehara ngā hōiho i te pai ki a Hōne.
Hōne does not like horses.
I don't like... - Ehara... i te pai...

Ehara tēnei pukapuka i te pai ki a koe?
Do you not like this book?
I don't like... - Ehara... i te pai...

Kei te tino pai a Rangi.
Rangi is very good.

He tangata pai te tangata nei.
This man is a good man.

He pai tēnei wāhi.
This place is nice.

He pai tēnei.
This is good.

Ka pai te kai.
The food is good.

Haere pai atu!
Go well!

Inanahi ka pai te kei.
Yesterday, the food was good.

Apōpō ka pai te kai.
Tomorrow the food will be good.

He pai noa tēnei wai.
This water is just right.

I tēnei ka pai te kai.
Today the food is good.

Noho pai mai!
Look after yourself!

Kei te pai tāua.
We're (us two) okay.

He pai tēnei kai.
This food is good.

Kei te pai māua.
We're (not you) okay.

I kite au i a Mea inapō. Pai tōna āhua.
I saw Thingy last night. S/he was looking good.

Kei te pai kōrua.
You two (not me) are okay.

Kei te pai rāua.
Those two (not us) are okay.

Kei te pai tātou.
We're (us three +) okay.

I āhua pai ahau.
I was somewhat good.

Kei te pai mātou.
We're (not you) okay.

Ka āhua pai ahau.
I will be somewhat good.

Kei te pai koutou.
You're (not me) okay.

Kei te tino pai a Mere.
Mere is very good.

Kei te pai ia.
She's okay.

ō toroa ka pai ai te whiu o pane.
The toss of your head will look good because of your albatross feathers.

He pai ki a koe te raihi?
Do you like rice?

I tino pai a Mere.
Mere was very good.

He pai te noho kore waka.
It's good not having a car.

Ka tino pai a Mere.
Mere will be very good.

Ka pai e aku moko, ka pai.
Well done my grandchildren, well done.

He awa tino pai tēnei te hopu tuna.
This was a very good river for catching eels.

He tino pai tēnei, he hararei!
This is a very good day - a holiday!

He pai te tākaro!
Playing is fun!

He pai tōna ngākau.
He has a good heart.

Ka pai , hoake tāua!
Ka pai, let's go.

I pai ahau.
I was good.

Hoki pai atu!
Get home safely!

I āhua pai koe.
You were somewhat good.

He pai te whakaaro.
The idea is good.

Ka āhua pai koe.
You will be somewhat good.

Tino pai ngā mahi.
The work is very good.

Te pai o tēnā whakaaro.
The goodness of the thought.

Kei te āhua pai a Rangi.
Rangi is somewhat good.

Kia pai !
Have a good day!

I tino pai a Hēmi.
Hēmi was very good.

Ka tino pai a Hēmi.
Hēmi will be very good.

He tangata pai atu.
A better person.

He tangata tino pai rawa atu.
A great person.

Kei to pai tēnā.
That's fine.

Āe, kei te pai au.
Yes, I'm good.

Ka pai te waiata a ngā kōtiro.
The girls sang nicely.

Kei te āhua pai ahau.
I'm pretty good.

Kei te āhua pai a Mere.
Mere is somewhat good.

He pai te ahokore ki tēnei wāhi.
The wifi is good in this place.

Ke mea mai ia, ka pai tana kaiako ki te waiata.
He says that his teacher is good at singing.

He pai ēnei.
These are good.

Kāore ahau e pai ana ki te kai hikareti.
I do not like smoking cigarettes.

Kei te pai koe, ?
You're okay, aren't you?

I āhua pai ia.
He or she was somewhat good.

Ka āhua pai ia.
He or she will be somewhat good.

He tino pai hoki koe.
You're very good.

I aha koe i te mutunga wiki? He pai āhua!
What did you do in the weekend? You look great!

He pai taku hararei!
My holiday was good!

He tino pai mahi.
You've done a good job.

Kei te āhua pai a Hēmi.
Hēmi is somewhat good.

He waiata pai tēnei.
This is a nice song.

Kei whea mai te pai o te mahi nei.
What an excellent job.

Ka pai ki te tūtaki i a koe!
Nice to meet you!

Kia ora e hoa. Pai te tutaki i a koe.
Hi mate. Nice to meet you.

He tangata pai rawa atu.
A very good person.

Mōrena. Pai moe?
Morning. Did you sleep well?

Ka pai !
How great!

He pai ake te huawhenua i te miti.
Vegetables are better than meat.

He pai ake te raihi i te riwai.
Rice is better than potatoes.

He pai ake a Te Tai Rawhiti?
Is the Eastland region better?

I āhua pai a Rangi.
Rangi was somewhat good.

He pai ake te koata pauna i te Makanui.
A quarter pounder is better than a Big Mac.

He pai ake a Ahuriri i a Te Tai Hauāuru.
Napier is better than the Westland region.

Ka āhua pai a Rangi.
Rangi will be somewhat good.

Kia pai Te Aranga.
Have a good Easter.

Ki a au nei, he pai ake te hēki i te panana.
In my opinion, eggs and better than bananas.

He pai ake a Ūropi i a Rūhia.
Europe is better than Russia.

He pai tōku kura.
My school is good.

He tino pai a Hera ki te kōrero, he tino mōhio ki te karakia.
Hera was good at speaking, and also knowledgeable on karakia.

Kāore e pai a Honi ki te keri i te hāngī.
Honi isn't good at digging the hāngī pit.

Ka pai ia.
He or she will be good.

Kia pai te Kirihimete.
Have a good Christmas.

Ka pai ki te tūtaki i a koe.
It is good to meet you.

Kia pai hararei.
Have a good holiday.

Ki taku nei whakaaro, he tāone pai a Tūrangi.
In my thinking, Tūrangi is a good town.

He pai a Pita ki te tiaki i ngā tamariki.
Pita is good at looking after children.

He pai tōku kura.
My school is good.

Kia pai ō moemoeā.
Sweet dreams.

Kei te āhua pai ngā whakaritenga,.
The arrangements are quite good.

He kai pai te kūmara.
Kumara is good food

He pai tāku kai.
My food is good.

Ka pai hoki!
Good one alright!

He pai tāna kōrero.
Her talk was good.

Ko ngā iwi katoa e pai ana ki te haka.
All of the iwi are good at doing haka.

Ke pai te kurī.
The dog is good.

I tino pai ahau.
I was very good.

He mea pai tonu.
It's still okay.

He kōtiro pai ia.
She's a good girl.

Kei te pai noa iho taku mahi.
My work is easy peasy.

Kei te āhua pai koe.
You are somewhat good.

He whare pai te whare nei.
This house is a good house.

He waiata pai pēnei.
This is a nice song.

E hoa, he tino pai taku mutunga wiki!
Mate, my weekend was great.

Kāore te Māori e pai ki te tangata whakahīhī.
Māori people don't like skites.

I tae pai katoa rātou ki uta.
They all reached the shore safely.

He pai te kite i a koe.
Nice to see you.

I āhua pai a Mere.
Mere was somewhat good.

He ākonga pai ahau.
I am a good student.

Kāore au e pai ki tōku taokete.
I don't like my sister-in-law.

Ka wani ! He mīharo! Kātahi te ingoa pai ko tērā.
Wicked! Amazing! That is a good name.

E, pai ake te haere ki te awa.
Yes, it's better to go to the river.

Ka pai tēnā!
That's good.

He paki te , he pai te kai, he pai te kōrero.
It was a sunny day, good food, good conversation.

He pai ake te amiami i te kamuputu.
Herbal tea is better than gumboot tea.

Kei te āhua pai ia.
He or she is somewhat good.

Tōna pai nei.
Sort of OK.

Tana mea pai he kōura.
She likes crayfish.

He pai rāua ko tana hoa ki te waiata.
She and her friend are good singers.

Nāwai i pai te tiki, kua kino.
For some time, all went well with the fetching, then it got bad.

He kaka tino pai tēnā.
That's a really nice dress.

He koti tino pai rawa atu tēnā.
That's an extremely nice coat there.

I tino pai koe.
You were very good.

He pai panekoti.
Your skirt is nice.

Ka tino pai koe.
You will be very good.

Kia pai .
Have a good day.

Ka pai tātou!
Good one everyone!

Kia pai wiki.
Have a good week.

Kei te tino pai ahau.
I am very good.

Kia pai hui.
Have a good meeting.

Pāpā, nāku i raka te whare, Ataahua i whakaweto te hikohiko. Kua pai tātou.
Pāpā, I locked the house. Ataahua turned the power off. We are fine.

Kai pai mahi.
Have a good time at your work.

Kia pai hararei!
Have a good holiday.

He pai tēnei hāte.
This is a nice shirt.

I āhua pai a Hēmi.
Hēmi was somewhat good.

Ka pai !
How great!

Ka āhua pai a Hēmi.
Hēmi will be somewhat good.

Kei te pai kōrua?
You two okay?

Ka pai te mahi, tamariki !
Well done children!

Me pai ō kōrua kākahu. Kia kamakama!
Your clothes need to look tidy. Quick!

Kei te tino pai koe.
You are very good.

Rite pai nei.
Like you in a good way.

pai hoki!
You're good alright!

Kāore au e pai ki...
I do not like...

Kia ora māmā te kai pai nei.
Thanks mum for this good food.

Kāore au e pai ki te inu waipiro i te ata.
I do not like drinking wine in the morning.

Ki tōku nei whakaaro, koinei te mea pai rawa.
In my opinion, this is the best one.

Kāore au a pai ki te oma ā muri i te kai.
I don't like running after eating.

Ka nui te pai au.
I'm really good.

He pai tēnei kai, ?
This food is great, eh?

He pai tērā kōrero, ?
That was a good talk, wasn't it?

Kua pai āianei?
Is that better?

He pai te kounga o tēnei panekoti.
The quality of this skirt is good.

He pai rawa atu tāu mahi.
Your work is very good.

He tangata pai koe.
You are a good person.

He tino pai tēnei pukapuka āna.
This book of his is very good.

E Rangi, he pai ake tēnei momo paihikara.
According to Rangi, this type of bike is better.

Kia ora, kei te pai ahau.
Thanks, I'm good.

Kei te āhua pai au.
I'm somewhat good.

He tino pai ēnei pukapuka āna.
These books of his are very good.

He tāone pai a Rakiura, a Waikanae hoki.
Stewart Island and Waikanae are nice cities.

I te kōanga te pai te tirotiro i tērā wāhi.
The best time to see that area is in the spring.

I tino pai ia.
He or she was very good.

Ko te pai o ngā hui raumati, he moata te tākiritanga mai o te ata.
The good thing about summer meetings is that the mornings start early.

Kua pai ināianei.
It's good now.

He tika te a tātou ariki, te kōtiro nei i pai mai ki a Ponga, kāti me āwhina e tātou.
The words of our leader are just; because this girl loves Ponga, we should support her.

Kei te tino pai ia.
He or she is very good.

Kāore au e pai ki te rēmana, he kawa!
I don't like lemons, they're sour.

E kāo. Kei te pai au.
No, I am fine.

, ka pai tēnā.
That's better, now.

Ka tino pai a Rangi.
Rangi will be very good.

Kei te tino pai au.
I'm very good.

He pai te āhua o tēnei pikitia.
This movie looks good.

He pēkana te kai pai ki a au.
Bacon is what I like.

He āhua pai tēnei pāki.
This burger is somewhat good.

He keke te kai pai ki tōku hoa.
Cake is what my friend likes.

Ko Aroha taku taokete, he tino pai ia. Koia kei te āwhina mai i ōku mātua i ia rangi, i ia rangi.
Aroha is my sister in law, she is great. She helps my parents everyday.

Ko tēnei tētahi o ngā mea pai rawa.
This is one of the best ones.

He pai ētahi o āna waiata.
Some of his songs are good.

He pai tēnei.
Today is a good day.

He pai te koroua mihi.
The elderly man's greeting was excellent.

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