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Results for 'pakeke'

pakeke - hard, stiff (adj); to grow up (v); age, adult, elder (n)

Kei te kai ngā pakeke i ngā kina me ngā pāua. Kei te pūhaehae mātou.
The elderly are eating kina and pāua. We are jealous.
Simple sentences: present tense with a verb - kei te

I pakeke ake ia i Te Waipounamu.
He grew up in the South Island.
Simple sentences: past tense - i

I pakeke ake au i Te Tai Hauāuru, engari ko Te Tai Rawhiti tōku ake kāinga.
I grew up in the Westland region but the Eastland region is my real home.
Conjunctions - but - engari

Kia pakeke au, ka hoko whare nui au, mōku.
When I grow up, I'll buy a big house for myself.
When - Kia

Kāore ngā pakeke i te kai i te kānga pirau.
The elderly are not eating the rotten corn.
Negations of the present tense (I am not working) - Kāore... i te...

I pakeke whaea i hea?
Where did your mum grow up?
Family relationships - mother - mama, whaea

Ka rawe hoki! E hia te pakeke o whaea?
Excellent! How old is your mum?
Family relationships - mother - mama, whaea

E hia te pakeke o tuakana?
How old is your older brother?
Family relationships - older sibling of the same sex - tuakana

Kei te kōtiro te tino pakeke te pēke taumaha.
The oldest girl will have the heavy pack.
Future locatives - kei te

Kei te kai ngā pakeke i te kānga pirau.
The elderly are eating the rotten corn.

I pakeke ake koe i hea?
Where did you grow up?

I pakeke koe i hea?
Where did you grow up?

I pakeke hoa i hea?
Where did your friend grow up?

I pakeke pāpā i hea?
Where did your dad grow up?

I pakeke ō kaumātua i hea?
Where did your grandparents grow up?

E whā tau tōna pakeke ake i a Rāhera, tōna hoa rangatira.
He is four years older than Rāhera, his significant other.

He pakeke ia.
He's an adult.

Tekau toru tau te pakeke o Tīwana.
Tīwana is thirteen years old.

Tekau rua tau te pakeke o Riripeti.
Riripeti is twelve years old.

I pakeke ake tāne i hea?
Where did your hubby grow up?

Tekau waru te pakeke o tana tungāne.
Her brother is 18.

E toru tau te pakeke o Hūhana.
Hūhana is three.

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