On-line Te Reo Māori Dictionary

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Results for 'paoro'

paoro - ball

pōro - ball (also 'paoro')

haupaoro - golf

mekepaoro - volleyball

whutupaoro - rugby

Kua tākaro rāua i te whutupaoro.
They have played rugby.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua

I pēwhea te tākaro whutupaoro a Amaru?
How was Amaru's rugby game?
How is...? - E pēwhea ana, he pēwhea?

Kāore anō rāua kia tākaro i te whutupaoro.
They have not played rugby yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...

Ka pangaa atu to pāoro e Tawa ki a Hēmi.
Tawa passes the ball to Hēmi.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Kei te tākaro rātou i te pā whutupāoro.
They are playing touch rugby.

I hea te paoro a Aria?
Where was Aria's ball?

Ka patu te kōtiro i te paoro.
The girl hits the ball.

Kei te tākaro whutupāoro rātou.
They are playing football.

He porotaka, he whero, he piata te paoro kirikiti.
Cricket balls are round, red and shiny.

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