Results for 'putiputi'
Ehara i a Aria ēnei putiputi i katokato.
Aria didn't pick these flowers.
Negations of identity sentences - ehara...
Kei roto ngā putiputi i te ipu.
The flowers are in the vase.
Sentences with i - i
Kia hia ngā putiputi i te whare karakia?
How many flowers do you need in the church?
How many are needed? - Kia hia
Nā te kōtiro ngā putiputi i raranga.
It was the girl who wove the flowers.
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic
Nā Taika ēnei putiputi i katokato.
Taika picked these flowers.
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic
Mā Hēmi ngā putiputi nei.
These flowers are for Hēmi.
Unrealised possession - mā, māku
Kāore ngā putiputi e tupu i te marumaru.
The flowers will not flourish in the shade.
Negations of the future (I will not go) - Kāore... e...
Mā wai ngā putiputi e kato?
Who will pick the flowers?
Who will? - mā wai?
Kāore tērā putiputi i te ātaahua.
That flower is not beautiful.
Negating he with characteristic - Kāore
E hia kē mai nei ngā putiputi ātaahua i tēnei kōanga.
What a lot of beautiful flowers this spring.
E hia kē mai nei ngā putiputi ātaahua i tēnei kōanga.
What a lot of beautiful flowers this spring.
He ātaahua ngā putiputi kōwhai.
The yellow flowers are pretty.