pūhā - green spinach-like vegetable
Kei te kato pūhā au ā te Hātarei.I am picking pūhā on Saturday.Simple sentences: present tense with a verb - kei te
Nā ngā tamariki te pūhā i kato.The children picked the pūhā.Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic
Nā wai te pūhā i kato?Who picked the pūhā?Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic
Nānā te pūhā i kato.She/he picked the pūhā.Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic
Mānā te pūhā e kato.She will pick the pūhā.Future agent emphatic - māku
Mā ngā tamariki te pūhā e kato.The children will pick the pūhā.Future agent emphatic - māku
Ka pēwhea te pūha nei?How is the pūha?How is...? - E pēwhea ana, he pēwhea?
Mā wai te pūhā e kato?Who will pick the pūhā?Who will? - mā wai?
Kua kai pūhā koe?Have you tried pūhā?
I kato pūhā au.I gathered milk thistle.
He kūtai, he pūhā tēnei toroī.This fermented food is mussels and pūhā.