Results for 'rangatira'
rangatira - chief, leader, boss
rangatiratanga - control; greatness; freedom; kingdom; sovereignty
tino rangatiratanga - sovereignty
Ko Rewi te rangatira.
Rewi is the chief.
Identity sentences - ko...
Ko ia te rangatira o tēnei tari.
She's the boss of this department.
Identity sentences - ko...
Ehara tōku pāpā i te rangatira.
My father is not a leader.
Negations of identity sentences - ehara...
Ehara ngā rangatira i a Moki rāua ko Tū-te-kawa.
Moki and Tū-te-kawa were not the chiefs.
Negations of identity sentences - ehara...
Ehara tērā tāne i te rangatira.
That man is not the boss.
Negations of identity sentences - ehara...
Nā te rangatira taua īmēra i pānui.
It was the boss who read that (aforementioned) email.
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic
Mā te rangatira o te iwi te hui e tīmata ki te karakia.
The chief of the tribe will begin the meeting with the prayer.
Future agent emphatic - māku
Mā te rangatira o te hapū te karakia e taki hei tīmata i te hui.
The chief of the subtribe will begin the meeting with the karakia.
Future agent emphatic - māku
Mā te rangatira o te hapū te karakia e taki hei tīmata i te hui.
The chief of the subtribe will begin the meeting with the karakia.
Future agent emphatic - māku
Mehemea ko au, e kore au e whakaae. Heoi anō, ko koe kē te rangatira, ehara i a au.
If it were me, I wouldn't agree to it. Still / However, you're the boss, not me.
Conjunctions - on the other hand, however - heoi anō
Ka kite o reira taitamariki rangatira i taua kōtiro nei, i a Puhihuia,.
The young chiefs from there was this girl, Puhihuia.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
He rangatira tōku pāpā.
My father is a leader.
Categorizing sentences - he
Ko Tūhawaiki te rangatira o Murihuku i tērā ray tau.
Tūhawaiki was the chief of Murihiku last century.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...
Kua whakawātea tō mātou rangatira i tōna tūranga.
Our boss has returned from his position.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...
Ko Moki rāua ko Tū-te-kawa ngā rangatira.
Moki and Tu-te-kawa were the chiefs.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...
Nā te rangatira taua īmēra i pānui.
It was the boss who read that (aforementioned) email.
That aforementioned thing - taua, aua
Ngā rākau a ō tātou rangatira.
Our chief's weapons.
Sentences with two possessives - a, o
Kātahi tō rātou rangatira, a Rua, ka mea....
Then their chief, Rua, said...
Ngā tāngata katoa i kata me te rangatira atu.
All the people, including the chief, laughed.
He kākahu rangatira ō rātou.
They have flash clothes.
E whā tau tōna pakeke ake i a Rāhera, tōna hoa rangatira.
He is four years older than Rāhera, his significant other.
Ko Te Kooti te rangatira.
To Kooti is the chief.
He rangatira ia.
He is a chief.
E te rangatira!
Express of respect to chief or highly respected person.
Kia tū rangatira!
Let's be chiefly!
A tērā wiki, kei te haere mai tētahi rangatira ki tō mātou kāinga.
Next week, a chief is coming to our home.
E haere ana te rangatira.
The chief is going.
Āe, koia te rangatira o te kamupene, he tokomaha ana kaimahi.
Yup, he is the boss of the company. He has a lot of workers.
Ko Pāora te rangatira.
Pāora is the chief.
Ko Bob te rangatira i te tari nei.
Bob is the boss at this department.
Tō tātou rangatira.
Our chief.
E kōrero ana tō kōutou rangatira ki tāna tamaiti.
Your chief is talking to his child.
Tā te rangatira kai.
The chief's food.
Ko Ponga tētahi tangata rangatira o rātou.
Ponga was one of their chiefs.