Results for 'rangi'
rangi - sky, day
rārangi - line, row
pīrangi - to want, desire
whārangi - page (n); spread flat (v)
kahurangi - dark blue; woman of high status or rank
hāparangi - to shout, bawl
irirangi - radio (usually as reo irirangi)
aorangi - planet
haurangi - drunk
ranginamu - handsome
rangiwhata - bragger
ipurangi - internet
kairangi - excellence
Poutu-te-rangi - March
pukarangi - chromebook
Whiringa-ā-rangi - November
amiorangi - satellite
amorangi - leader; priest
ātārangi - shadow
erangi - but
hekerangi - parachute
hīrangi - heatwave
ikarangi - galaxy
Ingarangi - England
kaipōkai tūārangi - astronaut
kikorangi - blue sky; dark blue
ngenge rererangi - jet lag
pekerangi - ozone layer
pīrangitia - (pass) be wanted, be desired
pōrangi - crazy; idiot
Poutū-te-rangi - March
rangimārie - peaceful
rangirua - uncertain
rangitahi - temporary
rangitoto - lava; scoria
rārangi kupu - vocabulary
rārangi tatari - waiting list
rārangi tono - menu (computer)
reo irirangi - radio
rewarangi - pedestrian crossing
takarangi - faint; giddy; stagger
tākirirangi - space rocket
taunga wakarererangi - airport
taurangi - changeable; incomplete; wanderer
taurima rererangi - flight attendant
tōmairangi - dew
tūārangi - from far away; ancient; important
tūhourangi - uncultured, rough
whare kairangi - palace
Kotirangi - Scotland
Huiterangi - Switzerland
waka rererangi - airplane
whetūrangitia - to appear above the horizon (pass)
wakarererangi - plane
whakaorangia - deliver
i te rangi nei - this day
te rangi nei - this day
Ranginui - Atua of the sky
ihirangi - dawn
rangiwhāwhā - widespread, extensive, pervasive
Kei Mahurangi kē koe. - You're away with the fairies!
ngirangira - hand
Te rangi i taka iho! - That'll be the day! (When they sky falls down!)
Ai ua, ai hau, ai marangi. - A woman who is multifaceted in her personality.
Kua pōrangihia tō pīnati. - You're stupid.
Ko Koa tērā tangata.
That man is Koa.
Identity sentences - ko...
Ko wai te kaiwhakahaere? Ko au tonu!
Who is the orangiser? Actually, it's me!
Asking who - Ko wai...?
Ehara a Rangi i te tangata pakari.
Rangi is not a mature person.
Negations of identity sentences - ehara...
Ehara ia i te tāne ranginamu.
He is not a handsome man.
Negations of identity sentences - ehara...
Ehara ia i te tāne ranginamu.
He is not a handsome man.
Negations of identity sentences - ehara...
Kei te āhua makariri a Rangi.
Rangi is somewhat cold.
Simple sentences: present tense with a verb - kei te
Kei te tuhituhi au i te rārangi kai.
I'm writing the shopping list.
Simple sentences: present tense with a verb - kei te
Kei te mahi a Rangi i te whare.
Rangi is working at home.
Simple sentences: present tense with a verb - kei te
E pīrangi ana ahau ki te hoki ti Taupō.
I want to return to Taupō.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
E pīrangi ana a Pita ki tēnā aihikirimi.
Pita is wanting that icecream by you.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
E pīrangi ana a Hana ki tēnā aihikirimi.
Hana desires/wants that icecream by you.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
E tatari ana au ki te rārangi kia hoko ai i ōku hū.
I am waiting in the queue to pay for my shoes.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
E hiahia ana au ki tērā kākahu kahurangi.
I want that blue dress.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
E rapu ana ia i tētahi rangimarietanga.
He's looking for peace of mind.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
E pīrangi ana koe ki tēnei tī hāte kōwhai?
Are you wanting this yellow t-shirt?
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
E pīrangi ana ahau ki te āporo rā.
I am wanting that apple.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
E pīrangi ana a Māui ki tēnā aihikirimi.
Māui desires/wants that icecream by you.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
I hoko a Rangi i te waka.
Rangi bought the car.
Simple sentences: past tense - i
I noho rātou ki te kāinga o Pāora.
They stayed at Pāora's home.
Simple sentences: past tense - i
I pīrangi a Tau ki te haere hei mema pāremata.
Tau wanted to become an MP.
Simple sentences: past tense - i
I tino pai a Rangi.
Rangi was very good.
Simple sentences: past tense - i
I te pīrangi koe ki te kaputī?
Did you want a tea?
Simple sentences: past tense - i te
Ka rere te waka rererangi ki Tāmaki Makaurau ā te ahiahi.
The plane will fly to Auckland in the afternoon.
Simple sentences: past tense - i te
Ka tino māuiui a Rangi.
Rangi will be very sick.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Ka tino whakatā a Rangi.
Rangi will be very relaxed.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Ka tino riri a Rangi.
Rangi will be very angry.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Ka āhua mokemoke a Rangi.
Rangi will be somewhat lonely.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Ka āhua māuiui a Rangi.
Rangi will be somewhat sick.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Ka āhua māharahara a Rangi.
Rangi will be somewhat anxious.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Ka āhua riri a Rangi.
Rangi will be somewhat angry.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Ka āhua makariri a Rangi.
Rangi will be somewhat cold.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Ka hoki mai au ā tēnei Whiringa-ā-rangi.
I will return this November.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Ka tino matekai a Rangi.
Rangi will be very starving.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Kua haere a Manu ki tāwāhi.
Manu's gone overseas.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua
Kua mārama a Rangi i te kaupapa.
Rangi has understood the topic.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua
Me ārahi a Rangi i te tira.
Rangi should lead the group.
Simple sentences: you should - me
Whakaorangia mātou i te kino.
Deliver us from evil.
Sentences with i - i
Ka haere i te ara i runga i te rangitoto, ke ahu ki Onehunga.
[They] went along the path over the scoria and headed to Onehunga.
Sentences with i - i
Kei Rangitīkei tāku pāpā e mahi ana.
My father is working in Rangitīkei.
Kia hāparangi te waha!
Shout it!
Mild imperatives (You should be...) - kia
Mai i tōku tamarikitanga pīrangi ai ahau ki te mahi nēhi.
Since childhood I have always wanted to be a nurse.
Habitual action - ai
Mai i tōku tamarikitanga pīrangi ai au ki te mahi hei nēhi.
Since childhood I have always wanted to work as a nurse.
Habitual action - ai
Tēnā tangohia ngā kākahu i te rārangi?
Could you please remove the washing from the line?
Could you please make me... - Tēnā mahia mai he... māku.
E kore e ua i te rangi nei, hei aha tō koti.
It's not going to rain today, never mind your coat.
Never mind the... No worries! - Hei aha te..., Kia ahatia@
Nō muri i te piringa o Rangi rāua ko Papa ka whānau mai ngā tamariki.
After the union of Rangi and Papa, the children were born.
Belonging to the past - nō
Nō te wā o te piringa o Rangi rāua ko Papa ka tupu te werawera, ka rērere te kohu.
At the time of the union of Rangi and Papa, the heat grew, the mist rose.
Belonging to the past - nō
Nō mua i te piringa ki a Rangi, ka moe a Papa rāua ko Tangaroa.
Before the union with Rangi, Papa was in a relationship with Tangaroa.
Belonging to the past - nō
Nō tētahi rangi o Nōema, ka whakamōhiotia mai kua whakaaetia tā mātou tono.
One day in November, we were informed that our application had been successful.
Belonging to the past - nō
Ko tēnei he reta nō Ingarangi mai.
This is a letter from England.
Belonging to a place - nō
Nō Kotirangi nō Ingarangi hoki ōku tūpuna.
My ancestors are from Scotland and England.
Belonging to a place - nō
Nō Ingarangi a Rangi.
Rangi is from England.
Belonging to a place - nō
Nō Tauranga a Rangi.
Rangi is from Tauranga.
Belonging to a place - nō
Nō Kotirangi ōku tūpuna.
My ancestors are from Scotland.
Belonging to a place - nō
Nō Kotirangi nō Ingarangi hoki ōku tūpuna.
My ancestors are from Scotland and England.
Belonging to a place - nō
Nā wai a Papa rāua ko Rangi i whakawehe?
Who separated Papa and Rangi?
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic
Mā Koa e tuhituhi te rārangi kai.
Koa will write the shopping list.
Future agent emphatic - māku
E hūrori haere ana ia ānō nei kua haurangi.
He was staggering along as if he was drunk
It was as if - ānō nei
Hoatu koe ki mua o te rārangi.
You go to the front of the queue.
You go on ahead - hoatu koe
Kei roto a Kahurangi rāua ko Hōhepa i tō rāua whare.
Kahurangi and Hōhepa are inside their house.
In, on, by, under... - kei runga...
Kei roto a Amaru rāua ko Kauri i tō rāua whare.
Amaru and Kauri are inside their house.
In, on, by, under... - kei runga...
Mā runga waka rererangi ahau haere ai.
I travelled by plane.
Travelling by means of - mā runga
Kei te haere ia mā runga wakarererangi.
He/she is travelling by plane.
Travelling by means of - mā runga
Kāore au i te taraiwa, ka haere mā runga i te waka rererangi.
I'm not driving, I'm going by plane.
Travelling by means of - mā runga
Kei te haere au mā runga waka rererangi.
I am travelling by plane.
Travelling by means of - mā runga
Kei te haere au mā runga i te waka rererangi.
I am travelling by plane.
Travelling by means of - mā runga
Mā runga waka rererangi.
By plane.
Travelling by means of - mā runga
Kaua a Rangi e ārahina te tira.
Rangi shouldn't lead the group.
Negations of 'me' - We shouldn't... - Kaua... (passive) e...
E mōhiotia whānuitia ana a Te Puea Hērangi e ngā tāngata Māori o te motu.
Te Puea Hērangi is widely known by Māori people from all over the land.
Passive sentences - tikina...
Kua whāngaia te ngeru e a Rangi.
The cat was fed by Rangi.
Passive sentences - tikina...
Ka pīrangitia e ia ngā mea katoa.
All the things are wanted by him.
Passive sentences - tikina...
Ka mutu ngā karakia a Te Aotaki ka werohia e ia a Rangipopo.
Te Aotaki finished his incantations and then he invoked Rangipopo.
Passive sentences - tikina...
I pōkia te rangi e ngā kapua.
They sky was covered over by the clouds.
Passive sentences - tikina...
Ke tukuna e Wairangi tana taurekareka ki a Pare-whete.
His servant was sent by Wairangi to Para-whete.
Passive sentences - tikina...
Ko Papatūānuku te aorangi tuatoru mai i te rā. Kei waho atu i a tātou ko Matawhero, ā, kei waho atu i a ia, ko Pareārau. Ā, ko Kōpū, ko Whiro kei roto atu.
The Earth is the third planet from the sun. Farther out from us is Mars, and out from Mars is Jupiter. Further in from us our Venus and Mercury.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu
Ka rere ngā wakarererangi i runga ake i taku whare i ngā rā katoa.
Planes fly over my house every day.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu
Nō hea i uia te pono o ngā kōrero i tana whārangi pukumata.
The truth of what she put on her facebook page was never questioned.
A strong or emphatic negative. - Nō hea, nō whea
Tēnā koe e hoa, e pīrangi ana koe ki te haere ki te tāone hei whakanui i ā tāua mahi?
Thanks mate, do you want to go to town to celebrate our work?
For the purpose of - hei
Kāore anō a Rangi kia mārama i te kaupapa.
Rangi has not understood the topic yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kei te tino hiakai a Rangi.
Rangi is very hungry.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te
Kei te tino matekai a Rangi.
Rangi is very starving.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te
Kei te tino pukuriri a Rangi.
Rangi is very grumpy.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te
Kei te tino makariri a Rangi.
Rangi is very cold.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te
Kei te āhua hiakai a Rangi.
Rangi is somewhat hungry.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te
Kei te āhua āwangawanga a Rangi.
Rangi is somewhat worried.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te
Kei te āhua māngere a Rangi.
Rangi is somewhat lazy.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te
Kei te āhua wera a Rangi.
Rangi is somewhat hot.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te
Kāore ia i te pīrangi ki tērā waka.
She does not want that car.
Negations of the present tense (I am not working) - Kāore... i te...
Kāore a Rangi i te mahi i te whare.
Rangi is not working at home.
Negations of the present tense (I am not working) - Kāore... i te...
Kāore au i te pīrangi ki tētehi kai pērā i tēnei ata.
I do not want any food like that this morning.
Negations of the present tense (I am not working) - Kāore... i te...
I raro i te rākau a Rangi.
Rangi was under the tree.
Locatives - past (something was somewhere) - i te
I Ingarangi koe?
Were you in England?
Locatives - past (something was somewhere) - i te
Kāore a Rangi i hoko i te waka.
Rangi did not buy the car.
Negations of the past tense - Kāore... i...
Kāore te moni i riro i a Rangi.
The money was not taken by Rangi.
Negating statives - kāore i... i ahau...
Ka haere i te ara i runga i te rangitoto.
They went along the path over the coria.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Ka pīrangi ia ki ngā mea katoa.
He wants all the things.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Ka kite mai a Rangi-uru-hinga, he taniwha tēnei kei Moana-ariki e noho ana, i te kino o te mahi a Kupe ki a Hotu.
Rangi-uru-hinga, who was a taniwha living in Moana-ariki, saw the wickedness of Kupu's treatment of Hotu.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Kāore te waka rererangi e rere ki Tāmaki Makaurau ā te ahiahi.
The plane will not fly to Auckland in the afternoon.
Negations of the future (I will not go) - Kāore... e...
He tangata pakari a Rangi.
Rangi is a mature person.
Categorizing sentences - he
He kahurangi ōna karu.
Her eyes are blue.
Categorizing sentences - he
He tāne ranginamu ia.
He is a handsome man.
Categorizing sentences - he
He tāne tangi ranginamu.
He is a handsome man.
Categorizing sentences - he
Kāore au e whanga ana ki te rārangi.
I will not wait in the queue.
Negations of e... ana... sentences - kāore... e... ana...
Nōku tēnei waka rererangi.
This airplane is mine.
Established possession - nāku, nōku...
Me waea mai mēnā e pīrangi ana koe kia tīkina atu.
Call me if you need a ride.
Conjunctions - if - mēnā
Kei hea ngā uri o Te Rangihiroa? Kāore ōna uri.
Where are the descendants of Te Rangihiroa? He had none.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...
Ko Ingarangi pea te kīnga tūturu o te nuinga o te iwi Pākehā.
The original home of most Pākehā people is probably England.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...
Ko Aorangi te tino maunga o Ngāi Tahu.
Aorangi is the foremost mountain of Ngāi Tahu.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...
Ka roa noa atu tōku rerenga i roto i tōku rererangi.
I can go for miles in my airplane.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...
Kāore te ngeru i whāngaia e a Rangi.
The cat was not fed by Rangi.
Negating passive sentences - Kāore... e...
Kīhai i pīrangi tōna whaea ki a ia.
His mother did not want him.
Family relationships - mother - mama, whaea
He aha tō pīrangi hei kai?
What do you want to eat?
What? - He aha?
He aha tāu e pīrangi ana?
What is it that you want?
What? - He aha?
He aha tā Rangi e pīrangi ana?
What does Rangi want?
What? - He aha?
He aha tō pirangi hei kaikai?
What do you want to eat?
What? - He aha?
Kei te pīrangi au ki tēnā pukapuka.
I want that book (of yours).
That (near you) - tēnā, te... nā
He kikorangi te tae o tēnā.
That colour is blue.
That (near you) - tēnā, te... nā
Kei te pīrangi hoki au i tēnā hāte.
I want that shirt too.
That (near you) - tēnā, te... nā
Kei te pīrangi ia ki tērā waka.
She wants that car.
That (over there) - tērā
He waka rererangi tērā.
That (over there) is a plane.
That (over there) - tērā
Ko Tai, ko Moana rātou ko Rangi.
Tai, Moana and Rangi.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...
I muri i te piringa o Rangi rāua ko Papa ka whānau mai ngā tamariki.
After the union of Rangi and Papa the children were born.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...
Pānuihia mai te whārangi tuarua.
Read me the second page.
Towards - mai
Ka tū mai Aorangi, te tipuna maunga o Waitaha.
There stands Aorangi, the ancestral mountain of the Waikato people.
Towards - mai
Titiro ake ki te rangi.
Look up to the sky.
Up - ake
Huri ki te whārangi tuatoru.
Turn to page three.
Ordindinal numbers (First, second, third...) - tuatahi, tuarua...
Te rārangi tuarua.
The second line.
Ordindinal numbers (First, second, third...) - tuatahi, tuarua...
Ehara ōku tūpuna nō Kotirangi, nō Ingarangi hoki.
My ancestors are not from Scotland or England.
Negating nāku possessives - Ehara i...
Ehara a Rangi nō Ingarangi.
Rangi is not from England.
Negating nāku possessives - Ehara i...
Ehara a Rangi nō Tauranga.
Rangi is not from Tauranga.
Negating nāku possessives - Ehara i...
Ehara i a au tēnei waka rererangi.
This airplane is not mine.
Negating nāku possessives - Ehara i...
Kāore a Rangi i raro i te rākau.
Rangi wasn’t under the tree.
Negation of locatives - kāore...
He pai ki a au ngā rangi pēnei, he ātaahua.
I like days like this - beautiful!
Like this, like that - pēnei, pēna, pēra
He pai ki a ia te hāte kahurangi me te pōtae.
He likes the blue shirt and the black hat.
I like... - He pai ki a au...
Kātahi te rangi pai!
What a great day!
What a... - kātahi te...
Kua riro te moni i a Rangi.
The money was taken by Rangi.
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā
He pai ake te tīma Kahurangi i te tīma Āwhiowhio.
The Blues are better than the Hurricanes.
Comparatives (better than...) - pai ake...
He pai atu te tīma Kahurangi i te tīma Āwhiowhio.
The Blues are better than the Hurricanes.
Comparatives (better than...) - pai ake...
Kei te tino pai a Rangi.
Rangi is very good.
I tino māuiui a Rangi.
Rangi was very sick.
Kei te tino ora a Rangi.
Rangi is very well.
I tino māharahara a Rangi.
Rangi was very anxious.
pirangi haere ki te retireti?
Wanna go to the slide?
Ka tino māharahara a Rangi.
Rangi will be very anxious.
pirangi haere ki te tārere?
Wanna to go to the swing?
Kei te tino hiainu a Rangi.
Rangi is very thirsty.
I tino pukumahi a Rangi.
Rangi was very busy.
Kei te tino ngenge a Rangi.
Rangi is very tired.
Ka tino pukumahi a Rangi.
Rangi will be very busy.
Kei te tino hiamoe a Rangi.
Rangi is very sleepy.
I tino āwangawanga a Rangi.
Rangi was very worried.
Kei te tino mokemoke a Rangi.
Rangi is very lonely.
Ka tino āwangawanga a Rangi.
Rangi will be very worried.
Kei te tino māuiui a Rangi.
Rangi is very sick.
I tino whakatā a Rangi.
Rangi was very relaxed.
Kei te tino māharahara a Rangi.
Rangi is very anxious.
Kāhore he rangimarie i tō rāua tūtatakitanga.
He greeted her without warmth.
Kei te tino pukumahi a Rangi.
Rangi is very busy.
I tino harikoa a Rangi.
Rangi was very happy.
Kei te tino āwangawanga a Rangi.
Rangi is very worried.
Ka tino harikoa a Rangi.
Rangi will be very happy.
Kei te tino whakatā a Rangi.
Rangi is very relaxed.
I tino riri a Rangi.
Rangi was very angry.
Kei te tino harikoa a Rangi.
Rangi is very happy.
Kei te tino riri a Rangi.
Rangi is very angry.
I tino māngere a Rangi.
Rangi was very lazy.
Kei te tino māngere a Rangi.
Rangi is very lazy.
Ka tino māngere a Rangi.
Rangi will be very lazy.
I tino pukuriri a Rangi.
Rangi was very grumpy.
Kei te tino pōuri a Rangi.
Rangi is very sad.
Ka tino pukuriri a Rangi.
Rangi will be very grumpy.
Kei te tino wera a Rangi.
Rangi is very hot.
I tino pōuri a Rangi.
Rangi was very sad.
Ka tino pōuri a Rangi.
Rangi will be very sad.
I tino wera a Rangi.
Rangi was very hot.
Ka tino wera a Rangi.
Rangi will be very hot.
I tino makariri a Rangi.
Rangi was very cold.
Ka tino makariri a Rangi.
Rangi will be very cold.
He rangi paki tēnei.
It's a fine day.
He rangi mākū.
A wet day.
Kāti, tukua mai ki Hikurangi, ki te maunga e tauria i te huka.
Enough! Let him come hither to Hikurangi, to the mountain crowned with snow.
He nui ngā kapua i te rangi.
There are lots of clouds in the sky.
Kua tāmaru te rangi.
The day is overcast.
Kei te pīrangi au ki te noho i te kāinga o Aria.
I want to live in Aria's home.
Taku toi kahurangi.
My precious jewel.
He iti kahurangi.
A little treasure.
Ka pīrangi au ki te hoko i tēnei pane koti whero.
I would like to buy this red skirt.
Ahakoa te kohu, ka rere atu te waka rererangi.
Despite the mist, the plane took off.
Auē, te āhua nei e pīrangi ana ia ki te moe.
Gosh, he looks like he needs to sleep.
Kua mate tō tātou mea kahurangi.
Our precious one has passed away.
Kei te āhua pai a Rangi.
Rangi is somewhat good.
Kei te āhua ora a Rangi.
Rangi is somewhat well.
Ko Kuikui te kahurangi o te whānau.
Kuikui is the treasure of the family.
He nui ngā kapua o te rangi.
The sky is cloudy.
Kei te āhua matekai a Rangi.
Rangi is somewhat starving.
Kei te āhua hiainu a Rangi.
Rangi is somewhat thirsty.
Kei te āhua ngenge a Rangi.
Rangi is somewhat tired.
Kei te āhua hiamoe a Rangi.
Rangi is somewhat sleepy.
Kei te āhua mokemoke a Rangi.
Rangi is somewhat lonely.
Kei te āhua māuiui a Rangi.
Rangi is somewhat sick.
Kei te pīrangi ahau ki te whakakaha i tōku reo Māori.
I want to strengthen my Māori language.
Kei te āhua māharahara a Rangi.
Rangi is somewhat anxious.
Kei te āhua pukumahi a Rangi.
Rangi is somewhat busy.
Kei te āhua whakatā a Rangi.
Rangi is somewhat relaxed.
Kei te āhua harikoa a Rangi.
Rangi is somewhat happy.
Kei te āhua riri a Rangi.
Rangi is somewhat angry.
He nui ngā rauemi kei te ipurangi.
Thers are lots of resources on the internet.
Kei te āhua pukuriri a Rangi.
Rangi is somewhat grumpy.
He kapu kāwhe tāku e pīrangi ana.
I want a cup of coffee.
Kei te āhua pōuri a Rangi.
Rangi is somewhat sad.
Huruihia te whārangi.
Turn the page.
Kei te mau ia i tētahi pōtae kākāriki, i tētahi poraka kōwhai, i tētahi tarau poto me ētahi hū kikorangi hoki.
She is wearing a green hat, yellow jersey, red shorts and blue shoes.
He pango, he kikorangi hoki ōna tōkena.
Her socks are black and blue.
Kei te harikoa koe, nē, Rangi?
You're happy aren't you, Rangi?
Kei te ngenge koe, nē rā, Mia?
You're tired, aren't you, Mia?
He rangi ātaahua tēnei!
It is a beautiful day!
He rārangi roa kei te toa.
It is a long queue at the shop.
Ka whakamahi au i tētahi pukarangi?
Can I use a chomebook.
I āhua pai a Rangi.
Rangi was somewhat good.
Tirohia ngā kapua i te rangi.
Look at the clouds in the sky.
Ka āhua pai a Rangi.
Rangi will be somewhat good.
I āhua ora a Rangi.
Rangi was somewhat well.
Ka āhua ora a Rangi.
Rangi will be somewhat well.
Kei te pīrangi koe ki te pukapuka?
Do you want a book?
I āhua hiakai a Rangi.
Rangi was somewhat hungry.
Ka āhua hiakai a Rangi.
Rangi will be somewhat hungry.
Ka whakaeke ngā tāngata ki mua o Mahinārangi.
The people gathered in front of Mahinārangi.
I āhua matekai a Rangi.
Rangi was somewhat starving.
Ka āhua matekai a Rangi.
Rangi will be somewhat starving.
Kei te pīrangi kairangi au.
I want excellence.
I āhua hiainu a Rangi.
Rangi was somewhat thirsty.
Ka āhua hiainu a Rangi.
Rangi will be somewhat thirsty.
Ki taku nei whakaaro, he tāone pai a Tūrangi.
In my thinking, Tūrangi is a good town.
I āhua ngenge a Rangi.
Rangi was somewhat tired.
He pouri te rangi.
The sky is dark.
He ātaahua te rangi.
The weather is beautiful.
Ka āhua ngenge a Rangi.
Rangi will be somewhat tired.
I āhua hiamoe a Rangi.
Rangi was somewhat sleepy.
Ka āhua hiamoe a Rangi.
Rangi will be somewhat sleepy.
I āhua mokemoke a Rangi.
Rangi was somewhat lonely.
I whakamā ia i tana kaha pōrangi.
He was ashamed that he had been so stupid.
I āhua māuiui a Rangi.
Rangi was somewhat sick.
I āhua māharahara a Rangi.
Rangi was somewhat anxious.
Te tino omanga koa o te wahine nei, kua tata ki te taha o te toka rangitoto e tū ana i te ara.
This woman ran on happily, and reached the side of the scoria rock standing by the path.
I āhua pukumahi a Rangi.
Rangi was somewhat busy.
Ka āhua pukumahi a Rangi.
Rangi will be somewhat busy.
Kei te haere rātou ki ngā pikitia i te rangi nei.
They (3+) are going to the movies today.
I āhua āwangawanga a Rangi.
Rangi was somewhat worried.
Ka āhua āwangawanga a Rangi.
Rangi will be somewhat worried.
He kikorangi tōna whare.
His house is sky blue.
I āhua whakatā a Rangi.
Rangi was somewhat relaxed.
Ka āhua whakatā a Rangi.
Rangi will be somewhat relaxed.
I āhua harikoa a Rangi.
Rangi was somewhat happy.
E hia te moni e pīrangi ana koe?
How much money do you need?
Ka āhua harikoa a Rangi.
Rangi will be somewhat happy.
I āhua riri a Rangi.
Rangi was somewhat angry.
I āhua māngere a Rangi.
Rangi was somewhat lazy.
Ka āhua māngere a Rangi.
Rangi will be somewhat lazy.
I āhua pukuriri a Rangi.
Rangi was somewhat grumpy.
Ka āhua pukuriri a Rangi.
Rangi will be somewhat grumpy.
I āhua pōuri a Rangi.
Rangi was somewhat sad.
Ka āhua pōuri a Rangi.
Rangi will be somewhat sad.
I āhua wera a Rangi.
Rangi was somewhat hot.
Ka āhua wera a Rangi.
Rangi will be somewhat hot.
I āhua makariri a Rangi.
Rangi was somewhat cold.
E pīrangi ana a Amaru kia mutu te patu tohorā.
Amaru wants the killing of whales to stop.
E hia ngā whetu i te rangi?
How many stars are in the sky?
He waka rererangi ērā.
Those (over there) are planes.
He rangi paiharere.
A perfect day.
I whiwhi kairangi ia.
He got excellence.
Ki ngā ao o te rangi
To the clouds in the heavens
Tino turituri te wakarererangi.
Aeroplanes are noisy.
He rangi wera!
A hot day!
He rangi paki.
A fine day.
Te rangi i taka iho!
That'll be the day! (When they sky falls down!)
He rangi mākū
A wet day
He reka te tihi kikorangi.
Blue cheese is sweet.
He rangi tino mākū
A very wet day
He rangi makariri
A cold day
He rangi tino makariri
A very cold day
He rangi kāpuapua
A cloudy day
Kia kaha ki te mātakitaki whakaaturanga reo Māori, whakarongo anō hoki ki te reo irirangi.
Watch programmes in te reo on television and listen to te reo on the radio.
He harore rangi tahi.
A one day mushroom. (Proverb, a flash in the pan).
Kotahi tō tātou maunga, ko Aorangi.
We have one mountain, Aorangi.
Ko te 30 o Poutū-te-rangi taku huritau.
My birthday is the 30th of March.
Āe, māu tonu, kia titiro au ki te rārangi o ngā kai hei hoko.
Yep, you drive, and I'll study the shopping list.
Homai koa te kupu huna mō te ipurangi.
Please give me the password for the internet.
Kei te pīrangi koe ki te parakuihi?
Do you want some breakfast?
He kikorangi tana tarau.
His trousers are blue.
Kei te pīrangi te tamaiti ki te haere ki te wharepaku.
The child wants to go to the toilet.
Kei te pēhea te āhua o te rangi?
What is the weather like today?
Kei te pīrangi kai te kōtiro nei.
The girl wants to eat.
Kei te pīrangi au ki te hoko i tēnei mō taku pāpā.
I want to buy this for my dad.
Ko te kōha tēnei a Wairangi ki tana wahine.
This was Wairangi's gift to his wife.
Ka tino pai a Rangi.
Rangi will be very good.
I tino ora a Rangi.
Rangi was very well.
Ka tino ora a Rangi.
Rangi will be very well.
I tino hiakai a Rangi.
Rangi was very hungry.
Hei huarahi mā tātou i te rangi nei.
A pathway for us all this day.
Ka tino hiakai a Rangi.
Rangi will be very hungry.
He mahana ake tēnei rangi i te rangi i nanahi.
Today is warmer than the day yesterday.
I tino matekai a Rangi.
Rangi was very starving.
I tino hiainu a Rangi.
Rangi was very thirsty.
Ka tino hiainu a Rangi.
Rangi will be very thirsty.
I tino ngenge a Rangi.
Rangi was very tired.
Ko Ani taku taokete, he tino pai ia. Koia kei te āwhina mai i ōku mātua i ia rangi, i ia rangi.
Ani is my sister in law, she is great. She helps my parents everyday.
Ka tino ngenge a Rangi.
Rangi will be very tired.
I tino hiamoe a Rangi.
Rangi was very sleepy.
Ka tino hiamoe a Rangi.
Rangi will be very sleepy.
I tino mokemoke a Rangi.
Rangi was very lonely.
Ka tino mokemoke a Rangi.
Rangi will be very lonely.