Results for 'raranga'
E ako ana au ki te raranga harakeke.
I am learning to weave flax.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
I whakaakona māua ki te raranga harakeke e tō māua kaiako.
We (2 exclusive) were taught to weave flax by our teacher.
Simple sentences: past tense - i
Ka whakaako au i a koe ki te raranga harakeke.
I will teach you to weave flax.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Tīmata ana ki te raranga i tana kete harakeke.
She is starting to make a flax kit.
Verbs that take 'i' (kite, etc) - i
E raranga ana ngā katipō i ō rātou pūngāwere.
Spiders spin webs.
E kore e roa kua tīmata ki te raranga i tana kete.
It will not be long before she has started to make her kit.
Ka raranga ngā kuia i ngā kete.
The old women will weave the bags.