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Results for 'ringa'

ringa - hand, arm

Kua riro ia i te ringa o Aituā.
He has been taken by the hands of Misfortune.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua

Pēnei au kua wehe rāua, engari i kite au i a rāua e pupuri ringa ana, e whakaipoipo tonu ana i te tāone.
I thought they'd broken up, but I saw them holding hands and looking pretty loved up in town.
I thought mistakenly - Pēnei au...

I mahia e ia te wini me ana ringa paruparu.
He mended the window with dirty hands.
Passive sentences - tikina...

I oti i a au, engari kua mamae taku ringa i te tuhituhi.
I completed it but my hand is sore from all the writing.
Conjunctions - but - engari

Me wiri ō ringa pēnei.
You should quiver your hands like this.
Like this, like that - pēnei, pēna, pēra

He mea tino tauhou ki te kite i te tamariki kāhore he ringa paru.
It is very strange to see a child without dirty henads.

He ringa rehe a Moana ki te purei rakuraku hiko.
Moana is a dab hand at playing electric guitar.

He ringa rehe a Moana ki te mahi māra, ki te purei rakuraku hiko, ka mutu, he rōreka ki te waiata.
Moana is a dab hand at gardening, playing electric guitar, and she loves to sing.

Moea te tangata ringa raupā.
Marry a hard working person.

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