Results for 'rongo'
rongo - to hear, perceive, feel
whakarongo - to listen
rongonui - famous
rangona - to be heard (passive form of rongo)
rongoā - medicine
whare rongoā - chemist
hohou rongo - make peace
kawe rongo - headphones
pārongo - hearing aid
pūrongo - a report
rongopuku - overhear
toa rongoā - chemist
tuarongo - back wall of house
rongona - heard (pass. of rongo)
whakarongona - listened to (pass. of whakarongo)
maungārongo - peace
poutuarongo - back wall post of a meeting house
kaiwhakarongo - listener
Ko Rongomai taku tamāhine.
Rongomai is my daughter.
Identity sentences - ko...
Ko Rongomai tōku tuahine.
Rongomai is my sister.
Identity sentences - ko...
Kei te whakarongo koutou.
You are listening.
Simple sentences: present tense with a verb - kei te
E haere ana ia ki te whakarongo.
He is listening.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
E whakarongo ana ngā pirihimana ki te tangata.
The policemen are listening to the person.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
E whakarongo ana māua ko Paora ki te tumuaki.
Paora and I are listening to the head-master.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
I rongo a Koa i te kurī.
Koa heard the dog.
Simple sentences: past tense - i
I te whakarongo koutou?
Were you listening?
Simple sentences: past tense - i te
I te whakarongo mātou ki te waiata i te rā whānau.
We were listening to the song at the birthday.
Simple sentences: past tense - i te
Kua rongo au kei te haere mai koe.
I heard you were coming.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua
Kua rongo koe i te waiata hou?
Have you heard the new song?
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua
Kua rongo rātou i te kai.
They (3/+) have perceived (tasted, smelt) the food.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua
Kua rongo koe i te tītī?
Have you heard the muttonbird?
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua
Me āta whakarongo koe ki a ia.
You should listen carefully to her.
Simple sentences: you should - me
Me whakarongo!
You should listen!
Simple sentences: you should - me
I rongo au i a ia e ngongoro ana.
I heard him snoring.
Sentences with a subclause - e... ana
He rite tonu a Rongomai ki tōna pāpā.
Rongomai is just like her dad.
This is just like that - he rite tonu
Tēnā, whakarongo mai.
Listen here, please.
Could you please make me... - Tēnā mahia mai he... māku.
Taihoa koe e kōrero, whakarongo ka tahi.
Don't speak yet, listen first.
Don't... just yet! - Taihoa... e
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...
Whakarongo ki tēnei waiata!
Listen to this song!
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...
Ka rongo a Manu, ka hihiri kia hoe atu ia mā runga i te waka.
Manu heard, and wanted to paddle there by canoe.
Travelling by means of - mā runga
Kaua e whakarongo ki a ia!
Do not listen to him!
Negative active commands - Don't! - Kaua e..., kāti...
Kaua e whakarongo ki āna tohutohu.
Don't listen to her instructions.
Negative active commands - Don't! - Kaua e..., kāti...
Kua tata oti te pūrongo te tuhi.
The report is nearly finished.
Almost/just about - kua/i tata...
I tāhaetia te tūpāpaku, e ai anō ki ngā rongo.
The body was stolen, so the story goes.
According to... - E ai ki.../E ai ki tā... /Ki tā
Kua tuhi pūrongo rāua mō tā rāua haere.
They've written a report about their trip.
Gerund phrases (fence building, bread baking, dishes washing...) - tunu parāoa...
Ka taea te kaiako te whakarongo ki ngā tauira.
The teacher is able to listen to the students.
I am able... - Ka taea e...
I kohikohi ia i te kawakawa hei rongoā mō te māuiui o tāna tama.
He collected kawakawa as a cure for his son's illness.
For the purpose of - hei
Kāore anō koe kia rongo i te waiata hou?
Haven't you heard the new song yet?
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Kāore koe i rongo i te rū? Karekau!
Didn't you feel the earthquake? No, I didn't!
there wasn't any... absolutely no... - Kāore kau...
E ai ki ngā rongo kua taumaha a ia, mea ake ka hemo.
They say he's very ill, and it won't be long at all before he dies.
All of a sudden - Mea ake
Ka tōmuri a Ria, ki tō mōhio? Tērā tonu pea. E rongonui ana tōna tōmuri.
Do you think Ria might get here late? Quite possibly. Her tardiness is well-known.
Perhaps - Tērā pea
Kāore ia i te whakarongo.
He is not listening.
Negations of the present tense (I am not working) - Kāore... i te...
Ka whakarongo puku a Ponga.
Pongo listened in silence.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Ka rongo tētahi tangata i ngā kōrero a taua tangata nei.
A man heard what this man here said.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Ka rongo ahau i tētahi waiata pai i tēnei rā.
I heard a nice song today.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Ka rongo a Honi i te whakapū ahi.
Honi heard the fire siren.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Ka rongo tana whaea i tana ui ki te hinu rautangi.
His mother listened to his question about scented oil.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
He wahine tino mōhio a Rongomai ki te hoahoa i te takoto o te whenua.
Rongomai is a woman very knowledgeable in designing the layout of the land.
Categorizing sentences - he
Kāore ngā pirihimana e whakarongo ana ki te tangata.
The policemen are not listening to the person.
Negations of e... ana... sentences - kāore... e... ana...
Me whakarongo koutou ki tā tātou tohutohu.
You had better listen to our instructions.
Possessives - 'a' class - ā, tāku...
Ma wai tāku karanga e rongo?
Who will hear by speech?
Possessives - 'a' class - ā, tāku...
He rongonui te kōrero mo te patunga o Kae e Tinirau.
The story of Kae's being killed by Tinirau is famous.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...
Unumia tō rongoa!
Take your medicine!
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...
Ko Rongomai tōku tuahine, ko Tūmanako tōku teina.
Rongomai is my sister, Tūmanako is my younger sibling.
Family relationships - younger sibling of the same sex - teina
He aha ngā rongonga kōrero?
What are the things you've heard?
What? - He aha?
Kāore mātou i te whakarongo ki te waiata i te rā whānau.
We were not listening to the song at the birthday.
Negations of the past tense - Kāore... i te...
Ko Rongomai rāua ko Moana ōku mātua.
Rongomai and Moana are my parents.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...
Ko Rāwiri rātou ko Tūmanako, ko Rongomai, me tana tāne a Moana, aku mokopuna.
Rāwiri, Tūmanako, Rongomai, and Moana, her husband, are my grandchildren.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...
Kei te hiahia au kia whakarongo mai koe!
I want you to listen!
Towards - mai
Titiro mai, whakarongo mai, kōrero mai!
Look, listen and speak!
Towards - mai
Whakarongo atu!
Listen (out for something)!
Away - atu
Te rongonga atu o Ari i te kōrero a tana tuahine...
When Ari heard what his sister said...
Away - atu
Kāore te kaiako e taea te whakarongo ki ngā tauira.
The teacher is unable to listen to the students.
To be unable - Kāore... taea...
Kua ora a Hēmi i tērā rongoa.
Hēmi has got well through that medicine.
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā
Kia kaha ki te kōrero, kia rongo ai mātau.
Speak loudly so we can hear you.
In order to... - kia... ai...
Heoi anō tā tātou, he noho, he whakarongo.
All we have to do it sit and listen.
All we have to do... - heoi anō tā tātou... he...
Kua rongo rātou i te kai.
They (3/+) have tasted/smelled the food.
I rongo koe i tana kōrero?
Have you heard what he said.
I rongo ahai i te kōkī a ngā manu.
I heard the dawn chorus.
Whakarongo mai!
Listen to me!
whakarongo ki tēnei waiata!
listen to this song!
Kei te whakarongo ia.
He is listening.
Whakarongo ki a āwhina.
Listen to āwhina.
Kua rongo koe?
Have you heard?
He taonga rongonui te aroha ki te tangata.
Goodwill towards others is a precious treasure.
The god of kūmera and peace.
Anei tō rongoā. Inumia.
Here's your medicine. Drink it up.
He tino rongonui ngā ngāwhā o Rotorua.
The hot springs of Rotorua are very famous.
Kia rongo tātou i ngā kōrero katoa
[Wait] until we hear all of the relevant information.
āta whakarongo tamariki mā.
Listen carefully children.
I rongo kōrua?
Did you hear?
Rongo mai, rongo mai!
Listen up!
Taringa whakarongo mai!
Listen everyone!
Mā reira pea te matua o to kōtiro rā ka rongo ai ki tō reo.
Perhaps as a result, the girl's mother will hear you calling.
Mōrena Rongomai.
Good morning Rongomai.
Whakarongo ki tēnei kōrerorero poto.
Listen to the short dialogue.
Whakarongo mai.
Listen to me.
Whakarongo mai, e te tau!
Listen, here my darling!
Ke hongi te ihu ki te hauāuru; kua rongo i te haunga o tōna ariki.
He sniffed the winds of the west, and recognised the scent of his master.
He mīharo te whakarongo ki a koe.
Amazing to listen to you.
I haere ia ki te whakarongo ki te rōpu waiata.
He went to listen to the choir.
Ko Elvis tōku tupuna rongonui.
Elvis is my famous ancestor.
I rongo au i tētahi manu e tangi ana.
I heard a bird singing.
I rongo ia i te turituri nā.
He heard a noise.
Kia kaha ki te mātakitaki whakaaturanga reo Māori, whakarongo anō hoki ki te reo irirangi.
Watch programmes in te reo on television and listen to te reo on the radio.
Whakarongo ki te tangi a te manu.
Listen to the cry of the bird.
Whakarongo ki te kōrero a te koroua.
Listen to the old man's story.
Kaua koe e whakarongo ki a ia.
Do not listen to him.
Kaua koe hei whakarongo ki a ia.
Don't listen to him.
Whakarongo ki te kōpae.
Listen to the CD.
Tokohia i tae mai ki te whakarongo ki te pirimia?
How many people are coming to hear the Prime Minister?
He mahinga ngātahi ki waenga i Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori me Countown e āhei ai te kaihoko ki te rongo i te reo Māori i ngā paeutu kaihoko.
A collaboration between Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori (The Māori Language Commission) and Countdown sees customers able to use self-checkouts in te reo Māori.
Kei te taraiwa mātou ki te Whanaganui a Tara ki te whakarongo ki te konohete.
We are driving to Wellington to listen to the concert.
Kei te whakarongo au ki te whaikōrero.
I am listening to the main speech.
Ka rongo te iwi katoa.
All the tribe heard.
Koia rā e Rongo, whakairia ake ki runga.
Rongo, suspended high above.
Ko Rongomai tōku hoa wahine.
Rongomai is my wife.