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Results for 'runga'

runga - on

whakarunga - upwards

runga - lifted up

runga - upstairs

urunga - pillow

runga ake - upwards, above

runga - to travel by, by the means of

arunga - a chase (n; from aru - to chase)

runga anō - in accordance with

Kei runga noa atu koe! - You’re the best! You're onto it!

Ko koe tonu a runga! - You're the bomb!

Ko ia a runga! - He's onto it! He's the bomb!

Ko wai kei runga i te nohoanga?
Who is that on the sofa?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

E haere mai ana te ope rā ki runga i te marae.
That group over there is coming onto the marae.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

E maumahara ana ahau ki tō rāua arunga e te kurī rā.
I remember them being chased by that dog.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

E rerere ana te manu i runga tata iho i te ngata.
The bird is hovering just above the snail.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

I pātōtō ia i runga i te tēpu.
She knocked on the table.
Simple sentences: past tense - i

I pātōtō tonu ia i runga i te tēpu.
She kept knocking on the table.
Simple sentences: past tense - i

Kua pakaru te rama i runga ake i te tēpu.
The light above the table is broken.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua

Kua moe a Tamahae i runga i te tēpu.
Tamahae has gone to sleep on the table.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua

Kua piki te ngeru ki runga i te tūru.
The cat has climbed onto the chair.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua

Kua ruaki koe ki runga i a Pāpā.
You just threw up on Daddy.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua

Me ruirui he paura ki runga i a koe.
Let's sprinkle some powder on you.
Simple sentences: you should - me

Me kake ki runga
He should climb to the top
Simple sentences: you should - me

Me āta noho koe i runga i tēnā tūru!
You'd better sit carefully on that chair!
Simple sentences: you should - me

Ka haere i te ara i runga i te rangitoto, ke ahu ki Onehunga.
[They] went along the path over the scoria and headed to Onehunga.
Sentences with i - i

I rārāina ngā tuna i runga ake i te mānuka poa.
The eels were smoked over smouldering mānuka.
Sentences with i - i

Kei runga i tōna moengamoe ia e moe ana.
She's sleeping on her bed.

Kei runga rātou i te huarahi e haere ana.
They are travelling on the road.

Kia taka pea koe i runga i te hōiho!
I hope you fall off your horse.
Mild imperatives (You should be...) - kia

Haere ai ia mā runga pahikara ki te mahi ia ata ia ata.
He always goes to work by bike every morning.
Habitual action - ai

Māu anō te huka e rui ki runga.
You should spread the sugar on top yourself.
Future agent emphatic - māku

Whakairihia ngā kākahu ki runga i te rākau.
Hang the clothes on the line.
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...

Hoatu ngā pukapuka ki runga i te papa pukapuka.
Put the books on the bookshelf.
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...

Waihotia ngā kai ki runga i te tēpu mō te rā whānau.
Leave the food on the table for the birthday.
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...

Āwhinatia te ngeru kia piki ki runga i te tūru.
Help the cat climb onto the chair.
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...

E tū runga i te tūru!
Stand on the chair!
Commands without e or the passive - Homai! Whakarongo!

I runga a Tawa rāoua ko Aria i te atamira.
Tawa and Aria were on the stage.
In, on, by, under... - kei runga...

Kei runga te kapu i te tēpu.
The cup is on the table.
In, on, by, under... - kei runga...

Kei runga te tioka i te ara.
The chalk is on the path.
In, on, by, under... - kei runga...

Kei runga tāku rorohiko i tōku tēpu tari.
My computer is on my desk.
In, on, by, under... - kei runga...

Kei te noho ia, i runga i te tūru, kōrero pukapuka ai.
He's sitting in a chair reading a book.
In, on, by, under... - kei runga...

Kei runga tō mātou whare i tētahi puke.
Our (3/+ exclusive) house is on a hill.
In, on, by, under... - kei runga...

Kei te hoki rātou mā runga i te pahi.
They are returning by bus.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

Ka haere mātou mā runga i te motokā o tōku matua.
We (but not you) will go in my father's car.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

I tae mai ia mā runga hoiho.
He arrived on horse back.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

Ka haere au ki te mahi mā runga pahikara.
I will go to work by bicycle.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

runga pahi ahau haere ai.
I travelled by bus.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

runga motokā ahau haere ai.
I travelled by car.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

runga pahikara ahau haere ai.
I travelled by bike.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

runga kutarere ahau haere ai.
I travelled by scooter.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

runga poti ahau haere ai.
I travelled by boat.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

runga waka tere ahau haere ai.
I travelled by ferry.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

runga waka rererangi ahau haere ai.
I travelled by plane.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

runga i te pahi.
I came by bus.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

I haere mai au mā runga pahi.
I came by bus.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

I haere au mā runga motokā.
I traveled by car.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

Kei te haere ia mā runga wakarererangi.
He/she is travelling by plane.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

Ka haere māua mā runga pahi.
We (he/she and I) will travel by bus.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

I haere rāua mā runga pahi.
Those who travelled by bus.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

Ka haere au mā runga motokā.
I will travel by car.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

runga i te tereina o te ono karaka.
On the six o'clock train.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

Kei te haere koe mā runga aha?
How are you travelling?
Travelling by means of - mā runga

Ka haere koe mā runga aha?
How will you travel?
Travelling by means of - mā runga

Kei te haere a Rangi rāua ko Koa mā runga i te motukā.
Rangi and Koa are travelling by car.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

runga i tō waka tātou haere ai.
We are travelling by your car.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

Ka rongo a Kauri, ka hihiri kia hoe atu ia mā runga i te waka.
Kauri heard, and wanted to paddle there by canoe.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

Me mā runga tereina ki Te Awamutu.
They are going by train to Te Awamutu.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

I haere mātou ko aku hoa mā runga i te waka o Betsy ki te takutai, ki Te Māhia.
Me and my friends went on Betsy's car to the beach, to Māhia.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

Ka tae mai a Mere mā runga aha?
What did Mere travel on (transport)?
Travelling by means of - mā runga

Ka tae mai a Pāora mā runga motukā.
Pāora travelled by car.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

Ka haere ia mā runga motukā.
She went by car.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

Ka haere ia mā runga i te motukā.
She went by the car.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

Ka haere ia mā runga i tana motukā.
She went by her car.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

Ka haere ia mā runga i te motukā o Tim.
She went on Tim's car.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

Ka haere au ki te mahi mā runga pahikara.
I will go to work by bicycle.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

I tae mai ia mā runga hoiho.
He arrived on horse back.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

Ka haere mātou ki te tāone mā runga tereina.
We went to town by train.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

Ka haere mātou ki te tāone mā runga tereina mō te rua haora.
We went to town by train for two hours.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

Ka haere mā runga i te hōiho kerei.
Let's go on the grey horse.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

Ko wai ka haere mā runga hōiho?
Who goes by horse?
Travelling by means of - mā runga

Ka haere koe mā runga i te aha?
How are you going? (travelling).
Travelling by means of - mā runga

Ka haere koe ki Tāmaki-makau-rau mā runga i te tereina?
Are you going to Auckland by train?
Travelling by means of - mā runga

Kāore au i te taraiwa, ka haere mā runga i te waka rererangi.
I'm not driving, I'm going by plane.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

Kei te haere au mā runga waka rererangi.
I am travelling by plane.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

Kei te haere koe mā runga i te aha?
How are you travelling?
Travelling by means of - mā runga

Kei te haere au mā runga i te waka rererangi.
I am travelling by plane.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

Kei te tae mai ia mā runga i te pahi.
She is arriving by bus.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

runga aha?
On what (will you travel)?
Travelling by means of - mā runga

runga motokā.
By car.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

runga waka rererangi.
By plane.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

runga tereina.
By train.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

runga papa reti.
By skateboard.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

I haere mai au mā runga pahi.
I came by bus.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

I haere mai au mā runga paihikara.
I came by bike.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

I haere koutou mā runga aha?
How did you come?
Travelling by means of - mā runga

I haere mai au mā runga papa wīra.
I came by skateboard.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

I haere mai au mā runga motokā.
I came by car.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

Kei te haere a Mere mā runga i te pahikara o Makere.
Mere is going on Mikaere's bike.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

Kaua e tuhi ki runga i te tēpu.
Don't write on the table.
Negative active commands - Don't! - Kaua e..., kāti...

Kaua e noho ki runga tēpu.
Don't sit on tables.
Negative active commands - Don't! - Kaua e..., kāti...

Kaua e tū i runga i tērā tūru!
Don't stand on that chair!
Negative active commands - Don't! - Kaua e..., kāti...

Me mahi tiakareti wera, me te ruirui anō i ngā maihimero ki runga.
Make a hot chocolate and sprinkle marshmallows on top.
While at the same time/and in addition - me te... anō

Kitea rawatia ake rāua i runga i te maunga.
They were finally seen on the mountain.
Passive sentences - tikina...

I runga i te paruone ka mahia e ia he raina mai i te kēti ki te whare ki tana rākau.
He drew a line in the dirt from the gate to the house with his stick.
Passive sentences - tikina...

Ki runga ake.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu

I runga ake i te kūaha.
Above the door.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu

Kei runga ake ngā kī i te whata mātao.
The keys are above the fridge.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu

Ko Anikei te akomanga o Tau 7, ko te teina kei te akomanga o raro iho, ko te tuakana kei tō runga ake.
Ani is in the Year 7 class, her younger sister is in the class beneath that, and her older sister is in the class above.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu

Kei runga ake i ngā pakiaka ko te kahiwi, kei runga ake i tērā ko ngā manga, ā, kei runga ake i ērā ko te kāpuhipuhi.
Up from the roots is the trunk, up from the trunk are the main branches, and above those comes the crown/fine branches and leaves.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu

Kei runga ake te manu i te tama.
The bird is above the boy.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu

Kei runga ake te manu aute i te rākau.
The kite is above the tree.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu

Ko te whetū i runga ake i te whare.
The star was above the house.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu

Kei runga te rorohiko i te tēpu.
The computer is on the table.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu

I ū te ngaro ki runga ake i te tēpu.
The fly landed above the table.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu

I turuturu mai te wai nō runga ake.
The water dripped down from above.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu

Ka rere ngā wakarererangi i runga ake i taku whare i ngā rā katoa.
Planes fly over my house every day.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu

I runga ake te kaitohutohu i a kōrua.
The instructor was higher up than you two.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu

I runga te rorohiko i te tēpu.
The computer was on the table.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu

Ki runga ki te whenua.
Upon earth.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu

I haere ia ki runga ki te maunga.
He went up the mountain.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu

Ka taea ngā tāngata te haere mā runga pahi.
The people are able to travel by bus.
I am able... - Ka taea e...

Kei te haere ahau ki te kura mā runga pahi, engari kei te haere koe ki te toa mā raro.
I'm going to school by bus but you're walking to the shop.
Conjunctions - but - engari

Kua utaina ngā matau me te aho e ia ki runga i te waka kia hī ika ai.
The fish hooks and fishing line were loaded by him onto the waka in order to fish.
The reason for an action - ...ai.

E noho ki runga i tōu tūru ka kai ai.
Sit on your chair in order to eat.
The reason for an action - ...ai.

Kāore anō te ngeru kia piki ki runga i te tūru.
The cat has not climbed onto the chair yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...

Ka āhei te ngeru te moe i runga i te tūru.
The cat is allowed to sleep on the chair.
Allowed to do something - āhei

Kāore te pene i runga i te tēpu.
The pen is not on the table.
Negations of the present tense (I am not working) - Kāore... i te...

Kāore i runga i te tēpu te pene.
The pen is not on the table.
Negations of the present tense (I am not working) - Kāore... i te...

I runga te rorohiko i te tēpu.
The computer was on the table.
Locatives - past (something was somewhere) - i te

I runga i te ara te motokā.
The car was on the road.
Locatives - past (something was somewhere) - i te

I runga i te tūru te pukapuka.
The book was on the chair.
Locatives - past (something was somewhere) - i te

I runga ake te kapu i te tēpu.
The cup was above the table.
Locatives - past (something was somewhere) - i te

I runga i te tēpu.
On the table.
Locatives - past (something was somewhere) - i te

I runga ake i te maunga ngā manu.
The birds were above the mountain.
Locatives - past (something was somewhere) - i te

I runga te pene i te tēpu.
The pen was on the table.
Locatives - past (something was somewhere) - i te

I runga i te taraka.
On the truck.
Locatives - past (something was somewhere) - i te

Ka haere i te ara i runga i te rangitoto.
They went along the path over the coria.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka titiro a Ataahua ki te parani i runga i te pounamu.
Ataahua looked at the brand on the bottle.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka takaia, ka kawea, ka whakairia ki runga ki te kauere.
They wrapped him up and took him and suspended him in a puriri tree.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Kaua e tū ki runga i tō rātou whāriki hou!
Do not stand on their new carpet!
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...

He aha mō runga i ō hēki kaurori?
What would you like on your scrambled eggs?
What? - He aha?

He aha mō runga i tō tōhi?
What do you want on your toast?
What? - He aha?

He aha mō runga, e tai?
What do you want on it friend?
What? - He aha?

He aha kei runga i te tēpu?
What's on the table?
What? - He aha?

Kei te piki ake a Te Naera ki runga
Te Naera is climbing up on top.
Up - ake

Whātuia iho a runga o te kākahu kotahi e mau rā i a ia.
The top of the garment she wore was folded down.
Down - iho

Kotahi anake te urunga.
There is only one pillow.
Numbering things - e rua, e toru...

Kātahi anō au ka tae mai ki runga i tēnei marae.
This is my first time on this marae.
Ordindinal numbers (First, second, third...) - tuatahi, tuarua...

Hei runga te pukapuka i te tēpu.
The book will be on the table.
Future locative - hei

Hei runga te manu i te rākau.
The bird will be on the tree.
Future locative - hei

Kaua e whakairihia ngā kākahu ki runga i te rākau.
Don't hang the clothes on the line.
Negative passive commands (Don't be...) - Kaua... e...

Kaua e hoatu ngā pukapuka ki runga i te papa pukapuka.
Don't put the books on the bookshelf.
Negative passive commands (Don't be...) - Kaua... e...

Kaua e waihotia ngā kai ki runga i te tēpu mō te rā whānau.
Don't leave the food on the table for the birthday.
Negative passive commands (Don't be...) - Kaua... e...

Kaua e āwhinatia te ngeru kia piki ki runga i te tūru.
Don't help the cat climb onto the chair.
Negative passive commands (Don't be...) - Kaua... e...

Kāore te rorohiko i runga i te tēpu.
The computer wasn’t on the table.
Negation of locatives - kāore...

Kāore te motokā i runga i te ara.
The car wasn’t on the road.
Negation of locatives - kāore...

Kāore te pukapuka i runga i te tūru.
The book wasn’t on the chair.
Negation of locatives - kāore...

Kāore te kapu i runga ake i te tēpu.
The cup wasn’t above the table.
Negation of locatives - kāore...

Kāore ngā manu i runga ake i te maunga.
The birds weren’t above the mountain.
Negation of locatives - kāore...

Kāore a Niko rāua ko Amaru i runga i te atamira.
Niko and Niko are not on the stage.
Negating locatives - kāore... i runga...

Kāore te rorohiko i runga i te tēpu.
The computer isn’t on the table.
Negating locatives - kāore... i runga...

Kāore te rorohiko i runga i te tēpu.
The computer was not on the table.
Negating locatives - kāore... i runga...

Kāore te manu hei runga i te rākau.
The bird will not be on the tree.
Negating locatives - kāore... i runga...

Kāore ngā tāngata e taea te haere mā runga pahi.
The people are unable to travel by bus.
To be unable - Kāore... taea...

Ka karangatia ana mātou, ka eke ki runga i te marae.
When we were called, we then proceeded onto the marae.
When, whenever - ka... ana, ka...

Kāore te pukapuka hei runga i te tēpu.
The book will not be on the table.
Negating future locatives - Kāore... hei...

Kāore te ngeru e āhei te moe i runga i te tūru.
The cat is not allowed to sleep on the chair.
Not allowed - kāore... e āhei

Kei te haere te motokā ki runga.
The car is going up.

Ka kake katoa mai ngā tāngata ki runga i a Mātaatua.
All the people climber onto Mataatua.

Kei te haere te motokā ki runga ake.
The car is going upwards to the top.

He pene whero kei runga i te tēpu.
A red pen is on the table.

Kei runga te muku i te tēpu.
The rubber is on the table.

Kei runga i te tēpu te pene.
The pen is on the table.

I runga anō i te kaupapa o te hui.
In accordance with the theme of the meeting.

Kei runga ngā tamariki i te waka.
The children are in the car.

He nui ngā hukātara kei runga i te parani.
There's lots of hail on the verandah.

Ngā mate ki runga i a koutou.
The deaths you bear with you.

He nui ngā raruraru kei runga i a ia.
He has a lot of problems.

above or on top

Kei runga te pene i te tepu.
The pen is on the table.

Tere tana oma ki runga i tētahi toka.
He ran quickly to the top of a rock.

Kāore i runga te pene i te tēpu.
The pen isn't (or wasn't) on the table.

Whiti ki runga, whiti ki raro.
Cross upwards, cross downwards.

Ki runga ki tēnā, ki tēnā o tātou.
Be with each and every one of us.

E ono ngā pune ki runga i te tēpu.
There are six spoons on the table.

Kei runga noa atu koe.
You're the best.

Kei runga i te tēpu.
On the table!

Kei runga noa atu koe!
You're on to it!

Ka wehewehea ngā kākahu i runga anō i te tae.
The clothes will be sorted according to colour.

Kei runga koe i te ara tika.
You're on the right path.

E noho ki runga i te heketua.
Sit on the toilet.

Ko ngā waka i mua rā, mate katoa ngā tāngata o runga.
As for the canoes in front there, all the people on board were killed.

He hakari kei runga i te tēpu.
There's a feast on the table.

He pene ēnā kei runga i te tēpu.
There are pens on the table.

Ko te nuinga kei runga i ngā maunga.
The majority were on the mountains.

Ko te ngaro kei runga i te matapihi.
The fly is on the window.

Makere i runga i taku moenga!
Get off my bed!

Kāhore ngā kapu i runga i te taraihe e paru ana.
The cups on the sideboard weren't dirty.

I haere ngā tamariki i runga i te tinana rākau.
The children walked along the tree trunk.

Kei runga te nagruiti i te pouaka mātao.
The microwave is on the fridge.

Kei runga te parai i te umu.
The frying pan's on the stove.

Kei runga tāu pene whero i tōu tēpu tari.
Your red pen is on your desk.

Kei runga ngā pereti i te tēpu?
Are the plates on the table?

Kua tuhi koutou i ō koutou ingoa ki runga i te pepa?
Have you written youir names on the paper?

Kei runga ō mōhiti i tō māhunga.
Your glasses are on your head.

He rare kei runga i te tūru.
There's a lolly on the chair.

Kei runga te manu i te whare.
The bird is on the house.

He mimi kei runga i te whāriki.
There's pee on the mat.

Kei te tū tāna irāmutu i runga i tōku kākahu mā.
His nephew is standing on my clean dress.

Kei runga i te tēpu āu pukapupka.
Your books are on the table.

Inanahi, ka haere atu ia i runga i te huarahi.
Yesterday, he walked along the road.

Ō ringaringa ki runga.
Arms up.

Kei te tākaro te tamaiti i runga i te ī-papa i roto i te akomanga.
The child is playing on the i-Pad in the classroom.

E toru ngā pukapuka kei runga i te tēpu.
There are three books on the table.

I runga ngā momo kai katoa i te tēpu.
All kinds of food were on the table.

Ki runga
to the upwards.

Koia rā e Rongo, whakairia ake ki runga.
Rongo, suspended high above.

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