Results for 'tahi'
tahi - one, single
tahi - one
I kai au tahi me...
I ate with...
Simple sentences: past tense - i
I haere au ki to awa ki to hīkoi, i toro auto ki tōku hoa, ā, i kai tahi hoki me tōku whānau.
I went to the river to go walking, I visited my friend and I are together with my family.
Simple sentences: past tense - i
Ka kai tahi tātou i te hākari.
We will eat the feast together.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Ka kai tahi tātou i te hākari.
We will eat the feast together.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Ka tae mai rātou, ka noho tahi mātou ki te kōrero.
When they arrive, we will all sit and chat.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Me mahi tahi tātou.
Let's all work together.
Simple sentences: you should - me
Mā te mahi tahi te kaupapa e tū ai.
Through cooperation the kaupapa will get off the ground or be realised.
Through (one thing/action), (a second thing) will be achieved. - Mā te... ka...; mā... e... ai
I te tekau mā tahi karaka i te ata te karakia.
The service was at 11 am.
Past - specifying a particular time - i te
Ka puta mai te mate moe ki a Te Tahi.
Te Tahi became sleeopy.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Whakaae atu ana a Te Tahi.
Te Tahi agreed.
Away - atu
Hei te tekau mā tahi karaka.
See you at eleven o'clock.
Telling time - kara
Ko te tekau mā tahi karaka.
It is eleven o'clock.
Telling time - kara
Tekau mā waru ngā pereti, a rua tekau mā tahi ā tātou kapu.
There are eighteen plates and we have twenty-one cups.
How many are there? - E hia? Tokohia?
Hei te tahi karaka.
See you at one o'clock.
Ka haere tahi ati anō i a rātou ētahi o te tangata whenua.
Some of the local people accompanied them.
Kia maumahara koe, kei te ako tahi tātou.
Remember, we are all learning together.
Mahi noa, n257;wai r257;, ka puta mai te mate moe ki a Te Tahi.
They worked on, and then presently Te Tahi felt sleepy.
E rua tekau mā tahi ōku tau.
I'm twenty one years old.
E toru tekau mā tahi ōna tau.
She is thirty-one years old.
I mahi tahi tātou katoa.
We all worked together.
Tekau mā tahi ngā tāngata purei hoka.
There are eleven people in a soccer team. (11 people play soccer.).
He ātaahua te ako tahi me koe.
Beautiful learning with you.
Tekau mā tahi rātou e haere ana.
Eleven of them are going.
E kore tāua e mahi tahi i te taumahi ākuanei.
We won't be working on the project together anymore.