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Results for 'tapu'

noa - free from tapu; only, just, merely

tapu - sacred, holy, under ritual restriction

tāpu - bath

taputapu - gear, equipment

tapuwae - footprint

taputapu tākaro - sports equipment

tapu - Sunday

horohoro - remove tapu

kiritapu - single (unmarried)

Paipera Tapu - Holy Bible

tapuhi - to nurse; a nurse

tāpui - set aside; reserve, to book something

taputapu ā whare - furniture

waewae tapu - stranger, newcomer

wāhi tapu - sacred place; burial ground

whakanoa - make free from tapu

hōia taputapu tākaro - toy soldiers

takatāpui - a member of the LGBTQ community, queer, gar

pūtūmua taputapu (ki) - object/tool preposition (with)

tāpua - prominent, significant

tāpuputu - the elderly

Me kuhu atu koe ki te tāpu.
Get in the bathtub.
Simple sentences: you should - me

Me whakarite ngā taputapu.
You should get the equipment ready.
Simple sentences: you should - me

Me tāpuke te tūpāpaku i roto i te toru rā.
The body must be buried within three days.
Simple sentences: you should - me

Me waihotia ngā taputapu ki te tēpu.
The tools should be left on the table.
Simple sentences: you should - me

Mahi ai au, ia te rā, ia te rā, hāunga anō ko ngā Rātapu.
I work regularly, every day except on Sundays.
Habitual action - ai

Tunu rēwena ai ia i ia Rātapu.
She always bakes bread every Sunday.
Habitual action - ai

He aha te mahi a Pāpā i te Rātapu?
What does Dad do on Sunday?
What are you doing? - He aha tāu mahi?

Nō te Rātapu mātou i haere ai ki Ōtaki.
It was Sunday when we went to Ōtaki.
Belonging to the past - nō

Tīkina ngā taputapu i te rūma ki te hanga i te whare.
Fetch the tools from the room to build the house.
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...

Unuhia ki te uru tapu nui!
Draw on the superme sacredness!
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...

Hoatu ēnā taputapu ki a ia.
Give those tools to him.
Commands without e or the passive - Homai! Whakarongo!

Kaua e wareware tā tātou hui ā tēnei Rātapu.
Don't forget our meeting this Sunday.
Negative active commands - Don't! - Kaua e..., kāti...

Kaua e waihotia ngā taputapu ki te tēpu.
The tools shouldn't be left on the table.
Negations of 'me' - We shouldn't... - Kaua... (passive) e...

Ka whakairia te tapu kia wātea ai te ara.
Restrictions are moved aside so that the pathway is clear.
So that something can happen for someone else - kia

Nō te Rātapu te karere i tae mai ai.
It was on Sunday that the news arrived.
Direction - ...ai

Engari i mua i te haere ki te marae, i hoki au ki te kāinga ki te kohikohi i aku taputapu.
But before going to the marae, I returned home to pack my gears.
Using 'ki' to indicate direction towards something - ki

Nā reira taua wāhi i karangatia ai ko Puketapu.
Because of that, that place was called Puketapu.
Conjugations - therefore - nā reira, nō reira

Na wai ēnei taputapu katoa?
Whose is all this gear?
Established possession - nāku, nōku...

Nā mātou ngā taputapu.
The tools belong to us.
Established possession - nāku, nōku...

He hui tāku ā te Rātapu.
I have a hui on Sunday.
Do you have any...? - He... ?

Hei te Rātapu hikoi ai au me to kurī.
On Sunday I will walk with my dog.
Future locative - hei

Kaua e tīkina ngā taputapu i te rūma ki te hanga i te whare.
Don't fetch the tools from the room to build the house.
Negative passive commands (Don't be...) - Kaua... e...

Ehara i a mātou ngā taputapu.
The tools do not belong to us.
Negating nāku possessives - Ehara i...

Ā te Rātapu mātou ka haere ki Pōneke.
On Sunday we are going to Wellington.

Mā ngā mea nunui e rahu te tapu o te pā nei.
The important ones can touch the sacred things of this pā.

He takatāpui ia.
She is gay.

Raua ō taputapu ki roto i tō pēke.
Put your gear in your bag.

He waiwaitapu ahai ki kōnei.
I am new here.

A te Rātapu, ka haere tātou ki te karakia.
On Sunday we will go to church.

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