tatari - to wait
tātari - sieve; sift; analyse; review
E tatari ana au ki te rārangi kia hoko ai i ōku hū.I am waiting in the queue to pay for my shoes.Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
I tatari mātou i te kēti.We walked by the gate.Simple sentences: past tense - i
Ka tatari au ki a koe.I will wait for you.Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Ka tatari au ki a koutou ko ngā kaiako.I will wait for you and the teachers.Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Me tatari rāuaThe two should wait.Simple sentences: you should - me
Kaua e tatari i te kēti!Don't wait at the gate!Negative active commands - Don't! - Kaua e..., kāti...
Kaua tātou e tatari kia pari haere te tai, ka haere ai. Me haere ināianei.Let's not wait until the tide starts coming in and then go. We should go now.And then... - ...ka/kātahi... ai...
Ka roa a Pōrori e tāria ana, me te hōhā haere o ngā mea e tatari ana ki a ia.Pōrori was waited for a long time, and those waiting for him got fed up.Be waited for - tāria
Kāore tā mātou ngeru i te tatari ki tāna kai.Our cat is not waiting for his food.Negations of the present tense (I am not working) - Kāore... i te...
Haere ki tōku tari tatari ai.Go to my office and wait.Using 'ki' to indicate direction towards something - ki
I tau mai te waka ki uta, me te karanga atu a te iwi e tatari ana.The canoe came to shore while the people who were waiting called out.Towards - mai
I tatari te ope i te teihana.The group waited at the station.Using 'i' to mean 'in', 'by' or 'at' - i
I tatari te toa ki te tomokanga.The warrior waited at the gate.
Taihoa. Me tatari kia tū mārika te waka.Hold on. You need to wait until the car has come to a complete stop.