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Results for 'taumaha'

taumaha - difficult of spirit or health; to be heavy (s), weight (n)

E ai ki ngā rongo kua taumaha a ia, mea ake ka hemo.
They say he's very ill, and it won't be long at all before he dies.
All of a sudden - Mea ake

He taumaha tēnei.
This is heavy.
Categorizing sentences - he

He taumaha rawa atu te pēke a Pāora.
Pāora's pack is very heavy.
Possessives - 'a' class - ā, tāku...

Kei a wai te pēke taumaha i te ata āpōpō?
Who will carry the heavy pack tomorrow?
Future locatives - kei te

Kei te taumaha ia.
She is very sick.

He taumaha te pukapuka ?
Is that book heavy?

Kua tino taumaha te raruraru,
The problem has become very serious.

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