tauranga - anchorage; fishing ground; resting place
Ka kaha te pupuhi o te hau ki Tauranga ā te pō nei.The wind will blow in Tauranga tonight.Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Nō Tauranga a Rangi.Rangi is from Tauranga.Belonging to a place - nō
Ke rāhuitia ēnei tauranga ike mā Ngāti-Kahukoka.These fishing grounds were set aside for Ngāti-Kahukoka.Passive sentences - tikina...
Ka rāhuitia ēnei tauranga ika mā Ngāti-Kahukoka.These fishing grounds were set aside for Ngāti-Kahukoka.Passive sentences - tikina...
Kei te tauranga waka tō waka?Is your car in the carpark?Locatives (at the moment, something is somewhere) - kei te
Ka hoe mai whaka te tauranga waka i Onehunga.They rowed through the canoe anchorage at Onehunga.Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Me ngā tauranga mangō i waho ake o Puponga.And the shark fishing grounds off Puponga.