Results for 'toa'
toa - shop; male animal; expert; to be strong
tōhi - toast
kaitoa! - serves you right!
poraka taratara - toad
tāina - toaster; plural of
taitoa - brave
toa rongoā - chemist
toanga - bravery
tohutoa - medal
katoatia - all [passive of katoa]
katoa - all
ratoa - to serve, provide, allocate
Kaitoa! E nge! - Serves you right!
toa hokohoko - second hand shop
Kei konā katoa ahau. - Complete and utter support.
Kaitoa! - Good job! Serves you right!
whiringa toa - finals (in sport)
I haere au ki te toa hei hoko i ngā kai m1a te hui. - I went to the stop to buy food for the meeting.
I haere au ki te toa hoko ai i ngā kai m1a te hui. - I went to the stop to buy food for the meeting.
I haere au ki te toa, he hiahia nōku. - I went to the shop because I wanted to.
Ko ā matou kurī ngā toa ki te tiaki hipi.
Our dogs are the champion sheep-musterers.
Identity sentences - ko...
Ko koe taku toa!
You're my star player!
Identity sentences - ko...
E kāia ana hoki he tino toa koe ki taua mahi.
It is also said that you were a real champion at that job.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
E puta ana ngā tamariki katoa ki waho.
All of the children are going outside.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
E haere ana ngā wāhine ki te toa.
The women are going to the shop.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
E haere ana ngā tamariki katoa ki waho.
All of the children are going outside.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
E haere ana tātou ki te toa āpōpō.
We will be going to the store tomorrow.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
E tae katoa mai ana ngā manuhiri.
All the visitors are arriving.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
I pakipaki te katoa me tō rātou kore e tino mārama ki tāua i kī ai.
Everyone applauded though they did not entirely understand what he had said.
Simple sentences: past tense - i
I haere koe ki te toa?
Kāore koe i haere ki te toa?
Simple sentences: past tense - i
I pānui a Toa i tērā pukapuka.
Toa read that book.
Simple sentences: past tense - i
I te hari katoa hāunga anō a Amaru.
Everyone was happy except Amaru.
Simple sentences: past tense - i te
I te mutunga wiki i haere au ki te awa,te kura, te toa hoki.
On the weekend I went to the river, to the school and also to the shop.
Simple sentences: past tense - i te
I te haere au ki te toa ki te hoko kai.
I was going to the shop to buy food.
Simple sentences: past tense - i te
Ka haere au ki te toa āpōpō ki te hoko kai.
I will go to the shop tomorrow to buy food.
Simple sentences: past tense - i te
Ka haere ngā tamariki ki te toa.
The children will go to the shop.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Kua mā katoa koe ināianei.
You're all clean now.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua
Kua mā katoa koe!
You are completely clean!
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua
Kua tika katoa kai me ngā mīti atu.
All the food, including the meat, should be ready now.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua
Kua hōhā katoa au ki a koe.
I'm totally annoyed with you.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua
Kua tae katoa mai rātou.
They have all arrived.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua
Kua pau katoa te kai i a koutou!
You have eaten up all the food!
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua
Kua hoki mai rāua i te toa.
They have returned from the shop.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua
Kua haere ia ki te toa ki te hoko hikareti.
She's gone to the store to buy cigarattes.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua
Me inu wai tātou i ngā wā katoa.
We should drink water all of the time.
Simple sentences: you should - me
Me toa!
You should be determined!
Simple sentences: you should - me
Me haere koe ki te toa!
You should go to the shop!
Simple sentences: you should - me
Me haere koe ki te toa ki te hoko miraka.
You should go the shop and buy milk.
Simple sentences: you should - me
Kua mākū katoa ngā tamariki i te ua.
The children are all wet from the rain.
Sentences with i - i
Kei te pata au i te tōhi mā te parakuihi.
I'm buttering the toast for breakfast.
Sentences with i - i
He maha ngā moni kua pau i a ia i te toa.
She has spent lots of money at the shop.
Sentences with i - i
Kei raro te toa o Te Kaha e putu ana.
The Te Kaha champion is spread out on the ground.
Oma ai a Mia ki te mahi i ngā rā katoa.
Mia always runs to work every day.
Habitual action - ai
Tēnā mahia mai he tōhi māku.
Could you please make me some toast.
Could you please make me... - Tēnā mahia mai he... māku.
Kia ahatia, ehara te toa i te mea nui.
Never mind, winning isn't everything.
Never mind the... No worries! - Hei aha te..., Kia ahatia@
Taihoa tātou e īnoi kia horahia ngā kai katoa.
Hold off on karakia until all of the food is laid out.
Don't... just yet! - Taihoa... e
Nō te roa o te noho, ka mōhio a Kupe ko te wairua katoa o Kura e hiahia ana ki a ia.
From the length of time they stayed, Kupe knew that Kura's entire spirit desired him.
Belonging to the past - nō
Nō te ata ka kōrero ki a Toto i ngā mea katoa.
In the morning [he] told Toto everything.
Belonging to the past - nō
Nō te ata, ka kōrero ki a Koa i ngā mea katoa.
In the morning [he] told Koa everything.
Belonging to the past - nō
Nō te toa hokorua.
From the second-hand shop.
Belonging to a place - nō
Nō te toa hokorua ngā hū.
The shoes come from the second hand shop.
Belonging to a place - nō
Nō te toa ēnei maika.
These bananas from from the shop.
Belonging to a place - nō
Nō Ngāti Toa koe?
Are you from Ngāti Toa?
Belonging to a place - nō
Nā mātou i kai ngā kai katoa.
It was us (excluding you) who ate all the food.
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic
Nā te kairangahau i uiui ia tamariki, o ngā whānau katoa.
The researcher interviewed each group of children from all the families.
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic
Mā ngā kaiako e whiriwhiri te toa.
The teachers will pick the winner.
Future agent emphatic - māku
Mā ngā kaiako te toa e whiriwhiri.
The teachers will pick the winner.
Future agent emphatic - māku
Mā te mīhini e mahi ngā mea katoa.
The machine will do everything.
Future agent emphatic - māku
Kainga ō tōhi!
Eat your toast!
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...
E kōrero pākiwaha mai ana ia ānō nei ko ia te toa o te kēmu.
He was boasting as if he won the game.
It was as if - ānō nei
Kei waenganui i te whare kori tinana me te toa kākahu.
It's between the gym and the clothing store.
In, on, by, under... - kei runga...
Kua kimihia tāna waea pūkoro i ngā wāhi katoa.
His cell phone has been searched for everywhere.
Passive sentences - tikina...
I pōwhitritia mātou e Ngāti Toa.
We were welcomed by Ngāti Toa.
Passive sentences - tikina...
Ka mea atu ia ki a Mea kia meatia ngā mea katoa ki mea wāhi.
She told so-and-so to put all the things in such-and-such a place.
Passive sentences - tikina...
I tomokia te pā e ngā toa.
The pā was entered by the warriors.
Passive sentences - tikina...
I kainga katoatia te hākari.
The feast was all eaten up.
Passive sentences - tikina...
E tirohia ana ngā taonga tākaro ki te toa e ngā tamariki.
The toys in the shop are being looked at by the children.
Passive sentences - tikina...
I kainga katoatia te kai.
The food was all eaten up.
Passive sentences - tikina...
Ka pīrangitia e ia ngā mea katoa.
All the things are wanted by him.
Passive sentences - tikina...
I te mutunga iho, ka whakaaetia e te katoa.
In the end, it was agreed to unanimously.
Passive sentences - tikina...
Mā te kōrerotia i ngā wā katoa e ora ai te reo.
It is through being spoken all the time that the language will survive.
Passive sentences - tikina...
Kua kimihia e ia āna kī i ngā wāhi katoa.
He has searched everywhere for his keys. (Literally, his keys have been searched for everywhere.).
Passive sentences - tikina...
I titoa te waiata nei e Jeff Simmonds.
This song was composed by Jeff Simmonds.
Passive sentences - tikina...
Ka rere ngā wakarererangi i runga ake i taku whare i ngā rā katoa.
Planes fly over my house every day.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu
Me kōpaki e tātou ā tātou mea katoa, ka hoki ai ki te kāinga.
We should wrap our things up and then head home.
And then... - ...ka/kātahi... ai...
Kia oti katoa ngā mahi, kātahi tātou ka haere ai ki te pārekareka.
When all the jobs are done, then we will go and have some fun.
And then... - ...ka/kātahi... ai...
Kia tae katoa mai ngā tāngata, kātahi ka tīmata ai.
When everyone arrives, then we'll begin.
And then... - ...ka/kātahi... ai...
Nō whea e toa te poroheahea i te pōtitanga?
How could a nutter possibly win an election?
A strong or emphatic negative. - Nō hea, nō whea
Nō whea e toa tērā kōtiro i te tauwhāingaroa?
How can that girl possibly win the marathon?
A strong or emphatic negative. - Nō hea, nō whea
Kāore e kore ka toa te kapa Ōpango.
The All Blacks will almost certainly win.
Certainly, almost certainly, no doubt - Kāore e kore
Kei te haere ahau ki te kura mā runga pahi, engari kei te haere koe ki te toa mā raro.
I'm going to school by bus but you're walking to the shop.
Conjunctions - but - engari
I haere au ki te toa hoko kai ai.
I am going to the ship in order to buy food.
The reason for an action -
I haere au ki ngā toa hoko kai ai.
I went to the shops to buy food.
The reason for an action -
Ka haere au ki te toa hoko tītī ai.
I will go to the shop to buy muttonbird.
The reason for an action -
Kāore anō rāua kia hoki mai i te toa.
They have not returned from the shop yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...
Homai ana e Mahuika he ahi, whakawetohia ana e Māui. Pēneitia tonutia ā pau noa ngā maikuku katoa, atu i tētehi mea kotahi.
Mahuika gave him fire, Māui doused it. This carried on until all of her fingernails were used up except one.
It carried on like this... - Pēnei tonu...
Tērā tonu pea ia e toa.
Perhaps she'll win.
Perhaps - Tērā pea
Āe tērā pea me tōhi.
Yes, perhaps some toast.
Perhaps - Tērā pea
Ka āhei rāua te haere ki te toa.
They (two) are allowed to go to the store.
Allowed to do something - āhei
Kei te kaha ngā toa.
The warriors are strong.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te
Kei te hari katoa.
I'm happy as ever.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te
Kei te toa au.
I'm at the shop.
Locatives (at the moment, something is somewhere) - kei te
Kei te toa ngā āporo.
The apples are at the shop.
Locatives (at the moment, something is somewhere) - kei te
Kāore ngā toa i te kaha.
The warriors are not strong.
Negations of the present tense (I am not working) - Kāore... i te...
I te toa.
At the store.
Locatives - past (something was somewhere) - i te
I konei te toa.
The shop used to be here.
Locatives - past (something was somewhere) - i te
I konei te toa.
The shop used to be here.
Locatives - past (something was somewhere) - i te
Ka mamae aku turi, ngā wāhi katoa ōku, engari kāore e heke taku taumaha.
They hurt my knees, and every other part of me, yet I don't seem to lose any weight.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Ka pīrangi ia ki ngā mea katoa.
He wants all the things.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Ka puta katoa ki waho ngā tāngata o te pā ki te tahu kai.
All the people of the pā came outside to cook food.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Ka patua katoatia.
All [the people] were killed.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Kāore au e haere ki te toa āpōpō ki te hoko kai.
I will not go to the shop tomorrow to buy food.
Negations of the future (I will not go) - Kāore... e...
Ka kaha ake taku hāereere haere mā raro, ka iti ake hoki taku haere ki ngā toa.
I walk more, and I go to the shops less.
Using 'ki' to indicate direction towards something - ki
Kua hoki mai ngā kōtiro i te toa.
The girls have returned from the shop.
Using 'i' to indicate direction away from something - i - i
Kāore ngā wāhine e haere ana ki te toa.
The women are not going to the shop.
Negations of e... ana... sentences - kāore... e... ana...
Mate noa ake rātou katoa i te aroha ki taua kōtiro.
They were all overcome with love for that girl.
No Hawaiki tātou katoa.
We are all from Hawaiki.
Established possession - nāku, nōku...
Na wai ēnei taputapu katoa?
Whose is all this gear?
Established possession - nāku, nōku...
Ka pai ā mātou kaimahi katoa.
All our workers are doing well.
Possessives - 'a' class - ā, tāku...
Ngā mihi ki a koutou mo ā koutou toa ki te hī ika!
Compliments to you on your fishing skills!
Possessives - 'a' class - ā, tāku...
Kua mate rawa ō tātou koroua katoa.
All our old men are dead.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...
He toa ngā kuia o Waikato ki te kanikani.
The old ladies of Waikato are great dancers.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...
Ko ngā iwi katoa o te ao kua huihui mai i tēnei rā.
All the peoples of the world have gathered here today.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...
Kua ngaro ōku whenua katoa.
All my lands are lost.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...
Kāore ōku tungāne, he wāhine katoa mātou ngā tamariki.
I don't have any brothers, all of the children are female.
I have no... - Kāore aku...
He aha te utu o tēnei kurī i roto i te matapihi o te toa?
What's the price of this dog in the shop window?
What? - He aha?
He aha mō runga i tō tōhi?
What do you want on your toast?
What? - He aha?
E tangi he pū i ngā pō katoa, ko ahau tēnā, hoe mai.
A flute sounds every night: it's me! Paddle to me!
That (near you) - tēnā, te... nā
Kāore au i te haere ki te toa ki te hoko kai.
I was not going to the shop to buy food.
Negations of the past tense - Kāore... i te...
Kia ora mai tātou katoa.
Greetings to all of us.
Towards - mai
I ngā ata katoa e ara ana is i te ono karaka.
He gets up at six o'clock every morning.
Telling time - kara
Ka kitea ia e Ataahua i ngā toa.
Ataahua saw him at the shops.
Using 'i' to mean 'in', 'by' or 'at' - i
Hei te toa a Hemi.
Hemi will be at the shop.
Future locative - hei
Ehara koe nō Ngāti Toa?
Are you not from Ngāti Toa?
Negating nāku possessives - Ehara i...
Kāore te toa i konei.
The shop wasn’t here.
Negation of locatives - kāore...
Kāore ngā āporo i te toa.
The apples are not at the shop.
Negation of locatives - kāore...
Ehara i a mātou ngā kai katoa i kai.
We didn’t eat all the food.
Negating the past agent emphatic - ehara i...
Kāore mātou i hinga i a rātou. I toa mātou
We didn't lose to them. We won.
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā
Kua kī te wharekai i ngā tangata katoa.
The restaurant has been filled by all the people.
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā
Kua oti i a ia te mahi a ngā tamariki katoa.
She has completed all of the children's chores.
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā
Kua kī te wharekai i ngā tangata katoa.
The restaurant has been filled by all the people.
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā
Kua pau katoa i a koe te pārāoa.
The bread is all gone because of you.
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā
Kua pau katoa te pāroa i a koe.
The bread has been consumed by you.
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā
Kua pau katoa i a Ari te penehīni.
The petrol was all used up by Ari.
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā
Kua pau katoa te penehīni i a Rangi.
The petrol was all used up by Rangi.
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā
I hinga katoa i a ia ngā toa o tērā whenua.
All the champions of that country were defeated by him.
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā
Kātahi anō ahau ka hoki mai i te toa.
I finally comeback from the shop.
Has just... - kātahi anō...
Inahea koe i haere ai ki te toa?
When did you go to the shop?
Asking 'when was?' When did something happen? - Nōnahea, inahea
Serves you right!
Serves you right! - kaitoa
Kaitoa ia kia mahue i te pahi!
Serves him right for missing the bus!
Serves you right! - kaitoa
Kaitoa koutou kia kōhetetia!
Serves you all right for getting a growling!
Serves you right! - kaitoa
I haere mātou ki te toa, kātahi ka hoki mātou ki te kāinga.
We went to the shop and then we returned home.
And then... - kātahi ka...
I haere mātou ki te toa, kātahi ka mātou hoki ki te kāinga.
We went to the shop and then we returned home.
And then... - kātahi ka...
I haere mātou ki te toa, kātahi ka hoki ki te kāinga.
We went to the shop and then we returned home.
And then... - kātahi ka...
Kātahi ka tirotiro atu mātou i ngā toa mō te ahiahi.
We then had a look around the shops for the afternoon.
And then... - kātahi ka...
He aha tātau i kore ai e toa?
Why didn't we win?
Why didn't? - he aha i kore ai e?
Nā te aha tātau i kore ai e toa?
Why didn't we win?
For what reason? - nā te aha ai?
Kāore a Hemi hei te toa.
Hemi will not be at the shop.
Negating future locatives - Kāore... hei...
Kāore rāua e āhei te haere ki te toa.
They are not allowed to go to the store.
Not allowed - kāore... e āhei
Kei hea te toa?
Where is the shop?
He nui ake te moa i ngā manu katoa.
The moa was bigger than all the other birds.
Ka kake katoa mai ngā tāngata ki runga i a Mātaatua.
All the people climber onto Mataatua.
Ko ngā tāngata katoa i kata mne te tangatira atu.
All the people, including the chief, laughed.
Kia toa!
Be determined!
Koia nei te wairua o te kōrero kia tino whakapau kaha koe i ngā wā katoa.
This is the essence of this proverb to expend all of your ability all the time.
Ko ngā toa ēnā.
Those ones (by you) are the champions.
Kei te mōhio tātou katoa ki a Timoti.
We all know Timoti.
Ā, he kai parakuihi pea, he hēki, he pēkana, he tōtiti, he tōhi hoki.
Um, maybe breakfast food, eggs, bacon, sausages, toast.
Ngā tāngata katoa i kata me te rangatira atu.
All the people, including the chief, laughed.
E hia te utu mō ngā kākahu katoa?
How much did all the clothes cost?
Hāunga ia te tumuaki, ka tino hari katoa.
Except for the principal, everyone was happy.
Haere mai, e ngā toa o te Tai Tokerau.
Welcome, champions of North Auckland.
Kia rongo tātou i ngā kōrero katoa
[Wait] until we hear all of the relevant information.
Kia tau kia tātou katoa.
May peace, love, and safety.
Kia toa!
Be determined!
Pahure atu te whare pukapuka, ko te toa hua rākau.
The fruit shop is past the library.
I tatari te toa ki te tomokanga.
The warrior waited at the gate.
I tītiro ia ki ngā kākahu ātaahua i roto i te matapihi o te toa.
She looked at the beautiful dresses in the shop window.
I te kainga o ngā pāua, ka pāterotero ia i te katoa o te pō.
On eating the pāua, he farted all night.
He rārangi roa kei te toa.
It is a long queue at the shop.
Katoa ngā ākonga o te whare wānanga i tae atu ki te hui.
All the students of the university attended the meeting.
Ngā āhuatanga katoa o tēnei take.
All the aspects of this issue.
He tama toa ia.
He's a brave boy.
He tohunga katoa ki ā rātou kaupapa ngā kaiako o tēnei whare wānanga.
The teachers at this university are all experts at their subject.
Kei konei katoa nei mātou.
We are all here.
Ko ngā waka i mua rā, mate katoa ngā tāngata o runga.
As for the canoes in front there, all the people on board were killed.
I mahi tahi tātou katoa.
We all worked together.
Kia tū toa!
Let's be strong!
Mō muri noa nei i karamgatoa ai ko Tikirau.
Since then, [it] has been called Tikirau.
E tae ai tēnei take te whakatau, me mātua mōhio ngā āhuatanga katoa.
In order for this issue to be decided, one must first know everything that relates to it.
Ko ngā iwi katoa e pai ana ki te haka.
All of the iwi are good at doing haka.
I kainga ngā kina katoa.
All the kina were eaten.
harore me te tōhi.
mushrooms and toast.
Kia toa koe e hoa.
Be strong friend.
I toa koutou?
Did you win your game?
I tae pai katoa rātou ki uta.
They all reached the shore safely.
Kī katoa te ara i ngā wai.
The road is covered in water.
Ko ngā Ōpango ka toa, nē rā?
The All Blacks will win, wont they?
Pērā tonu i ngā rā katoa, i ngā pō hoki e te iwi.
The tribe did that by day and at night.
Ko rātou ka toa.
They will win.
I mua ia i te toa.
He was in front of the shop.
Tēnā koutou katoa.
Hello to you all.
Kei te haere ngā tama ki te toa kākahu i te tāone matua o Kirikiriroa.
The sons are going to the clothing shop in the important town of Hamilton
Pau katoa i a ia te kai.
He finished up all the food.
Ka mate he toa, ka whānau anō he toa.
A champion dies, another champion is born.
Kei te āwhina i a ia ngā tamariki katoa o te tāone o Te Tai Tonga.
All the children of the town of Southland are helping her.
Ngā mihi o te pō; kei te pēhea koutou katoa?
Evening greetings, how are you all?
I kainga ngā kina katoa e rātou.
All the kina wee eaten by them.
He tupuhi rawa atu tātou katoa.
We are all so thin.
Pērā tonu i ngā rā katoa, i ngā pō hoki, e te iwi.
The tribe did this every day, and at night too.
"Katoa tō mātou kapa e tino manawanui nei i te āheinga a te hunga reo Māori ki te whakamutu i ā rātou mahi hoko kai i roto i te reo, i te āheinga hoki mā te whānui me te whāroa o ā mātou toronga, ka āwhina kia whakarauora i te reo, ā, kia whakamahia e ngā whakatipuranga kei te pihi ake."
"Our entire team is incredibly proud that not only can te reo Māori speakers now complete their shopping in their own language, but that we can use our scale and reach to help ensure te reo Māori is revitalised and used for generations to come."
I runga ngā momo kai katoa i te tēpu.
All kinds of food were on the table.
E tangi he pū i ngā pō katoa.
A flute can be heard every night.
I toa anō ahau meina i whēke ahau.
I could have won if I'd tried.
Aroha atu, aroha mai, tātou i a tātou katoa.
Let us show love for each other, for one another.
Kua mākū katoa tō kope.
Your nappy is full of pee.
He tōhi pea māu?
Perhaps you would like some toast?
I puta katoa mai tēnā i a koe?
Did all that come out of you?
Ka rongo te iwi katoa.
All the tribe heard.