Results for 'tono'
tono - to apply for, to order (v):
an application (n)
E tono ana ia kia haere ia ki te whakatā.
He is requesting to go for a break.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana
I tono ahau kia mutu te tetū.
I ordered that the rowdy behaviour should stop.
Simple sentences: past tense - i
Mā koutou ngā pānui e tono atu ki ngā kaimahi.
You (3/+) will send the notices out to the workers.
Future agent emphatic - māku
Mehemea nō konei koe, e āhei ana koe te tono karahipi i te Poari.
If you're from here, you can or are eligible to apply for a scholarship from the Board.
Allowed to do something - āhei
Ka tono tonu ia i ngā turituri.
He kept hearing noises.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka
Mā reira pea a ia ka tono ai i tana kōtiro ki te kawe wai māu.
Perhaps she will order her daughter to fetch water for you.
I tono ahau kia mutu te tutū
I ordered that the rowdy behaviour should stop.
Ko te 31 o Hōngongoi te rā kati ai ngā tono mai.
The 31st of July is the deadline for requests.