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Results for 'tuahine'

tuahine - sister, of a male

tuāhine - female cousins or sisters of a male

Ko ōna tuāhine ngā kaiwhakahaere.
His sisters are the organisers.
Identity sentences - ko...

Awhinatia tāu tuahine ki te whakakākahu i a ia anō!
Help your sister to get herself dressed!
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...

Awhinatia tāu tuahine ki te kuhu i ōna kākahu!
Help your sister put her clothes on!
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...

No tōku tuahine ngā waka whero.
The red car belongs to my older sibling.
Established possession - nāku, nōku...

Ko Mere te tuahine o Mārama rāua ko Tamahae.
Mere is Marama's and Tamahae's cousin.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...

Ko Ataahua tōku whaea kēkē, koia te tuahine o tōku pāpā.
Ataahua is my aunty, she is my father's sister.
Family relationships - mother - mama, whaea

He tuahine tōu?
Do you have a sister?
Do you have any...? - He... ?

Kāore tōna tuahine i te kāinga.
Her sister is not at home.
Negation of locatives - kāore...

I ōku tuāhine e horoi ana i ngā rīhi, ka moe ahau.
While my sisters were washing the dishes, I was sleeping.
While... - i... e... ana, ka...

He tuahine Tawa.
Tawa has a sister.

Ko Harnah te tuahine o Jacob.
Harnah is the sister (of a boy) of Jacob.

Ko Mia te tuahine o Ari.
Mia is the sister (of a boy) of Ari.

Ko Elizabeth te tuahine o John.
Fran is the sister (of a boy) of Elizabeth.

He kaha a Tīwana ki tana whiu pātai nanakia me te whakapātaritari i tōna tuahine me tōna kuikui.
Tīwana is good at asking tricky questions and teasing her sister and grandmother.

Āe, he tuahine tōku, ko Aria tōna ingoa.
I do have a sister, her name is Aria.

Āe, he tuāhine ōku, ko Ani, ko Rina ō rāua ingoa.
Yes,I do have sisters, their names are Ani and Rina.

Āe, he tuāhine ōku, ko Moana, ko Aroha, ko Kauri ō rātou ingoa.
Yes, I do have a sister, their names are Moana, Aroha and Kauri.

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