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Results for 'tētahi'

tētahi - a, one specific thing

E kihi ana ia i tātahi ngeru pango.
She is kissing a black cat.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

E moe ana au i tētahi rākau kākāriki.
I am sleeping in a green tree.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

E whiri ana au i tētahi kōnae.
I am braiding a food basket.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

E kihi ana ia i tētahi ngeru pango.
She is kissing a black cat.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

E rapu ana ia i tētahi rangimarietanga.
He's looking for peace of mind.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

I tētahi tamaiti tāne.
A certain boy stood.
Simple sentences: past tense - i

Ka hoko au i tētahi taonga tāku tahu.
I will buy a gift for my love.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka

Ka kai tātou i tētahi ika nui.
We will eat a big fish.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka

Me ako tētahi wāhi ia , ia .
You should learn part each day.
Simple sentences: you should - me

Me aroha tētahi ki tētahi.
We should love one another.
Simple sentences: you should - me

Ka kai tātou i tētahi ika nui.
We will eat a big fish.
Sentences with i - i

Kei te mau ia i tētahi pōtae, i tētahi poraka, i tētahi tīhate, me tētahi hāte hoki.
She is wearing a hat, a jersey, a t-shirt and a shirt.
Sentences with i - i

E moe ana au i tētahi rākau kākāriki.
I am sleeping in a green tree.
Sentences with i - i

Kia pai tētahi ki tētahi!
Be good to each other!
Mild imperatives (You should be...) - kia

tētahi kei te purupuru a Māui i te whatitoka!
One night, Maui stopped up the chinks in the door.
Belonging to the past - nō

tētahi Rāmere, kāore ia i tae mai ki te mahi.
One Friday, she didn't turn up for work.
Belonging to the past - nō

tētahi rangi o Nōema, ka whakamōhiotia mai kua whakaaetia mātou tono.
One day in November, we were informed that our application had been successful.
Belonging to the past - nō

Māku e pānui tētahi kōrero ki a koe.
Shall I read you a story?
Future agent emphatic - māku

Māu e tubnu tētahi keke ma t`1a t`1atou hui.
You will cook a cake for our meeting.
Future agent emphatic - māku

Kei runga mātou whare i tētahi puke.
Our (3/+ exclusive) house is on a hill.
In, on, by, under... - kei runga...

Ka whāngaitioa ringaringatia hoki a Ruataupare e tētahi tohunga.
Ruataupere was also fed by hand by a tohunga.
Passive sentences - tikina...

I tuhia tētahi reta e ia ki tōna hoa.
The letter was written by her to her sweetheart.
Passive sentences - tikina...

Ka kimihia tētahi tikanga, e kitea ai he moni.
A plan will be sought whereby money will be found.
Passive sentences - tikina...

Ki te kitea noatia e tētahi tangata mea...
If someone just sees something...
Passive sentences - tikina...

E ai ki ngā kōrero, e ono ngā matimati i tētahi o ngā ringaringa.
According to what is said, he had six fingers on one of his hands.
According to... - E ai ki.../E ai ki tā... /Ki tā

E ai ki rātou, ko Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū tētahi anō ingoa Horomaka.
According to them, Te Pātaka o Rākaihautū is another name for Banks Peninsula.
According to... - E ai ki.../E ai ki tā... /Ki tā

Kei te tiki ia i tētahi rākau hei tokotoko māku.
He is getting me a branch as a walking stick for me.
For the purpose of - hei

Kāore au i te pai ki tēnei pāhotanga. Whakawhiti ki tētahi atu.
I don't like this programme. Change over to a different one.
Negations of the present tense (I am not working) - Kāore... i te...

Kāore tōku pāpā i te hoko i tētahi rorohiko.
My father isn't buying the computer.
Negations of the present tense (I am not working) - Kāore... i te...

I te tau 1996, ka tuhi ahau i tētahi pukapuka.
In 1996, I wrote a book.
Past - specifying a particular time - i te

Ka mai tētahi o aua wāhine .
One of those women stood up.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka rongo tētahi tangata i ngā kōrero a taua tangata nei.
A man heard what this man here said.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka rongo ahau i tētahi waiata pai i tēnei .
I heard a nice song today.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka tae tētahi tauhou ki te kāinga.
A certain stranger came to the village.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka kōrero ia ki tētahi atu āpiha.
He talked to another officer.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka noho ia i tētahi rākau e noho he tāngata i raro.
[He] came to rest in a tree under which some people sat.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka kitea kua puta i tētahi taha o te , kua haere whakatētahi taha o te .
They were seen emerging from one side of the pā, going towards the other side.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka mai tētahi wahine anō me te mere pounamu i te ringa.
Another woman stood and came forward with a greenstone mere in her hand.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka haria ki tētahi tohunga te pounamu e tāhaetia i te whare nui.
The greenstone which was stolen from the meeting house was taken to a tohunga.
Using 'i' to indicate direction away from something - i - i

Homai tētahi o āu tiakarete, e Koro!
Give me one of your chocolates, Grandad!
Possessives - 'a' class - ā, tāku...

Ko ia tētahi o tātou rōpū.
She is one of our group.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...

Ka haere tonu a Tainui, ā, ka pahemo i tētahi moutere.
Tainui went on and passed an island.
Conjunctions - and - ā

I tētahi taha ake o taua tētahi ngāherehere.
On the far side of the fort there was a patch of bush.
Up - ake

Mehemea ka kite he kurī i tētahi tangata, ke auau.
If a dog sees someone, it barks.
If (using mehemea) - mehemea, mehe, mēnā

Homai koa tētahi o ngā āporo.
Please give me one of the apples.
Some - tētahi, ētahi

Kātahi ka whakaohoia e te tangata nei tōna mōkai ki roto ki tētahi puna.
Then this man placed his pet in a spring of water.
And then... - kātahi ka...

I waiata au i tētahi waiata kia wareware ai aku raruraru.
I sang a song in order to forget my troubles.
In order to... - kia... ai...

I tuhi au i tētahi reta kia uru ai au ki roto i te raruraru.
I wrote a letter in order to get into trouble.
In order to... - kia... ai...

I waiata au i tētahi waiata kia kore ai au e wareware i aku raruraru.
I sang a song in order to not forget my troubles.
In order not to... - kia... kore ai

I tuhi au i tētahi reta kia kore ai au e uru ki roto i te raruraru.
I wrote a letter in order to not get into trouble.
In order not to... - kia... kore ai

Ko tētahi hokorima i te tuauru.
100 men went via the west coast.
Via - mā

Kei te kimi te whare wānanga i tētahi tangata e hāngai nei ngā tohu mātauranga hei whakaako.
The university is looking for a suitably qualified person to teach.

I reira, ka kitea e ia tētahi pounamu i Arahura.
There, he saw a piece of greenstone at Arahura.

Ke whakatika te ope, ka haere, ka tae ki tētahi awa.
The party set off, travelled along, and came to a river.

I te whakahaere a Rua-tatanoa i tētahi wāhi o te karakia.
Rua-tataone made a mistake at one place in the incantation.

Ka tētahi o ngā kaumātua .
One of those elders stood up.

Kua tuhituhi a Taika i tētahi reta ki Te Kaunihera.
Taika has written a letter to the Council.

Tere tana oma ki runga i tētahi toka.
He ran quickly to the top of a rock.

Koirā tētahi o ōna āhuatanga pai.
That's one of his good characteristics.

I tuhi ia i tētahi reta ki tōna hoa.
She wrote a letter to her sweetheart.

Ko tētahi āhuatanga whakaohorere ki te ākonga reo Māori, ko te akoranga nei, ehara noa te wātū i te "ka".
A common confusion for Māori language learners is that the verb "ka" is not only used for future tense.

Kei te mau ia i tētahi mau taringa.
She is wearing an earring.

Kei te mau is a i tētahi hei.
She is wearing a necklass.

Kei te mau ia i tētahi pōtae kākāriki, i tētahi poraka kōwhai, i tētahi tarau poto me ētahi kikorangi hoki.
She is wearing a green hat, yellow jersey, red shorts and blue shoes.

Anei tētahi kīwaha mōna.
Here is a kīwaha about him.

Ka whakamahi au i tētahi pukarangi?
Can I use a chomebook.

Ā muri i ia whaikōrero ka ngā tāngata ki te tautoko i te kaikōrero ki tētahi waiata.
After each speech the people will stand to support the speaker with a song.

tētahi tangata nui noa atu taua hāte.
That shirt belonged to a bigger man.

Anei tētahi rākau nui. He tōtara tēnei.
Here's a mighty tree. It's a tōtara.

Kia tūpato, me tiaki tētahi i tētahi.
Be careful and look after each other.

A tērā wiki, kei te haere mai tētahi rangatira ki mātou kāinga.
Next week, a chief is coming to our home.

Kāore tētahi tamaiti tāne i .
A certain boy did not stand.

Kātahi ka pēhia ki tētahi taha, ki tētahi taha.
Then [she] turned [her head] from side to side.

Tērā tētahi pukepuke rarauhe, he nehenehe i tētahi pito i tua tata mai o te .
There was a fern hill with a patch of bush at one end on the near side of the fort.

Tēra pea tētahi e mōhio ana ki te roanga ake o te kōrero nei.
Perhaps there's someone who knows the rest of this story.

I hoko mai ahau i tētahi pukapuka.
I bought a book.

I reira, ka kitea tētahi mahi ātaahua rawa.
From there a beautiful project was seen.

I rongo au i tētahi manu e tangi ana.
I heard a bird singing.

He whare mātoro i tētahi pito, ki te pito ki te marangai o taua marae.
There was an entertainment house in one corner, the corner to the east of that marae.

E kore te whare kōrero, e puta he kupu tētahi tangata i muri i te kupu a te tino ariki.
It was not allowable according to the rules of debate for any person to say anything after the high chief had spoken.

I opaina mai te pōro e ia anganui tonu ki tētahi taha o te whīra tākaro.
He threw the ball to the opposite end of the playing field.

Ka whakatika tētahi anō o ngā uri ariki, ka hei kaituki te waka .
Another young chief arose and stood as chanter for that canoe.

He tītī tētahi kai tino reka ki te korokoro Māori.
Mutton-bird is a very pleasant food to the Māori palate.

Ko wahine kua hara ki tētahi tangata ko Tupeteka te ingoa.
Your wife has sinned with a man called Tupetaka.

Ka riro i a au tētahi kutarere hei taonga kirihimete.
I got a scooter for chirstmas.

Ko Ponga tētahi tangata rangatira o rātou.
Ponga was one of their chiefs.

Engari hei tāna, "i roto i ngā tau ka huri ake ki muri, kaare anō kia āta whakaritea mai tētahi rautaki e ngātahi atu ai te pounga waihoe o te reo Māori ki roto i te ao hauora".
But he said over the past few years, there has been a lack of preparation and plan for te reo Maōri use in the health sector.

Ko tēnei tētahi o ngā mea pai rawa.
This is one of the best ones.

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