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Results for 'tētehi'

tētehi - a, one specific thing (variant of tētahi)

Kei te ako au i tētehi waiata.
I am learning a song.
Simple sentences: present tense with a verb - kei te

Homai tētehi naihi.
Pass me a knife.
Commands without e or the passive - Homai! Whakarongo!

Kawea tētehi puka iti ki ngā wāhi kei reira te reo Māori e kōrerohia ana, tuhia ngā kupu me ngā kīanga ka rangona.
Bring a small book with you to the places where the Māori language is spoken, write down the words and phrases that are heard.
Passive sentences - tikina...

Ka pakopako, ka mutu, ka pakopako, ka mutu. Pēnei tonu tētehi roa.
It would knock, and then stop, knock and stop. It carried on like this for quite a while.
It carried on like this... - Pēnei tonu...

Homai ana e Mahuika he ahi, whakawetohia ana e Māui. Pēneitia tonutia ā pau noa ngā maikuku katoa, atu i tētehi mea kotahi.
Mahuika gave him fire, Māui doused it. This carried on until all of her fingernails were used up except one.
It carried on like this... - Pēnei tonu...

Kāore au i te pīrangi ki tētehi kai pērā i tēnei ata.
I do not want any food like that this morning.
Negations of the present tense (I am not working) - Kāore... i te...

Auē! Kei te pōtiki tētehi pene.
Oh dear! The youngest has a pen.
Family relationships - youngest - pōtiki

He aha tētehi pukapuka reo Māori kua pānui koe i tēnei wiki?
What Māori language book have you read this week?
What? - He aha?

I mau i te ngeru tētehi manu i te ata nei.
The cat caught a bird this morning.
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā

Kātahi ka haere ki te kite i tētehi pikitia.
And then we went and saw a movie.
And then... - kātahi ka...

Ki a au anō tētehi mahi.
I have a job to do myself.

Kei taku kuia tētehi paihikara.
My nanny has a push bike.

Kei te mātakitaki au i tētehi kēmu.
I am watching a game.

Tērā tētehi kōhine, ko Rina tōna ingoa.
There once was a young girl, Rina was her name.

E moi, ki a au anō tētehi mahi.
Please, give me another task.

Ko te manaakitanga tētehi tikanga nui o te Māori.
Hospitality is a major tradition of Māori people.

Ko tētehi mea nui o te ao Māori, ko te whakawhanaungatanga.
One important aspect of Māoridom is relationships.

I pānui au i tētehi pukapuka.
I read a book.

Ka kite a Kōuraraka i tētehi whare.
Kōuraraka sees a house.

I hoko au i tētehi hāte hou.
I bought a new shirt.

Kei te hanga a Haki i tētehi whare.
Jack is building a house.

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