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Results for 'tīkanga'

tikanga - reason, meaning, right way of doing things, custom (tika + nominal suffix -nga)

Ko wai e rata ana ki ngā tikanga hou nei?
Who likes these new procedures?
To like - rata

E kimihia ana he tikanga e ngā āpiha.
A plan is being sought by the officials.
Passive sentences - tikina...

He aha te tikanga o te raiti whero?
What does the red light mean?
What? - He aha?

He aha te tikanga o te raiti kākāriki?
What does the green light mean?
What? - He aha?

He aha te tikanga o tēnā?
What does that mean?
What? - He aha?

Me tātou whai i ngā tikanga a rātou .
as well as in our pursuit of our ancestral traditions.

Ko te manaakitanga tētehi tikanga nui o te Māori.
Hospitality is a major tradition of Māori people.

I tōna tikanga ko Pita tana ingoa.
It is her intention that his name will be Peter.

Ko te tikanga tēnei o tana hakiraratanga i a ia.
This is the way he insulted her.

E ono tekau tau tōna pakeke, ka ū ia ki ngā tikanga Māori i a ia i te māra.
She is 60 years old. She is resolute in Māori customs in the garden.

Ko te tikanga nui ka karakia ia i mua i āna mahi i te māra.
The main one is that she does karakia before working in the garden.

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