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Results for 'tō koutou'

tō koutou - your (addressed to three or more people)

Āhea koutou hoki atu ai ki koutou kāinga?
When are you returning to your home?
When? (in the future) - Āwhea? Āhea?

He aha ngā whainga o koutou rōpū?
What are the objectives of your organisation?
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...

He tata rawa koutou poti ki te tohora !
Your boat is close to that whale!

He tawhiti koutou haerenga, ki te kore haere tonu.
You have come too far in your journey to not carry on.

Koia kei a ia, he momo tērā koutou whānau.
He's onto it. That's an attribute from your family.

E kōrero ana kōutou rangatira ki tāna tamaiti.
Your chief is talking to his child.

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