Results for 'tūpato'
tūpato - to be careful; caution, cautious
Kia tūpato kei whara tō tuarā.
Be carefull, lest you injure your back.
Be careful... lest! - kia... kei...
Kia tūpato kei hinga ka whara.
Be careful, lest you fall and get hurt.
Be careful... lest! - kia... kei...
Kia tūpato kei tūreiti koe.
Careful in case you are late.
Be careful... lest! - kia... kei...
Kia tūpato kei taka koe ki raro.
Careful in case you fall down.
Be careful... lest! - kia... kei...
Kia tūpato kei ngaua koe e te kurī.
Careful in case you get bitten by the dog.
Be careful... lest! - kia... kei...