Results for 'tūtaki'
tūtaki - to meet; to close up, to block (v); meeting (n)
Ka tūtaki tātou ki te pāmu ā te 3 karaka.
We will meet at the farm at 3 o'clock.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka
Nō nahea a Pita i tūtaki ai ki a Pāora?
When did Pita meet Pāora?
Belonging to the past - nō
Nō tērā atu tau a Koa i tūtaki ai ki a Rangi.
Koa met Rangi the year before last.
Belonging to the past - nō
Ka kuhu a Hine i ana kākahu papai, ka haere ai ki te tūtaki ki tana hoa i te tāone.
Hine put on her good clothes, and then went to meet her friend in town.
And then... - ...ka/kātahi... ai...
Kua tūtaki koe ki taku tuakana?
Have you met my brother?
Family relationships - older sibling of the same sex - tuakana
I hiahia a Mia rāua ko Honi ki te tūtaki i a rāua anō.
Mia and Honi wanted to meet each other.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...
Kua tūtaki au ki a Tame rāua ko tana hoa wahine, ko Mia.
I have met Tame and his girlfriend, Mia.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...
He pai te tūtaki ki a koe.
Nice to meet you.
I like... - He pai ki a au...
Ka pai te tūtaki ki a koe.
Nice to meet you.
I like... - He pai ki a au...
I a mātou i Rānana ka tūtaki ki a Mere mā i a rātou e hoko ana i ng`1a parāoa wīwī.
While they were in London, they met Mary and her group while they were buying French bread.
While... - i... e... ana, ka...
I ahau i Pipiripi, ka tūtaki au ki tōku whanaunga.
While I was in Melbourne, I met with my cousins.
While - i... ka...
Mā te wā tāua tūtaki anō ai.
In time we'll meet again.
Ka tūtaki tātou ki te teihana tereina.
We'll meet at the train station.
Hei te wā tāua tūtaki anō ai.
In time we'll meet again.
Kua tūtaki koe ki a ia?
Have you met her?
Ka pai ki te tūtaki i a koe!
Nice to meet you!
Kia ora e hoa. Pai te tutaki i a koe.
Hi mate. Nice to meet you.
Kua tutaki kōrua.
Have you two met?
Ka pai ki te tūtaki i a koe.
It is good to meet you.
Anā tō kai e hoa, me tūtaki au ki tō whaea ā tōna wā.
That's what you get mate, I should meet your mum sometime.
Ā, kua tutaki kōrua, ko Mere?
Now, have you and Mary met?