Results for 'whakamau'
whakamau - to fix, fasten; to put on
Me whakamau tāua i tō tātua.
Let's put your seatbelt on.
Simple sentences: you should - me
Me whakamau i tō tarau.
Let's put your trousers on.
Simple sentences: you should - me
Te whakamau atu i te kope mā.
Putting on a fresh nappy
Sentences with i - i
Hei aha te rīpene whakapiri? Hei whakamau atu i ngā pānui whakaahua ki te pakitara.
What's that adhesive tape for? For attaching the posters to the wall.
For the purpose of - hei
Kōrero ki tērā wahine e whakamau ana i tōku pōtae.
Speak to that woman wearing my hat.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...
Ka whakamau atu au i te kope mā.
I'll put a fresh nappy on.
Away - atu
Ka whakamau au i ngā hū?
May I try on the shoes?
Nā, me whakamau i tō hāte.
Now, let's put your shirt on.
Nā, me whakamau he kope mā.
Let's put on a clean nappy.