On-line Te Reo Māori Dictionary

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Results for 'wā'

- time, times

i - object of the sentence, from; concerning; in; in the past; on; → | Several uses; not al translatable with a specific English word. Past tense verb particle: I haere ia ... She went Past time marker: I tērā wiki ... Last week Direct object marker: Ka kai ia i te āporo. Source marker (from): Kua hoki mai au i te kura.

atu - away from current orientation (often not translatable by a separate English word)

mai - towards the speaker in space or in orientation; to here

- Various meanings, eg by, belonging to (ā category), by way of

ake - up, upwards (Various uses and meanings, eg upwards, as in: piki ake, titiro ake; comparative as in: nui ake; own, as in: tōku whānau ake)

rawa - Various meanings, eg too, quite, very; really

iho - downwards

hi - part, portion; place

waka - vehicle (land, air and sea)

arā - over there, away from us both; that is, namely

waiata - to sing (v); song (n)

hiahia - to want

tikanga - reason, meaning, right way of doing things, custom (tika + nominal suffix -nga)

awa - river, stream

waho - out, outside, the outside

hanga - chapter, episode

wahine - woman, wife

waewae - foot, leg

pīrangi - to want, desire

waea - wire; phone

waenganui - middle, centre, between

riro - gone away; to be awarded: acquired, obtained

tatari - to wait

hoatu - to give (away from speaker)

hāereere - to wander, roam

waru - eight; to scrape, to peel

horoi - to wash, to clean

waiho - to remain, rest; to leave behind

taniwha - monster, traditional guardian of bodies of water

hīkoi - to walk, step, tread

haka - to perform traditional dance; haka, a traditional dance, war dance

hine - women, wives (plural form of wahine)

oho - to wake up

ngāwari - kind, pleasant of personality; easy

waha - load, burden; to carry on the back; mouth

mātakitaki - to watch, to observe, examine, inspect

ngaru - wave

manawa - heart

iwa - nine

waimarie - lucky, fortunate; luck, good fortune

tangohia - pick up! (command); taken away (tango + passive suffix -hia)

taki - district, region

wawata - to long for, yearn for; dream

pakanga - to fight, battle, war, hostility

wai - potato

wareware - to forget; forgetful (trans)

wairua - spirit

tea - to be clear, unoccupied, available, free of obstruction

whakamuri - towards the back

aro - to face, turn towards, take notice of, pay attention to

whakararo - downwards

nāku - mine, realised possession, it was done by me (ā category)

manaaki - to look after, to show hospitality towards

hōia - soldier, warrior

taihoa - wait

waenga - middle, dividing line

mātaki - to watch

waihanga - to make, build something

wai - presently, in due course, after a while

pakitara - wall

atawhai - to show kindness towards

whanga - to wait (v); harbour (n)

wanatanga - government (kāwana + nominal suffix -tanga)

whakamua - frontward, towards the front

whakarunga - upwards

whakatūpato - to warn, to caution

wana - government, governor

pare - to ward off, to divert

tapuwae - footprint

pana - to push away, to expel

uku - to wash; soap; clay

taraiwa - to drive; driver

āwangawanga - worried

awatea - daylight

kōkiri - to charge, rush at, to thrust forward, attack

wao - forest

pakiwaitara - story

wahie - driftwood

waiariki - hot spring

wawe - early, soon, quickly

taiwhanga - place, waiting room; to wait

paramanawa - refreshments, snacks, nibbles

wahia - firewood

waka moana - canoe, boat

waireka - sweet drink, soft drink

waea pūkoro - cellphone

tokotoko - walking stick (without a handle)

ina - wine

waimaria - lucky

tūnga waka - carpark

mata - clock; live broadcast

honae - wallet

hi - overseas

nanga - study, analyze; seminar, a place of learning

whakaoho - to wake up

pātū - wall

hē manawa - heart attack

hi - break

inumia - [the liquid was] drunk (inu + mia; pass)

hiawai - thirsty

kawa - sour, yuck

wara - flavour

tūrangawaewae - place to stand

reti - wallet

taka - timetable

wai - water; who

waitohu - credit

aromatawai - assessment

horoia - washed (pass of horoi)

teihana - TV channel; railway station

pēwhea? - how? in what way?

hongia - nose was pressed (pass. of hongi)

hope - waist, hip

horomi - to swallow

horomia - swallowed (pass. of horomi)

aewa - unhealthy

aka ina - grapevine

ākiri - throw away

ākiritia - be thrown away (pass. of ākiri)

amuri ake nei - time to come; afterwards; later

ānewa - weak

ānewanewa - giddy

anganui - to face towards

āniwaniwa - rainbow

āraia - (pass) be warded off

auwahine - sister-in-law (of a man)

awaawa - valley

hīrangi - heatwave

hīrere - to rush; waterfall; shower

hiriwa - silver

hiwa - watchful

hokowhitu - band of warriors

hore rawa - not at all

hungawai - father-in-law; mother-in-law

wai - cockle

inaki waka - traffic jam

kaitaraiwa pahi - bus driver

kaiwaiata - singer

kaiwawao - referee, umpire

kaiwhaka - a judge

kakawa - sweat

kānapanapa - gleaming dark green (as deep water)

kānga wai - rotten corn, formented corn

kāpata kākahu - wardrobe

kapowai - dragon-fly

karamuimui - swarm

kararehe kōwao - wild animal

karawaka - measles

karekare - surf, waves

kārewa - buoy; float; surface of water

kauwae - jaw

wai - lineage

kēna wai - watering can

kiritona - pimple; mole; wart

kiriwara - drug addict

kiwa - wink

kōkōwai - red ochre

komuri - backwards

kopa - disappear; crippled; sandal; wallet; schoolbag

kōpikopiko - wandering; winding

kōpua - deep (water)

korowai - cloak

kōtītiti - wander about

waha - yawn

kowata - transparent

waha - door; entrance; mouth

mā te - sometime, whenever

mākūware - careless

manawa - heart attack

manawa - grudging; reluctant

manawareka - satisfied

māra ina - vineyard

mātā - swamp

mataaho waka - windscreen

matakana - wary

matawaia - filled with tears

mātāwaka - all tribes

mate manawa - heart attack; heart disease

matewai - thirst; thirsty

mātotorutanga o te waka - (heavy) traffic

matua wahine - mother; aunt

maumau - waste (of time, effort etc)

mimiti - dried up; swallowed up

moumou - waste (n): to be wasteful (v)

mui - to swarm

muringa - afterwards; youngest child

muriwai - backwater; lagoon

mutunga rawa - maximum

ngaruiti - microwave

ngutu hore - wasteful

ngutuawa - river-mouth

Paeroa-o-Whānui - the Milky Way

pāina - to dry; warm oneself; sunbathe

Pakanga Tuarua - World War Two

Pakanga Tuatahi - World War One

pakiwaituhi - cartoon

panā - (pass) be driven away, be expelled

papataunga - runway

para - blood relation; pollen; sediment; waste material

paraihe - award, prize; brush

pēhea? - how? in what way?

pewa - bow-shaped; eyebrow; raise the eyebrows

pihi - waterproof

pīoioi - to shake, wave, sway

pīrangitia - (pass) be wanted, be desired

waiwaka - fantail

pohewa - imagine

pōhiri - welcome; to wave

pōkai - flock, swarm; roll up, wind up, wrap around

pourewa - elevated platform

poutokomanawa - middle post of house

puāwai - flower; grey hair

pukapuka pakiwaituhi - comic book

pūmanawa rorohiko - software

pūrere horoi - washing machine

pūrere horoi maitai - dishwasher

raihana taraiwa - driver's licence

rama waka - traffic lights

rārangi tatari - waiting list

Raukawa Moana - Cook Strait

rawahanga - mischievous

hi - bank; shore; side; the other side; overseas

rawakore - poor, homeless

repo - swamp; cannon

rerewhenua - railway

retireti wai - hydroslide

retiwai - water-skiing

rewa - float; melt; start; be elevated; mast

rewarangi - pedestrian crossing

wai parai - french fries

taewa parai - french fries

tāheke - descend, drop; steep; waterfall

tai āniwhaniwha - tidal wave

taiepa - fence; wall (freestanding )

tākiri - draw away quickly; untie; pull out; strike (a match)

tara - point; spike; peak; wall; sea bird

tārewa - raised up; provisional; unpaid; unresolved

tāria - (pass) be waited for; be expected; after a time

taunga wakarererangi - airport

tauranga waka - car park

taurangi - changeable; incomplete; wanderer

tauwaka - numberplate

tawa - purple, tower

nō tāhi - international

tawaki - crested penguin

Te Moana o Raukawa - Cook Strait

Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa - Pacific Ocean

Te Waipounamu - South Island

tētahi hi - somewhere

tihewa - sneeze

tikanga o te - the fashion

tīraha - lie face upwards

titiwai - glow-worm

tītoko - to keep away

tīwhaiwhai - wave about

tōroherohe - wag (as in a dog wagging its tail)

toti - limp (walk with difficulty)

tūārangi - from far away; ancient; important

tuarongo - back wall of house

tuopu - swap, trade

Tūranga-nui-a-Kiwa - Gisborne

waewae - visitors

waharoa - yawn

tuwhena rawa - overdose

e heke mai nei - future

kāinga - home

moe - bedtime

wae - foot; leg; separate

waea whakaahua - fax

waenganui pō - midnight

waero - hair of dog's tail; tail

waeroa - mosquito

waewae tapu - stranger, newcomer

hanga whāomoomo - intensive care unit

wahangū - dumb; quiet

wahapū - entrance to harbour; eloquent; mouth of river

waharoa - gateway

wahawaha - generous; approachable

hia - (pass) be broken

hi tapu - sacred place; burial ground

hi utu - checkout

hi whakangahau - amusement arcade

whakangāwari - move quickly; ease, make less severe, soften

whakatakere - underwater

whakatanuku - swallow

whakatautau - moan, wail

whakatoro - push forward, thrust

whaka - accuse; condemn; to judge; appraise

whakawaha - put load on back

whakawai - amuse; practise

whakawareware - deceive

whakatea - make way for, clear space

whaka - quarrel, wrangle

whakawhiwhi - give; to award

whare nanga - traditional school of higher learning; university

whati - broken, snapped; break, snap; run away; turn

whatitoka - doorway

whatumanawa - seat of feelings, heart (as a figure of speech)

whena - a dwarf

whito - a dwarf

whiuwhiu - wag (tail)

taraiwatia - driven (pass. of taraiwa)

tuawaru - eighth

tuaiwa - ninth

waerehe - wireless radio

wahaina - carried on the back (pass. of waha)

waiatatia - sung (pass. of waiata)

warea - to be occupied with

wati - watch (timepiece)

ara tereina - railway track

araoma - runway

awarewa - elevator

kotakota rīwai - potato chips

newanewa - soft toys

pā tūwatawata - fort

pātara wai - waterbottle

hoe waka - canoeing

horowai - waterfall

kahuwae - tights

Kia manawanui! - Be patient, committed, steadfast!

Kia ngāwari! - Be easy (lighten up)!

Nōwei - Norway

hīkoitia - walked (pass of hīkoi)

maramara rīwai - chips

wana - Māori bread

takirihi - watercress

whakaarotia - [it was] thought (pass of whakaaro)

runga ake - upwards, above

ko wai? - who?

tī kawakawa - kawakawa tea

waeahia - rung (pass of waea)

ōkawa - formal

mataara - to be alert, vigilant (s), to keep awake, observe (v)

waiho - to let by, leave alone, ignore

rūrū - to shake hands, wave about (v), handshake (n)

nangahia - to be discussed

hauwarea - to be weak, insignificant, lean

mahana - to be warm, warm

waha - to shout, call, yell

poki - to cover over, swamp, spread over

hīteki - to walk on tip toe, prance on one foot, strut

waipiro - alcohol

manawanui - to be patient, steadfast, determined, resilient

tītaha - to lean to one side (v), to be sideways, slanting (s)

ware - to be ignorant, unaware

waka rererangi - airplane

mātakitakina - to be watched

wai rā - after a time, in due course, for some time

pākiwaha - to boast, brag (v), to be boastful (s)

wae - paragraph

i te - was happening in the past

mātakina - watch

ko wai? - who?

wai māori - fresh water

pokia - to be covered over, swamped, spread over

rawa atu - even more, very

kaituki - coxswain (a person who gives the time to the paddlers on a canoe)

kawakawa - pepper tree

rauawa - sides of a canoe

waru tekau - eighty

puna wai - spring

rawatia - very (pas of rawa)

wakarererangi - plane

mate wai - very thirsty

pū tohu - tense marker

hi - locative noun

rerehi - locative phrase

rere - temporal expressions, time phrases

hi (i) - locative particle [from, on, in, at]

pūtūmua (i) - time preposition [at, in, during]

pūtūmua hi (ki) - locative preposition (to, at)

hanga piri - relative clause

nui rawa atu - largest

hipa noa - past simple [eg 'i...']

hipa mau - past continuous [eg 'i te...']

hipa oti - past perfect [eg 'kua']

hipa oti tata - past perfect [eg 'kātahi anō... ka]

- present tense [eg 'kei te' and 'e... ana']

heke - future tense [eg 'ka']

hipa - past tense

mātaki-kiriata - movie-watching

wai - who is the one who will?

hi kia - let it be, leave

tae rawa - by the time

whaihi - participate

waru - eight

tekau ma waru - eighteen

tekau ma iwa - ninteen

e waru - eight [things]

e iwa - nine [things]

tokowaru - eight [people]

tokoiwa - nine [people]

tuawaru - eighth

tuaiwa - ninth

Kotahi mano waru rau - 1800

Kotahi mano waru rau whā tekau mā toru - 1843

Kotahi mano waru rau whā tekau mā whā - 1844

Kotahi mano waru rau whā tekau mā rima - 1845

Kotahi mano waru rau whā tekau mā ono - 1846

Kotahi mano waru rau whā tekau mā whitu - 1847

Kotahi mano waru rau whā tekau mā waru - 1848

Kotahi mano waru rau whā tekau mā iwa - 1849

Kotahi mano waru rau rima tekau - 1850

Kotahi mano waru rau rima tekau mā tahi - 1851

Kotahi mano waru rau rima tekau mā rua - 1852

Kotahi mano waru rau rima tekau mā toru - 1853

Kotahi mano waru rau rima tekau mā whā - 1854

Kotahi mano waru rau rima tekau mā rima - 1855

Kotahi mano waru rau rima tekau mā ono - 1856

Kotahi mano waru rau rima tekau mā whitu - 1857

Kotahi mano waru rau rima tekau mā waru - 1858

Kotahi mano waru rau rima tekau mā iwa - 1859

Kotahi mano waru rau ono tekau - 1860

Kotahi mano waru rau ono tekau mā tahi - 1861

Kotahi mano waru rau ono tekau mā rua - 1862

Kotahi mano waru rau ono tekau mā toru - 1863

Kotahi mano waru rau ono tekau mā whā - 1864

Kotahi mano waru rau ono tekau mā rima - 1865

Kotahi mano waru rau ono tekau mā ono - 1866

Kotahi mano waru rau ono tekau mā whitu - 1867

Kotahi mano waru rau ono tekau mā waru - 1868

Kotahi mano waru rau ono tekau mā iwa - 1869

Kotahi mano waru rau whitu tekau - 1870

Kotahi mano waru rau whitu tekau mā tahi - 1871

Kotahi mano waru rau whitu tekau mā rua - 1872

Kotahi mano waru rau whitu tekau mā toru - 1873

Kotahi mano waru rau whitu tekau mā whā - 1874

Kotahi mano waru rau whitu tekau mā rima - 1875

Kotahi mano waru rau whitu tekau mā ono - 1876

Kotahi mano waru rau whitu tekau mā whitu - 1877

Kotahi mano waru rau whitu tekau mā waru - 1878

Kotahi mano waru rau whitu tekau mā iwa - 1879

Kotahi mano waru rau waru tekau - 1880

Kotahi mano waru rau waru tekau mā tahi - 1881

Kotahi mano waru rau - 1800

Kotahi mano waru rau mā tahi - 1801

Kotahi mano waru rau mā rua - 1802

Kotahi mano waru rau mā toru - 1803

Kotahi mano waru rau mā whā - 1804

Kotahi mano waru rau mā rima - 1805

Kotahi mano waru rau mā ono - 1806

Kotahi mano waru rau mā whitu - 1807

Kotahi mano waru rau mā waru - 1808

Kotahi mano waru rau mā iwa - 1809

Kotahi mano waru rau tekau - 1810

Kotahi mano waru rau tekau mā tahi - 1811

Kotahi mano waru rau tekau mā rua - 1812

Kotahi mano waru rau tekau mā toru - 1813

Kotahi mano waru rau tekau mā whā - 1814

Kotahi mano waru rau tekau mā rima - 1815

Kotahi mano waru rau tekau mā ono - 1816

Kotahi mano waru rau tekau mā whitu - 1817

Kotahi mano waru rau tekau mā waru - 1818

Kotahi mano waru rau tekau mā iwa - 1819

Kotahi mano waru rau rua tekau - 1820

Kotahi mano waru rau rua tekau mā tahi - 1821

Kotahi mano waru rau rua tekau mā rua - 1822

Kotahi mano waru rau rua tekau mā toru - 1823

Kotahi mano waru rau rua tekau mā whā - 1824

Kotahi mano waru rau rua tekau mā rima - 1825

Kotahi mano waru rau rua tekau mā ono - 1826

Kotahi mano waru rau rua tekau mā whitu - 1827

Kotahi mano waru rau rua tekau mā waru - 1828

Kotahi mano waru rau rua tekau mā iwa - 1829

Kotahi mano waru rau toru tekau - 1830

Kotahi mano waru rau toru tekau mā tahi - 1831

Kotahi mano waru rau toru tekau mā rua - 1832

Kotahi mano waru rau toru tekau mā toru - 1833

Kotahi mano waru rau toru tekau mā whā - 1834

Kotahi mano waru rau toru tekau mā rima - 1835

Kotahi mano waru rau toru tekau mā ono - 1836

Kotahi mano waru rau toru tekau mā whitu - 1837

Kotahi mano waru rau toru tekau mā waru - 1838

Kotahi mano waru rau toru tekau mā iwa - 1839

Kotahi mano waru rau whā tekau - 1840

Kotahi mano waru rau whā tekau mā tahi - 1841

Kotahi mano waru rau whā tekau mā rua - 1842

Kotahi mano waru rau waru tekau mā rua - 1882

Kotahi mano waru rau waru tekau mā toru - 1883

Kotahi mano waru rau waru tekau mā whā - 1884

Kotahi mano waru rau waru tekau mā rima - 1885

Kotahi mano waru rau waru tekau mā ono - 1886

Kotahi mano waru rau waru tekau mā whitu - 1887

Kotahi mano waru rau waru tekau mā waru - 1888

Kotahi mano waru rau waru tekau mā iwa - 1889

Kotahi mano waru rau iwa tekau - 1890

Kotahi mano waru rau iwa tekau mā tahi - 1891

Kotahi mano waru rau iwa tekau mā rua - 1892

Kotahi mano waru rau iwa tekau mā toru - 1893

Kotahi mano waru rau iwa tekau mā whā - 1894

Kotahi mano waru rau iwa tekau mā rima - 1895

Kotahi mano waru rau iwa tekau mā ono - 1896

Kotahi mano waru rau iwa tekau mā whitu - 1897

Kotahi mano waru rau iwa tekau mā waru - 1898

Kotahi mano waru rau iwa tekau mā iwa - 1899

Kotahi mano iwa rau - 1900

Kotahi mano iwa rau mā tahi - 1901

Kotahi mano iwa rau mā rua - 1902

Kotahi mano iwa rau mā toru - 1903

Kotahi mano iwa rau mā whā - 1904

Kotahi mano iwa rau mā rima - 1905

Kotahi mano iwa rau mā ono - 1906

Kotahi mano iwa rau mā whitu - 1907

Kotahi mano iwa rau mā waru - 1908

Kotahi mano iwa rau mā iwa - 1909

Kotahi mano iwa rau tekau - 1910

Kotahi mano iwa rau tekau mā tahi - 1911

Kotahi mano iwa rau tekau mā rua - 1912

Kotahi mano iwa rau tekau mā toru - 1913

Kotahi mano iwa rau tekau mā whā - 1914

Kotahi mano iwa rau tekau mā rima - 1915

Kotahi mano iwa rau tekau mā ono - 1916

Kotahi mano iwa rau tekau mā whitu - 1917

Kotahi mano iwa rau tekau mā waru - 1918

Kotahi mano iwa rau tekau mā iwa - 1919

Kotahi mano iwa rau rua tekau - 1920

Kotahi mano iwa rau rua tekau mā tahi - 1921

Kotahi mano iwa rau rua tekau mā rua - 1922

Kotahi mano iwa rau rua tekau mā toru - 1923

Kotahi mano iwa rau rua tekau mā whā - 1924

Kotahi mano iwa rau rua tekau mā rima - 1925

Kotahi mano iwa rau rua tekau mā ono - 1926

Kotahi mano iwa rau rua tekau mā whitu - 1927

Kotahi mano iwa rau rua tekau mā waru - 1928

Kotahi mano iwa rau rua tekau mā iwa - 1929

Kotahi mano iwa rau toru tekau - 1930

Kotahi mano iwa rau toru tekau mā tahi - 1931

Kotahi mano iwa rau toru tekau mā rua - 1932

Kotahi mano iwa rau toru tekau mā toru - 1933

Kotahi mano iwa rau toru tekau mā whā - 1934

Kotahi mano iwa rau toru tekau mā rima - 1935

Kotahi mano iwa rau toru tekau mā ono - 1936

Kotahi mano iwa rau toru tekau mā whitu - 1937

Kotahi mano iwa rau toru tekau mā waru - 1938

Kotahi mano iwa rau toru tekau mā iwa - 1939

Kotahi mano iwa rau whā tekau - 1940

Kotahi mano iwa rau whā tekau mā tahi - 1941

Kotahi mano iwa rau whā tekau mā rua - 1942

Kotahi mano iwa rau whā tekau mā toru - 1943

Kotahi mano iwa rau whā tekau mā whā - 1944

Kotahi mano iwa rau whā tekau mā rima - 1945

Kotahi mano iwa rau whā tekau mā ono - 1946

Kotahi mano iwa rau whā tekau mā whitu - 1947

Kotahi mano iwa rau whā tekau mā waru - 1948

Kotahi mano iwa rau whā tekau mā iwa - 1949

Kotahi mano iwa rau rima tekau - 1950

Kotahi mano iwa rau rima tekau mā tahi - 1951

Kotahi mano iwa rau rima tekau mā rua - 1952

Kotahi mano iwa rau rima tekau mā toru - 1953

Kotahi mano iwa rau rima tekau mā whā - 1954

Kotahi mano iwa rau rima tekau mā rima - 1955

Kotahi mano iwa rau rima tekau mā ono - 1956

Kotahi mano iwa rau rima tekau mā whitu - 1957

Kotahi mano iwa rau rima tekau mā waru - 1958

Kotahi mano iwa rau rima tekau mā iwa - 1959

Kotahi mano iwa rau ono tekau - 1960

Kotahi mano iwa rau ono tekau mā tahi - 1961

Kotahi mano iwa rau ono tekau mā rua - 1962

Kotahi mano iwa rau ono tekau mā toru - 1963

Kotahi mano iwa rau ono tekau mā whā - 1964

Kotahi mano iwa rau ono tekau mā rima - 1965

Kotahi mano iwa rau ono tekau mā ono - 1966

Kotahi mano iwa rau ono tekau mā whitu - 1967

Kotahi mano iwa rau ono tekau mā waru - 1968

Kotahi mano iwa rau ono tekau mā iwa - 1969

Kotahi mano iwa rau whitu tekau - 1970

Kotahi mano iwa rau whitu tekau mā tahi - 1971

Kotahi mano iwa rau whitu tekau mā rua - 1972

Kotahi mano iwa rau whitu tekau mā toru - 1973

Kotahi mano iwa rau whitu tekau mā whā - 1974

Kotahi mano iwa rau whitu tekau mā rima - 1975

Kotahi mano iwa rau whitu tekau mā ono - 1976

Kotahi mano iwa rau whitu tekau mā whitu - 1977

Kotahi mano iwa rau whitu tekau mā waru - 1978

Kotahi mano iwa rau whitu tekau mā iwa - 1979

Kotahi mano iwa rau waru tekau - 1980

Kotahi mano iwa rau waru tekau mā tahi - 1981

Kotahi mano iwa rau waru tekau mā rua - 1982

Kotahi mano iwa rau waru tekau mā toru - 1983

Kotahi mano iwa rau waru tekau mā whā - 1984

Kotahi mano iwa rau waru tekau mā rima - 1985

Kotahi mano iwa rau waru tekau mā ono - 1986

Kotahi mano iwa rau waru tekau mā whitu - 1987

Kotahi mano iwa rau waru tekau mā waru - 1988

Kotahi mano iwa rau waru tekau mā iwa - 1989

Kotahi mano iwa rau iwa tekau - 1990

Kotahi mano iwa rau iwa tekau mā tahi - 1991

Kotahi mano iwa rau iwa tekau mā rua - 1992

Kotahi mano iwa rau iwa tekau mā toru - 1993

Kotahi mano iwa rau iwa tekau mā whā - 1994

Kotahi mano iwa rau iwa tekau mā rima - 1995

Kotahi mano iwa rau iwa tekau mā ono - 1996

Kotahi mano iwa rau iwa tekau mā whitu - 1997

Kotahi mano iwa rau iwa tekau mā waru - 1998

Kotahi mano iwa rau iwa tekau mā iwa - 1999

Rua mano mā waru - 2008

Rua mano mā iwa - 2009

Rua mano tekau mā waru - 2018

Rua mano tekau mā iwa - 2019

rima meneti pāhi i te waru karaka - five minutes past eight

tekau meneti pāhi i te waru karaka - ten minutes past eight

hauwhā mai i te waru karaka - quarter past eight

rua tekau meneti pāhi i te waru karaka - twenty minutes past eight

rua tekau mā rima meneti pāhi i te waru karaka - twenty-five minutes past eight

haurua mai i te waru karaka - half past eight

rua tekau mā rima meneti ki te waru karaka - twenty-five minutes to eight

rua tekau meneti ki te waru karaka - twenty minutes to eight

hauwhā ki te waru karaka - quarter to eight

tekau meneti ki te waru karaka - ten minutes to eight

rima meneti ki te waru karaka - five minutes to eight

e iwa karaka - nine o'clock

rima meneti pāhi i te iwa karaka - five minutes past nine

tekau meneti pāhi i te iwa karaka - ten minutes past nine

hauwhā mai i te iwa karaka - quarter past nine

rua tekau meneti pāhi i te iwa karaka - twenty minutes past nine

rua tekau mā rima meneti pāhi i te iwa karaka - twenty-five minutes past nine

haurua mai i te iwa karaka - half past nine

rua tekau mā rima meneti ki te iwa karaka - twenty-five minutes to nine

rua tekau meneti ki te iwa karaka - twenty minutes to nine

hauwhā ki te iwa karaka - quarter to nine

tekau meneti ki te iwa karaka - ten minutes to nine

rima meneti ki te iwa karaka - five minutes to nine

e waru karaka - eight o'clock

waha - colloquial saying, idiom

Raukawa - Raukawa

poutuarongo - back wall post of a meeting house

pōteretere - to be drifting about, backwards and forwards

whakaanga - turn towards, to cause to face in a particular direction

waihotia - leave! left alone (pass. of waiho)

warua - peel, scrape

taewa - potato

wani - scrape

kīrehu - idiom, a kīwaha you don't understand

matihere - deep affection, warm regard

mānawanawa - be patient; patience

pokepoke - to mix up with water, etc., knead, mold, shape, form

ka wani kē - you're clever! genius!

hiahiatia - wanted, desired; want! (pass. of hiahia)

pūmanawa - to draw a long breath [v]; natural talent [n]

ko wai - who is?

whakatū waka - to park a car

Pōuri atu! - Get lost! Get out of my way!

He waha papā! - Verbal diarrhoea!

Engarī mō tēnā! - No way! I don't think so!

nanga! - Wicked!

Me te wai kōrari - Delicious! (literally, as sweet as juice of the flax flower)

Māu rawa te kōrero! - You can talk - you're the worse offender! Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!

Kaua e mutu taki noa iho. - Don't limit yourself! Go beyond the comfort zone.

Tino kino te hēhē! - It was a big disappointment.

Ka wani kē! - Neat, alright!

Āmiki rawa tēnā! - Too much information!

Kei Mahurangi kē koe. - You're away with the fairies!

He kōrero i pahawa. - All talk, no action!

Ko wai hoki koe? - Who the hell are you?

mātakitaki - watch

inaoakewake - several days ago

Nō mai mai. - From way back.

Auare ake! - No way! Not a chance! To no avail!

Ha aha hoki! - No way!

Engari mō tēnā! - No way!

Mei kore ake... - If it wasn't for you...

Hoea tō waka! - Go for it!

Koirā anake te mahi e pahawa i a koe! - That's all you're good for!

Ākene koe i a au! - Watch it or else!

wai tāu? - Says who?

wai rā, nāwai rā. - Eventually.

Ko wai koe? - Who do you think you are?

I reira te mahi a te tangata! - The place was packed!

He aha hoki! - No way! Not a chance!

He rā nō te pakiwaru! - It's very hot today!

E hawa e hawa! - no way, you're joking, you're kidding!

He aha te aha. - Nothing changes, nothing changed, to no avail, it was a waste of time.

wai i hē, kātahi ka tino hē kē atu. - That's going from bad to worse.

Hei aha atu mā wai? - Who cares?

Kei tāwauwau kē koe! - You are way off track!

Mea rawa ake... - Next minute...

karawa - relation, relative

I u nei hoki. - Sorry to hear that, not! Poor you! Diddums.

Kei tua o Tāwauwau ia. - He is away with the fairies.

Wai ka hua, wai ka tohu? - Who knows? Who can say?

Mahia tāu i kōrero ai! - Walk the talk!

Kua ngata taku hiahia. - My wants have been met.

Ākuni koe i a au! - I'll get you! Wait till I get my hands on you!

Tino kore nei! - Absolutely no way!

Tūwhitia te hopo. - Feel the fear and do it anyway.

Auware ake. - Couldn't be done. Nothing happened.

Turituri warawara. - Blah blah blah.

A tōna . - All in good time. There will come a time for that.

turotowaenga - midnight

Kāore i wareware i ahau tō ingoa. - I have not forgotten your name. (Your name has not been forgotten by me.)

I warewqare i ahau tō ingoa. - I have forgotten your name. (Your name has been forgotten by me.)

hamo pango - coward

waho - foreigner, outsider

Ngāti R`1awaho - foreigners

tiripou - walking stick (with a handle)

waiwa - beautiful

He aha to aha! - To no avail! A waste of time!

waha! - Shut up!

Katia tō waha! - Shut up!

i ētahi - sometimes

whakaihu waka - champion; the first thing to cross the line

Kīhai i taro... - It wasn't long before, not long after that...

He rite tonu. - Ad nauseum. Always.

kaua rawa - absolutely don't

Toitoi okewa. - Tempt fate.

I ahau i te hokomaha, ka kite ahau i ōku hoa kura. - While I was at the supermarket, I saw my school friends.

I haere au ki te toa, he hiahia nōku. - I went to the shop because I wanted to.

waia - to become familiar with something

wawara - desire, addiction

warawara - desire, addiction

warawarawara - blah blah blah

wai i hē ka hē kē atu - Things are going from bad to worse.

Tēnā te ringa parahia. - He does the jobs no one else wants to do.

Ko ngā tohunga nāna te waka i tārai.
The experts who carved the canoe.
Identity sentences - ko...

Ko te raumati te kauhoe.
Summer is the time for swimming.
Identity sentences - ko...

Ko Kahu te koroua o Terewai.
Kahu is the elder of Terewai.
Identity sentences - ko...

Ko ōku hoa kei waho!
It's my friends outside.
Identity sentences - ko...

Ko Kauri te wahine a Manu.
Kauri is the wife of Manu.
Identity sentences - ko...

Ko te Moana-nui-ā-Kiwa te moana.
The Pacific Ocean is the ocean.
Identity sentences - ko...

Ko te kūmara tāku tūmomo huawhenua pai rawa.
Kumara is my favourite type of vegetable.
Identity sentences - ko...

Ko Riripeti rāua ko Tīwana aku mokopuna.
Riripeti and Tīwana are my grandchildren.
Identity sentences - ko...

Ko Kāpuni te awa.
Kāpuni is the river.
Identity sentences - ko...

Ko te kaukau.
It is bath time.
Identity sentences - ko...

Ko Hone rāua ko Rāhera ōku hungawai.
Hone and Rāhera are my parents-in-law.
Identity sentences - ko...

Ko wai tērā?
Who is that (over there)?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai kei raro i te rākau?
Who is that under the tree?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai kei runga i te nohoanga?
Who is that on the sofa?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai kei roto i te motokā?
Who is that in the car?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai kei waho i te whare?
Who is that outside the house?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai te tangata e hīkoi mai nei?
Who is the person walking this way?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai tō tāua manuhiri?
Who is our visitor?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai mā ō tāua manuhiri?
Who are our visitors?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai ō koutou ingoa, kōtiro mā?
What are your names, girls?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai a Rangi?
Who is Rangi?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai te ingoa o tō matua?
What's the name of your dad?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai te huatahi?
Who is the first born?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai kei te māuiui?
Who is sick?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai te ingoa o tō hoa?
What's the name of your friend?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai te ingoa o tō whaea?
What's the name of your mum?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai tōu?
Who is yours? (eg who is your father?).
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai te mātāmua o tō whānau?
Who is the eldest in your family?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai te whaea?
Who is the mother?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai ō mātua?
Who are your parents?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai te mātāmua?
Who is the oldest?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai ngā mātua?
Who are the parents?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai te tuakana o Pāora?
Who is the older sibling (same gender) of Pāora?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai ō hoa?
Who are your friends?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai tō tino pēne?
Who is your favourite band?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai koe?
Who are you?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai kōrua?
Who are you two?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai te ingoa o tō pāpā?
What is the name of your mother?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai te pāpā o Tama?
Whose Tama's dad?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai tō ingoa?
What is your name?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai te ingoa o tērā wahine?
What's the name of that woman?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai te ingoa o tērā maunga?
What is the name of that mountain?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai te ingoa o tēnei awa?
What is the name of this river?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai tō kaiako pāngarau?
Who is your maths teacher?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai tēnei?
Who is this?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai tōna ingoa?
What's her name?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai tō māmā?
Who is your Mum?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai tō pāpā?
Who is your Dad?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai tō teina?
Who is your younger sibling?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai ō tēina?
Who are your younger siblings?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai mā ēnei?
Whose are these?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai i haere?
Who (all) went?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai kei roto i tana motukā?
Who is in her car?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai te mea pai ki te kōrero Māori?
Whose good at speaking Māori?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai kei te moe?
Who is sleeping?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai mā i te totohe?
Who were arguing?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai te mea e mōhio ana ki te reo Māori?
Who is the one who knows te reo Māori?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai ngā mea a ako ana i te reo Māori?
Who are the ones learning te reo Māori?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai tana ingoa?
What's her name?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai te iwi e pai ana ki te haka?
Who is the nation who is good at doing haka?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai te pāpā?
Who is the father?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai te māmā?
Who is the mother?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai te tamāhine?
Who is the daughter?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai te koroua nui tōna aroha ki tōna whānau?
Who is the old man who has a lot of love for his whānau?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai te koroua?
Who is the grandfather?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai kei te horoi?
Who is washing?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai ngā tamariki koi ngā hinengaro?
Who are the children with sharp minds?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai kei te horoi i ngā rīhi?
Who is washing the dishes.
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai mā kei te haere?
Who are you going with?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai te kaiwhakahaere? Ko au tonu!
Who is the orangiser? Actually, it's me!
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko Waikura tōku tuahine.
Waikura is my sister.
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai kei te haere ki te hui?
Who is going to the hui?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai tōu whaea?
Who is your mother?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai rā kei te tapahi i te mīti?
Who is chopping the meat?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai tōna iwi?
What is his tribe?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai tērā?
Who is that?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai i horoi i ngā rīhi?
Who did the dishes?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai kei te horoi i te rūma?
Who is cleaning the room?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai atu ka haere?
Who else is going?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai i tiki i ngā tamariki i te kura?
Who picked up the children from school?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai kei te tunu i te kai?
Who is cooking the food?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai ka taraiwa i te pō nei?
Who will drive tonight?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai te ingoa o tō kuia?
What is your grandmother's name?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai te pōtiki o te whānau?
Who is the youngest in the family?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai i tākaro i te papa tākaro?
Who played at the playground?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai i hanga i te whare?
Who built the house?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai e haere?
Who is to go?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai i kai i ngā āporo?
Who ate the apples?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai tōu ingoa?
What's your name?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai e pōhiri?
Who should be invited?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai kei te āwhina i te kaiako?
Who is helping the teacher?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai tērā ki korā?
Who is that over there?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai i hopu i te ika?
Who caught the fish?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai kei te tākaro i te kēmu?
Who is playing the game?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai te ingoa o tō whānau?
What's the name of your family?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai i hoko i ngā pukapuka?
Who bought the books?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai kei te whakahaere i te hui?
Who is running the meeting?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai i kī i te kākahu?
Who packed the clothes?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai kei te waiata i te waiata?
Who is singing the song?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai ia?
Who is he/she?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai kei waho i te kūaha?
Who is outside the door?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai tōu hoa?
Who is your friend?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai i whakaatu i te kiriata?
Who showed the movie?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

I kōrero a Tawa ki a wai?
To whom did Tawa speak?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai ōna hoa?
Who are his/her friends.
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai kei te haere mai?
Who is coming?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai ka haere ki te taone ā te pō nei?
Who's going to town tonight?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko Waiokura te marae.
The marae is Waiokura.
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko wai ō hungarei?
Who are your parents in law?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Ko te aha te ?
What's the time?
Why did? - He aha... i... ai?

He aha a Koa i haere ai ki Hawai'i?
Why did Koa go to Hawai'ī?
Why did? - He aha... i... ai?

Ehara ia i te wahine atamai.
She is not a clever woman.
Negations of identity sentences - ehara...

Ehara ngā rangatira i a Moki rāua ko Tū-te-kawa.
Moki and Tū-te-kawa were not the chiefs.
Negations of identity sentences - ehara...

Ehara tēnei mahi i te mahi ngāwari.
This work isn't easy work.
Negations of identity sentences - ehara...

Ehara ōna waka i a Aotea, i a Tākitimu, i a Mataaua.
Aotea, Tākitimu and Mataaua are not his canoes.
Negations of identity sentences - ehara...

Ehara tērā wahine i te kaiako.
That woman isn't a teacher.
Negations of identity sentences - ehara...

Ehara a Manu i te kaitaraiwa pahi.
Manu is not a bus driver.
Negations of identity sentences - ehara...

Kei te haere ngā tamariki ki waho
The children are going outside.
Simple sentences: present tense with a verb - kei te

Kei te waiata a Honi.
Honi is singing.
Simple sentences: present tense with a verb - kei te

Kei te ako au i tētehi waiata.
I am learning a song.
Simple sentences: present tense with a verb - kei te

Kei te ako au i ētehi waiata.
I am learning some songs.
Simple sentences: present tense with a verb - kei te

Kei te horoi a Aria i te waka.
Aria is washing the car.
Simple sentences: present tense with a verb - kei te

Kei te hari au i ngā pūhera ki te waka.
I am carrying the purchases to the car
Simple sentences: present tense with a verb - kei te

Kei te waiata te kapa haka.
The haka group is singing.
Simple sentences: present tense with a verb - kei te

Kei te waiata a Jerome.
Jerome is singing.
Simple sentences: present tense with a verb - kei te

Kei te pai rawa atu.
Really good.
Simple sentences: present tense with a verb - kei te

Kei te waiata rāua.
Those two are singing.
Simple sentences: present tense with a verb - kei te

E kōrero ana ngā hine.
The women are talking.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

E tū ana ia ki mua i Te Rōpū Whakamana i te Tiriti o Waitangi.
He is standing in front of the Treaty of Waitangi.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

E hiahia ana ia ki te haere ki tāhi.
Do you want to go to.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

E puta ana ngā tamariki katoa ki waho.
All of the children are going outside.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

E kimi ana a Manu i tāna waea pūkoro.
Manu is searching for his cell phone.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

E haere ana mātou ki naka ā tērā wiki.
We are going to naka next week.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

E haere ana ngā hine ki te toa.
The women are going to the shop.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

E waiata ana māua i te hui.
We (me and one other person) are singing at the gathering.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

E noho ana mātou i Kawakawa.
We were living in Kawakawa.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

E kaingākau ana ia ki tana mokopuna ki a Tīwana.
She is very fond of her grandchild, Tīwana.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

E pēhea ana tērā kerēwatiki?
How is that clever dickie?
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

E ua ana ki waho.
It's raining outside.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

E haere ana ngā tamariki katoa ki waho.
All of the children are going outside.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

E tika ana kia mihi au ki a koe me tō whānau i tēnei pōuri.
It is appropriate for me to greet you and your family at this sad time.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

E kai ana te pēpi i ngā rīwai.
The baby is eating the potatoes.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

E waiata ana ngā tamariki.
The children are (or were) singing.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

E kōrero ana te wahine i te karakia.
The woman is speaking the prayer.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

E tū ana te waka ki te huarahi.
The car is parked on the road.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

E mau ana mātou i te wahie i te rori ki te whare.
We are carrying the firewood from the road to the house.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

E inu ana ia i te kapu wai.
She is drinking a cup of water.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

E kimi ana a Manu i tāna waea pūkoro.
Manu is searching for his cell phone.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

E waiata ana rātou.
They are singing.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

I tāraia te waka ki te toki pounamu.
The canoe was carved with a jade adze.
Simple sentences: past tense - i

I whara au taku waewae.
I hurt my leg.
Simple sentences: past tense - i

I noho ngā hine ki te marae.
The women stayed at the marae.
Simple sentences: past tense - i

I hoko a Rangi i te waka.
Rangi bought the car.
Simple sentences: past tense - i

I haere a Hori ki te kanikani ki te kimi hoa wahine.
Hori went to the dance to look for a girlfriend.
Simple sentences: past tense - i

I waiata rāua i te hui?
Kāore rāua i waiata i te hui?
Simple sentences: past tense - i

I haere au ki te awa ki to hīkoi i te mutunga wiki.
I went to the river to go walking in the weekend.
Simple sentences: past tense - i

I haere au ki to awa ki to hīkoi, i toro auto ki tōku hoa, ā, i kai tahi hoki me tōku whānau.
I went to the river to go walking, I visited my friend and I are together with my family.
Simple sentences: past tense - i

I waiho ahau i te koti ki tō whare.
I left the coat at your house.
Simple sentences: past tense - i

I taraiwa au.
I drove.
Simple sentences: past tense - i

I pakeke ake ia i Te Waipounamu.
He grew up in the South Island.
Simple sentences: past tense - i

I tihewa ia i te pō roa nei.
She sneezed all night.
Simple sentences: past tense - i

I waruwaru rīwai au.
I peeled spuds.
Simple sentences: past tense - i

I titiro atu ia ki te rā, ka tihewa.
He look at the sun and sneezed.
Simple sentences: past tense - i

I haere rāua i te tahataha awa.
They walked beside the river.
Simple sentences: past tense - i

I taraiwa māua.
We drove.
Simple sentences: past tense - i

I taraiwa māua ko taku hoa ki te whare nanga i te waru karaka.
Me and my friend drove to uni at 8 o'clock.
Simple sentences: past tense - i

I pai tāna waita.
His singing was good.
Simple sentences: past tense - i

I te kōrero ngā wahine.
The women were talking.
Simple sentences: past tense - i te

I te mutunga wiki i haere au ki te awa,te kura, te toa hoki.
On the weekend I went to the river, to the school and also to the shop.
Simple sentences: past tense - i te

I te whakarongo mātou ki te waiata i te rā whānau.
We were listening to the song at the birthday.
Simple sentences: past tense - i te

Ka waiata te kapa haka i te hui.
The haka group will sing at the gathering.
Simple sentences: past tense - i te

Ka rere te waka rererangi ki Tāmaki Makaurau ā te ahiahi.
The plane will fly to Auckland in the afternoon.
Simple sentences: past tense - i te

Ka tākaro ngā tamariki ki waho.
The children will play outside.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka

Ka tākaro ngā tamariki ki waho.
The children will play outside.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka

Ka tīmata taku tama i te kura ā te hanga tuarua o te tau.
My son will start school in the second part of the year.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka

Ka oti te hangai a te waka ā tēnei Paengawhāwhā.
The waka will be finished in April.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka

Ka āhua āwangawanga a Mere.
Mere will be somewhat worried.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka

Ka haere atu ia ki tāhi.
She will go overseas.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka

Ka kōrero te Pirihitini mō te ture tuawaru.
The President will talk about the eighth amendment.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka

Ka āwangawanga koe.
You will be worried.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka

Kua kōrero ngā hine.
The women have spoken.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua

Kua haere a Nikau ki tāhi.
Nikau's gone overseas.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua

Kua kitea e koe? Ko te aha? Ko tāku waea pūkoro?
Have you seen it? What? My cell phone?
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua

Kua waiho taua hi hei urupā mō ngā tūpāpaku.
That place was left as a burial ground for the dead.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua

Kua eke atu ia ki ngā taumata o te waru tekau mā whitu tau.
She has reached the age of eighty seven years.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua

Kua ako a Mere i te waiata.
Mere has learnt the song.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua

Kua kī te waka.
The car is full.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua

Kua tae atu koe ki tāhi?
Have you been overseas?
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua

Kua rongo koe i te waiata hou?
Have you heard the new song?
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua

Kua hoki te waka ki te kāinga.
The car has returned home.
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua

Kua kitea e koe? Ko te aha? Ko tāku waea pūkoro?
Have you seen it? What? My cell phone?
Simple sentences: past completed tense - kua

Me kai waiū ngā pēpi ka tika.
It's right that babies have breast milk.
Simple sentences: you should - me

Me waiata tāua?
Shall we sing a song?
Simple sentences: you should - me

Me inu wai tātou i ngā katoa.
We should drink water all of the time.
Simple sentences: you should - me

Me ako tētahi hi ia rā, ia rā.
You should learn part each day.
Simple sentences: you should - me

Me manawanui!
You should be steadfast!
Simple sentences: you should - me

Me haere ngā hine ki mua.
The women should go to the front.
Simple sentences: you should - me

Me waiho a Kōuraraka i te pāreti!
Goldilocks should leave the porridge!
Simple sentences: you should - me

Me tapahi e Ari te wahia.
Ari had better cut the firewood.
Simple sentences: you should - me

Me oma tātou ki te awa.
We (3+ including listener) should run to the river.
Simple sentences: you should - me

Me waiata a Mere.
Mere should sing.
Simple sentences: you should - me

Me noho koutou ki Te nanga o Raukawa.
You (3+ including listener) should stay at the Wānanga.
Simple sentences: you should - me

Me tāria te waka.
The car should be waited for.
Simple sentences: you should - me

Me hoki koe ki tōu ake marae ki te ako i te kawa.
You should return to your own marae to learn protocol.
Simple sentences: you should - me

Me kai hoki koe i ngā waewae kōura.
You should also eat the cray legs.
Simple sentences: you should - me

Me waihotia ngā taputapu ki te tēpu.
The tools should be left on the table.
Simple sentences: you should - me

Me mōhio koe ki te kawa o tōu marae.
You should know the protocol of your marae.
Simple sentences: you should - me

Kei te waruwaru rātou i ngā rīwai.
They are peeling the spuds.
Sentences with i - i

Me kau hoki ki hea i te tawhiti ki waho o te moana nui?
Where could he swim to, from such a distance out in the ocean?
Sentences with i - i

Ka āwhina aua manu i te tīwaiwaka.
Those birds help the fantail.
Sentences with i - i

He makawe whero te wahine e waiata ana.
The woman singing has red hair.
Sentences with a subclause - e... ana

Tokotoru ngā tohunga e hauhau ana i ngā waka nei.
There were three experts hewing these canoes.
Sentences with a subclause - e... ana

He makawe pākākā ō te wahine e waiata ana.
The woman singing has brown hair.
Sentences with a subclause - e... ana

E iwa ngā hoihō e oma atu ana.
There are nine horses running away.
Sentences with a subclause - e... ana

Kei tāhi ia e mahi ana.
He's working overseas.

Kei waho ia i te whare e tū ana.
He is standing outside the house.

Kei te tari kāwanatanga au e mahi ana.
I work in the public service.

Kei Manawatū a Miro e noho ana.
Miro is living in Manawatū.

Kei te awa a Liam e hī ika ana.
Liam is fishing at the river.

Kei hea koe e noho ana i tēnei ?
Where are you staying at this time?

Kia hāparangi te waha!
Shout it!
Mild imperatives (You should be...) - kia

Kia manawanui!
Be careful
Mild imperatives (You should be...) - kia

Kia mā te hi e mahi ai kōrua.
Your work area should be clean.
Mild imperatives (You should be...) - kia

Kia manawanui tāua.
Let us be patient.
Mild imperatives (You should be...) - kia

Puritia ngā taha o te waka kei taka koe!
Hold on to the sides of the waka lest you fall!
Be careful... lest! - kia... kei...

Āta hīkoi atu kei kuhu ō waewae ki te paru.
Walk carefully so you don't step in the mud.
Be careful... lest! - kia... kei...

Āta kawea te kapu, kei riringihia atu te wai.
Carry the cup carefully or the water might spill.
Be careful... lest! - kia... kei...

Puritia ngā taha o te waka kei taka koe!
Hold on to the sides of the waka lest you fall!
Be careful... lest! - kia... kei...

Me tuhi koe i ngā kupu, kei wareware i a koe!
You should write the words down or you might forget them!
Be careful... lest! - kia... kei...

Kaua e haere ki waho, kei te ua.
Don't go outside, it's raining.
Be careful... lest! - kia... kei...

Kia āta haere, kia raru tō waka.
Go carefully, in case your car breaks down.
Be careful... lest! - kia... kei...

Āe. Āta huakina ngā kūaha, kei tūtuki ki te waka kei tō taha.
Yes, and open the door carefully, in case it bangs into the car alongside.
Be careful... lest! - kia... kei...

Kaua e oma, kei tukia koe e te waka.
Don't run, or you might get bowled by a car.
Be careful... lest! - kia... kei...

Oho ai au i te wari karaka i te ata.
I usually wake up at eight o'clock in the morning.
Habitual action - ai

Inu ai au i te waipiro ia rā ia rā.
I always drink alcohol every day.
Habitual action - ai

Inu ai au i te waipiro ia wiki ia wiki.
I always drink alcohol every week.
Habitual action - ai

Waiata ai ngā manu i ngā ata.
The birds usually sing in the mornings.
Habitual action - ai

Noho ai ngā hine ki konei.
The always women sit here.
Habitual action - ai

Hokihoki ai ia ki te kāinga.
He returned home regularly.
Habitual action - ai

Ia Rāapa ia Rāapa waea ai tāku tamāhine ki a au.
Every Wednesday my daughter always phones me.
Habitual action - ai

Noho ai rātou ki Waiwera ia tau, ia tau.
They always stay at Waiwera each year.
Habitual action - ai

Pēnei māua kei tāhi tonu koe!
We thought you guys were still overseas!
I thought mistakenly - Pēnei au...

Pēnei ia ka waiata koe.
He thought you would sing.
I thought mistakenly - Pēnei au...

Pēnei au kua whakakore kē a John i te inu waipiro, engari i kite au i a ia e inu ana i te waina i te wharewaina.
I thought that John had already quit drinking, but I saw him drinking wine in the winery.
I thought mistakenly - Pēnei au...

Ki a wai te horoi i ngā rīhi?
Who is going to wash the dishes?
Who is going to... - Ki a wai te...?

Ki a wai te tahitahi i te mahau?
Who is going to sweep the verandah
Who is going to... - Ki a wai te...?

Ki a wai te horoi i ngā heketua?
Who is going to clean the toilets?
Who is going to... - Ki a wai te...?

Ki a wai te tāuwhiuwhi?
Who's doing the shower?
Who is going to... - Ki a wai te...?

Ki a wai ngā rāpihi?
Who's going to deal with the rubbish?
Who is going to... - Ki a wai te...?

Ki a wai tēnā mahi?
Who will do that work?
Who is going to... - Ki a wai te...?

Ki a koutou te waiata.
You (3+) will sing the song.
Who is going to... - Ki a wai te...?

He rite tō tāua waka ki tō māmā.
Our car is like mum's.
This is just like that - he rite tonu

He rite tāna aromatawai ki tāku.
His assignment is similar to mine.
This is just like that - he rite tonu

Rite tonu ia ki a Tui Teka ki te waiata.
He sings just like Tui Teka.
This is just like that - he rite tonu

Kia hia ngā moni ki te hoko i te waka hōu?
How much money do you need to buy the new car?
How many are needed? - Kia hia

He aha tō mahi i Te nanga o Raukawa?
What are you going to do at Te nanga o Raukawa?
What are you doing? - He aha tāu mahi?

Tēnā tapahia he wahie?
Could you please chop some wood?
Could you please make me... - Tēnā mahia mai he... māku.

Hei aha te kapu tī, homai te wai rēmana.
Never mind the cuppa tea, give me a lemon drink.
Never mind the... No worries! - Hei aha te..., Kia ahatia@

Kia ahatia. Ka hoki mai tēnā pōtae ā tōna anō e tika ana.
No worries/it's all good. That hat will return when the times is right.
Never mind the... No worries! - Hei aha te..., Kia ahatia@

Hera, ka pai māu te tēpu e whakatea?
Hera, could you clear the table?
Is it OK if... ? - Ka pai taku...?

Ka pai tā kōrua whakahoki mai i taku tama ina mutu te whakawai?
Would you mind dropping my son off here after practice?
Is it OK if... ? - Ka pai taku...?

Ka pai anō tō hoko waea pūkoro hou māku, e Mā?
Could you buy me a new cellphone, Mum…?
Is it OK if... ? - Ka pai taku...?

Kāore au e rata ki tēnā kai - he kawa ki taku korokoro.
I don't like that food - I find it unpleasant.
To like - rata

Ko wai e rata ana ki ngā tikanga hou nei?
Who likes these new procedures?
To like - rata

Ko wai e rata ana ki te kāngarere?
Who likes cornflakes?
To like - rata

Nō te roa o te noho, ka mōhio a Kupe ko te wairua katoa o Kura e hiahia ana ki a ia.
From the length of time they stayed, Kupe knew that Kura's entire spirit desired him.
Belonging to the past - nō

Nō tēnei , ka tae mai mai ngā kōtiro a Toto.
At this moment, Toto's daughters arrived.
Belonging to the past - nō

Nō te o ngā tūpuna ēnei ritenga.
These customs come from the time of the ancestors.
Belonging to the past - nō

Nō mua noa atu te walkman i te ipod.
The Walkman came long before the ipod.
Belonging to the past - nō

Nō te iwa karaka rawa, ka tīmata te purei kāri.
Finally, at nine o'clock, the card games started.
Belonging to the past - nō

Nō te o te piringa o Rangi rāua ko Papa ka tupu te werawera, ka rērere te kohu.
At the time of the union of Rangi and Papa, the heat grew, the mist rose.
Belonging to the past - nō

Nō hea tēnei takirihi?
Where is this watercress from?
Belonging to a place - nō

Nō whea ēnei taewa?
Where do these potatoes comes from?
Belonging to a place - nō

Nō te māra ēnei taewa.
These potatoes come from the garden.
Belonging to a place - nō

Nō whea tō waka hou?
Where did you get your new car from?
Belonging to a place - nō

Nō Ngāti Raukawa tōku pāpā.
My father is from Ngāti Raukawa.
Belonging to a place - nō

Waikato tōna whaea.
His/Her mother is from Waikato.
Belonging to a place - nō

Nō te rohe o Te Arawa a Hemi.
Hemi is from the Te Arawa region.
Belonging to a place - nō

Waikato ahau.
I'm from Waikato.
Belonging to a place - nō

Ehara mō rātou tēnei waka.
This vehicle is not for them.
Negating māku possessives - ehara... mā...; ehara... mā

wai tēnā i mahi?
Who did that?
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic

wai te papa i tahitahi?
Who swept the floor?
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic

wai te whare i whakapai?
Who was the one who cleaned the house?
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic

wai te whare i whakaparuparu?
Who was the one who messed up the house?
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic

Nāku te waka i horoi.
I washed the car.
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic

Nā te kōtiro i waiata i te waiata.
It was the girl who sang the song.
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic

wai tō kai i tunu inapō
Who was the one who cooked your food last night?
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic

wai koe i whakapakeke?
Who was the one who raised you?
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic

wai tō moenga i whakatika ii tēnei ata?
Who made your bed the morning?
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic

wai ō kākahu i horoi i tērā wiki?
Who washed the clothes last week?
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic

wai te kai i tunu?
Who cooked for food?
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic

wai ō kākahu i pōkai i tēnei wiki?
Who was the one who folded the clothes last week?
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic

wai tō wharepaku i horoi i tērā wiki?
Who was the one who cleaned the toilet last week?
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic

wai tō kai i whakarite i tēnei rā?
Who was the one who prepared food today?
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic

wai koe i ako ki te whakapai moenga?
Who was the one who taught you to make your bed?
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic

wai tō kawhe i whakarite i tēnei rā?
Who was the one who made your coffee today?
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic

Nā Manu te waka i hoe ki te motu.
It was Manu who paddled the boat to the island.
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic

wai i kī e mārena ana tō tuakana?
Who said your brother's getting married?
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic

wai taku motokā whakapai?
Who cleaned my car?
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic

wai taku wai i inu?
Who drank my water?
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic

wai te whare i whakatika?
Who fixed the house?
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic

Nā te wahine anake tērā mahi.
That task is done by woman alone.
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic

Nāku kē te waka i whakakī.
I actually filled the car up with petrol.
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic

wai a Papa rāua ko Rangi i whakawehe?
Who separated Papa and Rangi?
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic

Nā taua rōpū ngā waiata tino reka.
That group did the sweetest singing.
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic

wai rātou i nanaaki?
Who looked after them?
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic

wai ngā rihi i horoi?
Who washed the dishes?
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic

wai i mahi te parāoa?
Who made the bread?
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic

Nāu ngā kūmara i waru.
You were the one who peeled the kūmera.
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic

wai te parāoa i mahi?
Who made the bread?
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic

wai i horoi ngā pereti?
Who washed the plates?
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic

Nā tātou te waiata i waiata.
We were the ones who sang the song.
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic

wai ngā pereti i horoi?
Who washed the plates?
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic

wai i kato te pūhā?
Who picked the pūhā?
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic

wai te pūhā i kato?
Who picked the pūhā?
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic

Nā Manu te waka i hoe ki te motu.
Manu paddled the boat to the island.
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic

Nā te mea, he wera rawa!
Because it's too hot!
Conjuctions - because - nā te mea

Mō rātou tēnei waka.
This vehicle is for them.
Unrealised possession - mā, māku

wai tēnei pene?
Who is this pen for?
Unrealised possession - mā, māku

wai ērā hu?
Who are those shoes for?
Unrealised possession - mā, māku

Mā Pāpā tātou e taraiwa atu ki Te Ao Hou.
Pāpā will drive us to New World.
Future agent emphatic - māku

Māku te waiata e waiata hei tautoko.
I will sing the song as support.
Future agent emphatic - māku

Māku e kawe atu he wai māu.
I will bring you some water.
Future agent emphatic - māku

Mā Bob te waiata e tīmata.
Bob will start the song.
Future agent emphatic - māku

Māku e taraiwa.
I will drive.
Future agent emphatic - māku

Mā rāua te motokā e taraiwa.
They (two) will drive the car.
Future agent emphatic - māku

Māu te waka e taraiwa.
You will drive the car.
Future agent emphatic - māku

Māku te waiata tautoko e waiata.
I will sing the song of support.
Future agent emphatic - māku

Māu koe e taraiwa
You will drive.
Future agent emphatic - māku

Mā mātou tō waiata e waiata.
We will song your song.
Future agent emphatic - māku

Mā tērā tane tōu waka e whakapai.
That man will fix your car.
Future agent emphatic - māku

Māku e horoi tō rātou waka.
I will be the one to clean the car.
Future agent emphatic - māku

wai te keke i tunu?
Who baked the cake?
Future agent emphatic - māku

wai te kawhe nei?
Who is this coffee for?
Future agent emphatic - māku

Homai he wai arani māku.
Pass an orange juice for me.
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...

Kei te whakatikaina te waka.
The car is being fixed.
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...

Riringihia he wai ki roto.
Pour in some water.
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...

wai ēnei hū māwhero?
To whom do these pink shoes belong?
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...

Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...

Whakarongo ki tēnei waiata!
Listen to this song!
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...

Waiho ō hū ki te kūaha.
Leave your shoes at the door.
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...

Waihotia ngā kai ki runga i te tēpu mō te rā whānau.
Leave the food on the table for the birthday.
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...

Tīkina te waka ki te marae.
Fetch the car from the marae.
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...

Whakateahia he hi ki te kāuta.
Clear a space in the kitchen.
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...

Waruhia te kiri rēmana.
Grate the lemon rind.
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...

Tīkina he wai!
Fetch some water!
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...

Inumia te wai!
Drink the water!
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...

Ringihia mai te wai ki tāku kapu.
Pour the water into my cup.
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...

Huakina te kūwaha.
Open the door.
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...

Kaita te kūwaha.
Shut the door.
Commands using the passive - Tāpirihia, Tīkina...

E kōrero pākiwaha mai ana ia ānō nei ko ia te toa o te kēmu.
He was boasting as if he won the game.
It was as if - ānō nei

E pararē ana ia ānō nei kua whati tana waewae.
She was screaming as is if her leg was broken.
It was as if - ānō nei

Kāore e roa. Kia manawanui.
I wont be long. Be patient.
It won't be long before... - kāore e roa...; kāori i roa...

Kāore e roa ka maoa ngā rīwai.
It won't be long and the spuds will be cooked.
It won't be long before... - kāore e roa...; kāori i roa...

Homai te paukena nui rawa atu!
Give me the biggest pumpkin!
Commands without e or the passive - Homai! Whakarongo!

Waiho te wini.
Leave the window alone.
Commands without e or the passive - Homai! Whakarongo!

Waiho te rākau nei.
Leave the gearstick alone.
Commands without e or the passive - Homai! Whakarongo!

Waiho te hopi.
Leave the soap.
Commands without e or the passive - Homai! Whakarongo!

Waiho te tāora.
Leave the towel.
Commands without e or the passive - Homai! Whakarongo!

He rahi rawa tēnei wiri, hōmai he mea iti iho.
This drill is too big, pass me a smaller one.
Commands without e or the passive - Homai! Whakarongo!

Waiho tēnā, koa.
Leave that alone, please.
Commands without e or the passive - Homai! Whakarongo!

Waiho mā mātou, te hunga taiohi, ngā mea e kawe.
Leave it to us, the youth, to carry the things.
Commands without e or the passive - Homai! Whakarongo!

Waiho te raumamao.
Leave the remote.
Commands without e or the passive - Homai! Whakarongo!

Waiho te raumamao.
Leave the remote
Commands without e or the passive - Homai! Whakarongo!

Waiata ki ngā manuhiri.
Sing to the guests.
Commands without e or the passive - Homai! Whakarongo!

Waiho tō teina.
Leave your younger sibling
Commands without e or the passive - Homai! Whakarongo!

Waiho ngā kī.
Leave the keys.
Commands without e or the passive - Homai! Whakarongo!

Titiro ki te waka.
Look at the car.
Commands without e or the passive - Homai! Whakarongo!

Waiho ō hū ki te kūaha.
Leave your shoes by the door.
Commands without e or the passive - Homai! Whakarongo!

Waiho ō kamuputu paru ki waho.
Leave your dirty gumboots outside.
Commands without e or the passive - Homai! Whakarongo!

Waiho te mea nā.
Leave that thing alone.
Commands without e or the passive - Homai! Whakarongo!

Waiho ngā tūru.
Leave the chairs.
Commands without e or the passive - Homai! Whakarongo!

Commands without e or the passive - Homai! Whakarongo!

Homai ki a mātou tōu waka.
Give us your canoe.
Commands without e or the passive - Homai! Whakarongo!

Waiho mā te .
Leave it for later, it'll sink in soon.
Commands without e or the passive - Homai! Whakarongo!

Me i tae wawe mai koutou, kua whaihi mai koutou ki te kōrero.
If you had arrived in time, you could have participated in the discussion.
If... (using me) - me

Kei roto tō waea pūkoro i te kīhini.
You mobile phone is in the kicthen.
In, on, by, under... - kei runga...

Kei waenganui a Tūrehu i ana tuākana.
Tūrehu is between her older sisters.
In, on, by, under... - kei runga...

Kei waenganui rāua i ngā tama.
They are among the boys.
In, on, by, under... - kei runga...

Kei waenganui tana matua i ngā manuhiri.
Her/his father is in the middle of the visitors.
In, on, by, under... - kei runga...

Kei waenganui i te whare kori tinana me te toa kākahu.
It's between the gym and the clothing store.
In, on, by, under... - kei runga...

Kei waenganui te tamaiti i ngā kuia.
The child is between the elderly women.
In, on, by, under... - kei runga...

Kei roto ngā rākau i te wao.
There are trees in the forest.
In, on, by, under... - kei runga...

Kei waho ōku hoa i te kūaha.
My friends are outside the door.
In, on, by, under... - kei runga...

Kei waenga ō tātou manuhiri i a tātou.
Our visitors are among us.
In, on, by, under... - kei runga...

Kei waenganui āu kī i te tūru me te waea pūkoro.
Your keys are between the chair and the cell phone.
In, on, by, under... - kei runga...

Kei waenganui te tāone i te ngahere.
The town is in the middle of the bush.
In, on, by, under... - kei runga...

Kei waenganui āu kī i te tūru me te waea pūkoro.
Your keys are between the chair and the cell phone.
In, on, by, under... - kei runga...

Kei waenganui ngā tūru i ngā tēpu.
The chairs are in between the tables.
In, on, by, under... - kei runga...

Kei waenganui a Rangi i te rākau me te motokā.
Rangi is between the tree and the car.
In, on, by, under... - kei runga...

Kei waenganui te kōtiro i ōna mātua.
The girl is between her parents.
In, on, by, under... - kei runga...

Kei waenganui i rāua.
Inbetween them.
In, on, by, under... - kei runga...

Mā runga waka tere ahau haere ai.
I travelled by ferry.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

Mā runga waka rererangi ahau haere ai.
I travelled by plane.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

Kei te haere ia mā runga wakarererangi.
He/she is travelling by plane.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

Mā runga i tō waka tātou haere ai.
We are travelling by your car.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

Ka rongo a Kauri, ka hihiri kia hoe atu ia mā runga i te waka.
Kauri heard, and wanted to paddle there by canoe.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

Me mā runga tereina ki Te Awamutu.
They are going by train to Te Awamutu.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

I haere mātou ko aku hoa mā runga i te waka o Betsy ki te takutai, ki Te Māhia.
Me and my friends went on Betsy's car to the beach, to Māhia.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

Ko wai ka haere mā runga hōiho?
Who goes by horse?
Travelling by means of - mā runga

Kāore au i te taraiwa, ka haere mā runga i te waka rererangi.
I'm not driving, I'm going by plane.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

Kei te haere au mā runga waka rererangi.
I am travelling by plane.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

Kei te haere au mā runga i te waka rererangi.
I am travelling by plane.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

Mā runga waka rererangi.
By plane.
Travelling by means of - mā runga

Kaua e haere ki tērā piko o te awa.
Don't go to that bend in the river.
Negative active commands - Don't! - Kaua e..., kāti...

Kaua e kōrero me tōu waha e kī ana!
Don't speak with your mouth full!
Negative active commands - Don't! - Kaua e..., kāti...

Kaua e awangawanga!
Don't worry!
Negative active commands - Don't! - Kaua e..., kāti...

Kaua e pātuhi i te o te akoranga.
Don't text during the lesson.
Negative active commands - Don't! - Kaua e..., kāti...

Kaua e waiho te raumamao.
Don't leave the remote.
Negative active commands - Don't! - Kaua e..., kāti...

Kaua e waiata ki ngā manuhiri.
Don’t sing to the guests.
Negative active commands - Don't! - Kaua e..., kāti...

Kaua e waiho ō hū ki konā.
Don't leave your shoes there.
Negative active commands - Don't! - Kaua e..., kāti...

Kaua e waiata!
Don't sing!
Negative active commands - Don't! - Kaua e..., kāti...

Kaua e pōhēhē he huarahi ngāwari noa iho te huarahi ki te mātauranga.
Don't kid yourself that the path to knowledge is an easy one.
Negative active commands - Don't! - Kaua e..., kāti...

Kaua e waiho ngā hīti.
Don't leave the sheets.
Negative active commands - Don't! - Kaua e..., kāti...

Kaua e waiho ngā rīhi mō āpōpō.
Don't leave the dishes until tomorrow.
Negative active commands - Don't! - Kaua e..., kāti...

Kaua e āwangawanga.
Don't be anxious.
Negative active commands - Don't! - Kaua e..., kāti...

Kaua e āwangawanga.
Be strong.
Negative active commands - Don't! - Kaua e..., kāti...

Kaua e wareware tā tātou hui ā tēnei Rātapu.
Don't forget our meeting this Sunday.
Negative active commands - Don't! - Kaua e..., kāti...

Kaua e puta ki waho.
Don't go outside.
Negative active commands - Don't! - Kaua e..., kāti...

Kaua e wareware ki te kopa moni e Mā.
Don't forget your wallet, Mā.
Negative active commands - Don't! - Kaua e..., kāti...

Kaua e waiatahia he waiata ngahau.
You should not sing a joyful song.
Negations of 'me' - We shouldn't... - Kaua... (passive) e...

Kaua ngā kāroti e waruwaruhia.
You shouldn't peel the carrots.
Negations of 'me' - We shouldn't... - Kaua... (passive) e...

Kaua e ngāwari tō reo.
Don't speak gently.
Negations of 'me' - We shouldn't... - Kaua... (passive) e...

Kia kaua e ngāwari tō reo.
Don't speak gently.
Negations of 'me' - We shouldn't... - Kaua... (passive) e...

Kaua a Mere e waiata.
Mere shouldn't sing.
Negations of 'me' - We shouldn't... - Kaua... (passive) e...

Kaua e tāria te waka.
The car shouldn't be waited for.
Negations of 'me' - We shouldn't... - Kaua... (passive) e...

Kaua e waihotia ngā taputapu ki te tēpu.
The tools shouldn't be left on the table.
Negations of 'me' - We shouldn't... - Kaua... (passive) e...

Kua tata te waka nei ki Tipitai.
This canoe neared Tipitai.
Almost/just about - kua/i tata...

Kua tata waenganui pō ka hoki mai ia i te mahi.
It's nearly midnight when he returns from work.
Almost/just about - kua/i tata...

Kua tata hemo taku waea.
My phone's almost dead.
Almost/just about - kua/i tata...

Kua tata pau te wai.
The water's just about all gone.
Almost/just about - kua/i tata...

Wehe atu ana a Kawa me te amuamu anō.
Kawa left complaining as she went.
While at the same time/and in addition - me te... anō

E kōrero ana a Māmā ki te waea me te whātuitui kākahu anō.
Māmā is talking on the phone whilst folding the clothes.
While at the same time/and in addition - me te... anō

Kei te whakatangi rakuraku ia me te waiata anō i te whare.
He is playing the guitar and singing in the house.
While at the same time/and in addition - me te... anō

I whakatikahia te waka hei painga mō te haere.
The car was fixed for the benefit of the trip.
Passive sentences - tikina...

Ka mahia he waka mō tekau tāngata,.
A ten-man canoe was made.
Passive sentences - tikina...

I huakina te kūwaha e te kōtiro.
The door was opened by the girl.
Passive sentences - tikina...

I huakina e te kōtiro te kūwaha.
The door was opened by the girl.
Passive sentences - tikina...

Kei te whakatikangia tōku waka e taku pāpā.
My car is being fixed by my father.
Passive sentences - tikina...

Kua waiatatia te waiata e māua.
The song has been sung by us.
Passive sentences - tikina...

Kei te karangatia te ope e te wahine.
The group is being called by the woman.
Passive sentences - tikina...

Kua kohia e ia ētahi waiata tawhito.
Some ancient songs have been collected by him.
Passive sentences - tikina...

I horoia tōna waka e Pita.
His car was washed by Peter.
Passive sentences - tikina...

Kei te waiata mātou.
We are singing.
Passive sentences - tikina...

Kei te waiatahia mātou.
We are being sung about.
Passive sentences - tikina...

Kua kimihia tāna waea pūkoro i ngā hi katoa.
His cell phone has been searched for everywhere.
Passive sentences - tikina...

Kei te waiatahia e mātou.
It is being sung by us.
Passive sentences - tikina...

I kōhurutia te tangata ki te awa.
The man was murdered at the river.
Passive sentences - tikina...

E waiatatia ana ngā waiata e ngā tauira.
The songs are being sung by the students.
Passive sentences - tikina...

Ka whakatauria te kēmu e te kaiwawao.
The game will be decided by the referee.
Passive sentences - tikina...

Ka tāria te waka e ngā kaiako.
The car will be waited for by the teachers.
Passive sentences - tikina...

Kua waiatatia te waiata e ngā tauira.
The song was sung by the students.
Passive sentences - tikina...

Ka mea atu ia ki a Mea kia meatia ngā mea katoa ki mea hi.
She told so-and-so to put all the things in such-and-such a place.
Passive sentences - tikina...

E waiatatia ana ngā waiata e ngā tauira.
The songs are being sung by the students.
Passive sentences - tikina...

E takahia ana te whenua e ngā waewae o ngā manuhiri.
The ground is trodden on by the feet of the visitors.
Passive sentences - tikina...

I hoea te waka e ngā manuhiri ki te motu.
The boat was paddled by the guests to the island.
Passive sentences - tikina...

I pēhia rawatia ngā hine.
The women were severely oppressed.
Passive sentences - tikina...

Ka numia ki te pakitara maui o waho o te whare.
And led him past the outside of the left wall of the house.
Passive sentences - tikina...

Haria ngā kākahu ki waho kia whitia ai e te rā.
Take the clothes outside so that they can be shone on by the sun
Passive sentences - tikina...

E kainga ana ngā rīwai e te pēpi.
The potatoes are being eaten by the baby.
Passive sentences - tikina...

I āta hia te wini e Taika.
Taika broke the window deliberately.
Passive sentences - tikina...

Kitea rawatia ake rāua i runga i te maunga.
They were finally seen on the mountain.
Passive sentences - tikina...

Kua pāngia taua wahine e te mate.
That woman has been touched by sickness.
Passive sentences - tikina...

Kua inumia ā tātou waireka.
Our fizzy drinks have all been drunk.
Passive sentences - tikina...

E kōrerotia ana te karakia e te wahine.
The prayer is being spoken by the woman.
Passive sentences - tikina...

Mā te kōrerotia i ngā katoa e ora ai te reo.
It is through being spoken all the time that the language will survive.
Passive sentences - tikina...

He tūranga motuhake tō te reo Māori i waenganui i ngā reo e kōrerotia ana i Aotearoa nei.
Māori has a special position amongst the languages spoken here in Aotearoa.
Passive sentences - tikina...

Auē, kua rakahia te whare? Nā wai i raka te whare? Ehara i a au.
Oh no! Has the house been locked? Who locked the house? It wasn't me.
Passive sentences - tikina...

Kawea tētehi puka iti ki ngā hi kei reira te reo Māori e kōrerohia ana, tuhia ngā kupu me ngā kīanga ka rangona.
Bring a small book with you to the places where the Māori language is spoken, write down the words and phrases that are heard.
Passive sentences - tikina...

Muri iho ka whakaarahia e ia ōna hoa koroheke o roto i te whare ki te mātakitaki ki te ātaahuatanga o tana wahine.
Afterwars, his old cronies in the house were roused by him to gaze at the beauty of his wife.
Passive sentences - tikina...

Kua inumia ā tātou waireka e ngā pakeke.
Our soft drinks have been drunk by the adults.
Passive sentences - tikina...

Ke tukuna e Wairangi tana taurekareka ki a Pare-whete.
His servant was sent by Wairangi to Para-whete.
Passive sentences - tikina...

Kua kauhoetia e ia te awa.
She has swum the river.
Passive sentences - tikina...

Kua kimihia e ia āna kī i ngā hi katoa.
He has searched everywhere for his keys. (Literally, his keys have been searched for everywhere.).
Passive sentences - tikina...

I te ngahuru i hauhaketia e rātou ngā riwai.
In the autumn, they harvested potatoes.
Passive sentences - tikina...

I hoea te waka e ngā manuhiri ki te motu.
The boat was paddled by the guests to the island.
Passive sentences - tikina...

I titoa te waiata nei e Jeff Simmonds.
This song was composed by Jeff Simmonds.
Passive sentences - tikina...

E ai ki tā Pita, i nui te inanga i ēnei kōawa i mua.
According to Pita, there used to be heaps of whitebait in these streams.
According to... - E ai ki.../E ai ki tā... /Ki tā

E kiriweta hine ana ia.
He hates women.
Gerund phrases (fence building, bread baking, dishes washing...) - tunu parāoa...

E kiriweti wahine ana ia.
He hates that woman.
Gerund phrases (fence building, bread baking, dishes washing...) - tunu parāoa...

E inu wai ana ia.
She is drinking water.
Gerund phrases (fence building, bread baking, dishes washing...) - tunu parāoa...

E pōutouto wahie ana ia.
He is chopping firewood.
Gerund phrases (fence building, bread baking, dishes washing...) - tunu parāoa...

E haere waiata ana rātou.
They were walking along singing.
Gerund phrases (fence building, bread baking, dishes washing...) - tunu parāoa...

Kei te kuia haere taku waka, engari he waka pai tonu.
My car is growing old, but she's still a good car.
It is becoming... - E... haere ana

Ko Papatūānuku te aorangi tuatoru mai i te rā. Kei waho atu i a tātou ko Matawhero, ā, kei waho atu i a ia, ko Pareārau. Ā, ko Kōpū, ko Whiro kei roto atu.
The Earth is the third planet from the sun. Farther out from us is Mars, and out from Mars is Jupiter. Further in from us our Venus and Mercury.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu

Kei mua te kuri i te waka.
The dog is in front of the car.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu

Kei tai te waka.
The boat is by the sea.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu

I turuturu mai te wai nō runga ake.
The water dripped down from above.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu

Kei tua te maunga i te awa.
The mountain is beyond the river.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu

Kei tāhi tōna whānau.
His/Her family is overseas.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu

Kei uta te waka.
The boat is ashore.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu

Kei waenganui ngā tamariki i te rori.
The children are in the middle of the road.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu

Kei waho te kuri i te whare.
The dog is outside the house.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu

I te waka te pirihimana.
The policeman was in the car.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu

I mua te kuri i te waka.
The dog was in front of the car.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu

I tai te waka.
The boat was by the sea.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu

I tua te maunga i te awa.
The mountain was beyond the river.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu

Kei te ātaahua a waho.
It is beautiful outside.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu

I tāhi tōna whānau.
His/Her family was overseas.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu

I uta te waka.
The boat was ashore.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu

I waenganui ngā tamariki i te rori.
The children were in the middle of the road.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu

I waho te kuri i te whare.
The dog was outside the house.
Above, underneath, outside of - runga ake, raro iho, waho atu, roto atu

Kaua e waiho kia pau rawa te haurehu, kātahi ka amuamu ai.
Don't leave it until the gas is all used up, then complain.
And then... - ...ka/kātahi... ai...

Horoia ngā rīhi, kātahi ka waiho ai māna e whakamaroke.
Wash the dishes then leave them for her to dry.
And then... - ...ka/kātahi... ai...

Ka taea e Hine te waiata.
Hine can sing.
I am able... - Ka taea e...

Ka taea ekoe tōku waka te whakatika?
Are you able to fix my car?
I am able... - Ka taea e...

Āe, ka taea e au tō waka tde whakatika.
Yes, I am able to fix your car.
I am able... - Ka taea e...

Ka kimihia he puna wai, nō whea e kitea.
They looked for a spring, but had no luck whatsoever finding one.
A strong or emphatic negative. - Nō hea, nō whea

Ka kimihihia he rūma mōtēra e tea ana, nō whea e kitea.
They looked for a vacant motel room, but had no luck whatsoever finding one.
A strong or emphatic negative. - Nō hea, nō whea

Inumia te wai māori hei oranga mōu.
Drink fresh water for your wellbeing.
For the purpose of - hei

Rawe hoki te huka me te wai rēmana hei kīnaki.
The sugar and lemon juice are also great as a garnish.
For the purpose of - hei

I kohikohi ia i te kawakawa hei rongoā mō te māuiui o tāna tama.
He collected kawakawa as a cure for his son's illness.
For the purpose of - hei

Kainga i waho, ke whakaritea he tohunga hei whāngai mō Tū-whakairi-ora.
They ate out of doors, and a tohunga was appointed to feed Tū-whakairi-ora.
For the purpose of - hei

I ēnei rā, kua waiho taua hi hei urupā mō ngā tūpāpaku.
Now that place remains as a burial place for the dead.
For the purpose of - hei

Haria ngā kākahu ki waho kia whitia ai e te rā.
Take the clothes outside so that they can be shone on by the sun.
So that something can happen for someone else - kia

Kei te hīkoi te kura ki te awa kia kaukau ngā tamariki.
The school is walking to the river so the kids can swim.
So that something can happen for someone else - kia

Ka whakairia te tapu kia tea ai te ara.
Restrictions are moved aside so that the pathway is clear.
So that something can happen for someone else - kia

Kia tea, kia māmā, te ngākau, te tinana, te wairua i te ara takatā.
To clear, to free the heart, the body and the spirit of humanity.
So that something can happen for someone else - kia

He waka tōna, engari kua pakaru tōna waka.
He has a car, but his car is broken.
Conjunctions - but - engari

Kei te pai, pāpā. Engari, kua whakakīa te waka ki te penehinu?
All good, pāpā. But, has the car been filled with petrol?
Conjunctions - but - engari

Kei te oherere ahau i te mea he māmā rawa tēnei mahi.
I am surprised because this work is too easy.
Conjunctions - but - engari

I tērā tai i te kāinga ngā tamariki a ako ana, engari kei te kura rātou i tēnei .
Last year the children were learning at home, but they are at the school now.
Conjunctions - but - engari

Kua utaina ngā matau me te aho e ia ki runga i te waka kia hī ika ai.
The fish hooks and fishing line were loaded by him onto the waka in order to fish.
The reason for an action - ...ai.

Haere atu ki kō waiata ai.
Go over there to sing.
The reason for an action - ...ai.

He wahine pai a Aroha. He kakama, he pukumahi, ka mutu he ngākau māhaki.
Aroha is a good woman. She's clever, hardworking, and also/moreover she is gentle-hearted.
...and also, moreover - ...ka mutu

Kāore anō ngā hine kia pōwhiri atu ki ngā manuhiri.
The women have not yet welcomed the guests.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...

Kāore anō ngā hine kia kōrero.
The women have not yet spoken.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...

Kāore anō ngā hine kia pōwhiri atu ki ngā manuhiri.
The women have not yet welcomed the guests.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...

I tēnei , kāore anō kia huaina tēnei hi ko Whangaparāoa.
At this time, this place was not yet names Whangaparāoa.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...

Kāore anō a Aroha kia haere ki te kura.
Aroha hasn't gone to school yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...

Kāore anō kia huaina tēnei hi ko Waimaramara.
This place had not yet been named Waimaramara.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...

Kāore anō te waka kia kī.
The car is not full yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...

Kāore anō koe kia rongo i te waiata hou?
Haven't you heard the new song yet?
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...

Kāore anō te waka kia hoki ki te kāinga.
The car has not returned home yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...

Kāore anō au ki kia kai i te kānga wai.
I haven't tried rotten corn yet.
Negations of kua (I haven't yet...) - Kāore ano... kia...

Kāore kau he rorohiko i ērā .
There were no computers whatsoever in those days.
there wasn't any... absolutely no... - Kāore kau...

E mea ana au ki te hauhake i aku kūmara āpōpō. Heoi anō, ki te ua, ka waiho pea mō tērā wiki.
I'm intending to dig up my kūmara tomorrow. However, if it rains, I'll probably leave it ‘til next week.
Conjunctions - on the other hand, however - heoi anō

Kāore au i kite i te wai i te papa. Haere atu ana au, mea ake kei raro e putu ana.
I didn't see the water on the floor. I was walking along, all of a sudden I'm in a heap on the floor.
All of a sudden - Mea ake

Ka pakopako, ka mutu, ka pakopako, ka mutu. Pēnei tonu mō tētehi roa.
It would knock, and then stop, knock and stop. It carried on like this for quite a while.
It carried on like this... - Pēnei tonu...

Tērā pea nō Tame te motupaika i waho rā.
Perhaps that motorbike outside belongs to Tame.
Perhaps - Tērā pea

E āhei ana au te taraiwa.
I can drive.
Allowed to do something - āhei

E āhei ana au ki te taraiwa.
I can drive.
Allowed to do something - āhei

E āhei ana au ki te kawe i ētehi tamariki tokorima i tōku waka.
I can transport five kids on my car.
Allowed to do something - āhei

Ko wai ka āhei te tautoko i muri?
Who is able to lend their support out the back (in the kitchen)?
Allowed to do something - āhei

Ka āhei te whakatū waka ki reira i waho o ngā hāora hokohoko.
You're allowed to park there outside of shopping hours.
Allowed to do something - āhei

Kua whakahokia atu tana raihana, kua āhei anō ia te taraiwa.
He's got his license back, so he's allowed to drive again.
Allowed to do something - āhei

Ko wai ka āhei ki te utu i tērā moni nui mō te whare?
Who is able to afford to pay that much for a house?
Allowed to do something - āhei

Ka āhei koe te inu wai.
You are allowed to drink water.
Allowed to do something - āhei

Ka āhei te kaiako te haere ki waho.
The teacher is allowed to go outside.
Allowed to do something - āhei

He āhua matatau tonu ia ki te reo Māori, ahakoa nō tāhi kē a ia.
She's a pretty fluent speaker of Māori even though she's from overseas.
Conjunctions - although - ahakoa

He tangata pai tonu ia ki a au, ahakoa āna mahi hē i ētahi .
I think he's an okay guy, in spite of the fact that he stuffs up sometimes.
Conjunctions - although - ahakoa

Ākuanei te waha horihori rā i a au.
That lying so'n'so had better watch it.
You’d better watch it! - Ākuanei!

Ākuanei tō waea i a au. Taihoa ka porowhiua e au.
Your phone is gonna get it in a minute. I'm gonna throw it away.
You’d better watch it! - Ākuanei!

Ākuanei tō waha whakatoi i a au.
You'd better watch it - I've had enough cheek from you.
You’d better watch it! - Ākuanei!

Kei te āhua mānukanuka rawa atu au.
I'm extremely anxious.
When - Kia

Kia oti i a koe tēnei mahi a te e hoki mai ana ahau.
This job should be finished by you at the time when I return.
When - Kia

Kei te pai rawa atu au.
I'm extremely good.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te

Kei te pōuri ngā hine.
The women are sad.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te

Kei te āhua pukuriri rawa atu au.
I'm extremely grumpy.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te

Kei te āhua riri rawa atu au.
I'm extremely angry.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te

Kei te āwangawanga ia.
He or she is worried.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te

Kei te tino āwangawanga a Hēmi.
Hēmi is very worried.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te

Kei te āhua āwangawanga a Rangi.
Rangi is somewhat worried.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te

Kei te tino āwangawanga ahau.
I am very worried.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te

Kei te mahana te wai?
Is the water warm?
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te

Kei te āwangawanga ahau.
I am worried.
Simple sentences - present tense with an adjective - kei te

Kei tērā tamaiti tō waea pūkoro.
That child has your cell phone.
Locatives (at the moment, something is somewhere) - kei te

Kei waho ōku hoa.
My friends are outside.
Locatives (at the moment, something is somewhere) - kei te

Kei te tauranga waka tō waka?
Is your car in the carpark?
Locatives (at the moment, something is somewhere) - kei te

Kei a Hēmi te waka.
Hēmi has the car.
Locatives (at the moment, something is somewhere) - kei te

Kei a wai āku kihi?
Who's got my keys?
Locatives (at the moment, something is somewhere) - kei te

Kei te tākarokaro ki waho.
Playing outside.
Locatives (at the moment, something is somewhere) - kei te

Kei Te Waipounamu te pāpā.
The father is in the South Island.
Locatives (at the moment, something is somewhere) - kei te

Kei te tū te waka i te huarahi.
The car's parked on the road.
Locatives (at the moment, something is somewhere) - kei te

Kei te whare nanga ngā tauira.
The students are at the university.
Locatives (at the moment, something is somewhere) - kei te

Kāore ngā hine i te pōuri.
The women are not sad.
Negations of the present tense (I am not working) - Kāore... i te...

Kāore ia i te pīrangi ki tērā waka.
She does not want that car.
Negations of the present tense (I am not working) - Kāore... i te...

Kāore ngā hine i te kōrero.
The women are not talking.
Negations of the present tense (I am not working) - Kāore... i te...

Kāore au e pai ki te takurua, he makariri rawa.
I don't like winter, it's too cold.
Negations of the present tense (I am not working) - Kāore... i te...

Kāore te kapa haka i te waiata.
The haka group is not singing.
Negations of the present tense (I am not working) - Kāore... i te...

Kāore i te waitara.
It's not hailing.
Negations of the present tense (I am not working) - Kāore... i te...

Kāore au i te mōhio he aha he waiata māku.
I don't know what to sing.
Negations of the present tense (I am not working) - Kāore... i te...

I reira te waka.
The car was there.
Locatives - past (something was somewhere) - i te

I taua hi te marae.
The marae was at that place.
Locatives - past (something was somewhere) - i te

I te waka rā, he tāne kau.
In the canoe, there was just a man (or: "there were just men").
Locatives - past (something was somewhere) - i te

I te taha katau o te waka te kurī.
The dog was to the right of the car.
Locatives - past (something was somewhere) - i te

I te ara haere atu i Waiuku ki Te Maioro.
On the path from Waiuku to Te Maioro.
Locatives - past (something was somewhere) - i te

I te taha o te awa aua mea.
They were beside the river.
Locatives - past (something was somewhere) - i te

I a rāua te waka i te ata nei.
They had it this morning.
Locatives - past (something was somewhere) - i te

I a wai?
Who had it?
Locatives - past (something was somewhere) - i te

I a wai mā ngā paraikete?
Who had the blankets?
Locatives - past (something was somewhere) - i te

I te o te āraitanga e haere ana mātou ki te one.
At the time of the eclipse, we were going to the beach.
Past - specifying a particular time - i te

I te nuinga o te .
Most of the time.
Past - specifying a particular time - i te

I te pō roa nei, ha tihewa ia.
She sneezed all night.
Past - specifying a particular time - i te

I te ...
Past - specifying a particular time - i te

I te tau 1984 ka haere au ki te whare nanga.
In 1984 I went to university.
Past - specifying a particular time - i te

I te mutunga o te nanga ka ngana a Pāora ki te whakawehe i ōna mātua.
At the conclusion of the nanga Pāora attempted to separate his parents.
Past - specifying a particular time - i te

Kāore ngā hine i noho ki te marae.
The women did not stay at the marae.
Negations of the past tense - Kāore... i...

Kāore a Rangi i hoko i te waka.
Rangi did not buy the car.
Negations of the past tense - Kāore... i...

Kua whati tōku waewae.
My leg has been broken.
Statives - mate, ngaro, mau...

I mate ia ki te awa.
He died at the river.
Statives - mate, ngaro, mau...

I wareware ngā rīwai.
The spuds got forgotten.
Statives - mate, ngaro, mau...

Tae rawa atu rātou, kua mate te koroua.
By the time they got there, the old man had died.
Statives - mate, ngaro, mau...

Ki te hinga te kāwanatanga, me whakahaere he pōti.
If the government falls, there has to be an election.
Statives - mate, ngaro, mau...

Kua tata hū te wai.
The water's almost boiled.
Statives - mate, ngaro, mau...

Kua hū te wai.
The water has boiled.
Statives - mate, ngaro, mau...

Kua wareware i a au tō ingoa.
Your name has been forgotten by me.
Negating statives - kāore i... i ahau...

Kāore te waka i tū i te pirihimana.
The car was not stopped by the police.
Negating statives - kāore i... i ahau...

Kāore i tua atu i te huka me te wai rēmana.
There's nothing better than sugar and lemon juice.
There's no one better than... - Kāore i...

Ka rere mai ngā waka i tai ki uta.
The canoes came from the sea to the shore.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka mamae aku turi, ngā hi katoa ōku, engari kāore e heke taku taumaha.
They hurt my knees, and every other part of me, yet I don't seem to lose any weight.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka karanga ki tana rōpā ki te wai ki a ia.
He called to his slave to get water for him.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka tū mai tētahi o aua hine rā.
One of those women stood up.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka tū atu anō he wahine.
Another woman stood up.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka kite atu ngā tāne o tēnei i ngā hine o tērā.
The men of this [tribe] saw the women of that [tribe].
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka tino kaha rawa tōna tangi ki tōna mamae.
She mourned deeply for her pains.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka pahemo te awa o Tōrere.
He passed Tōrere's stream.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka puta taua tini rā ki waho o te pā.
That group went out of the pā.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka whakatika atu ētahi ki te pōwhiri i waho o te pā.
Some stood to wave outside the pā.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka rongo ahau i tētahi waiata pai i tēnei rā.
I heard a nice song today.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka mau ki te kākahu o waho.
And took hold of her outer garment.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka tū a ia, ka karanga mai i waho i te whare.
He stood and called from outside the house.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka hoki te kōrero ki a Hotu i ruku rā i te punga o tō rāua waka.
The story returns to Hotu who had dived for the anchor of their canoe.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka kite ia i te tīwaiwaka.
He sees the fantail.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka whakatika aua hine nei, ka whai atu i taua tokotoru.
Those women stood up and followed those three.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka waiho tonu tātou hei tinihangatanga mā tō tātou whaea.
We are always left cheated by our mother.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka kite mātou i te Wind Wand, ā, ka hīkoi i te ara moana.
We saw the Wind Wand, and walked on the beach walkway.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka waiho he hi kia tuwhera ana i waenganui i ngā taiepa kōhatu nei.
A place was left open between the stone walls.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka puta katoa ki waho ngā tāngata o te pā ki te tahu kai.
All the people of the pā came outside to cook food.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka patua taua kai rā e ia ki te manga o te kawakawa.
He struck that food with the branch of the kawakawa.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka hoe mai whaka te tauranga waka i Onehunga.
They rowed through the canoe anchorage at Onehunga.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka tū mai tētahi wahine anō me te mere pounamu i te ringa.
Another woman stood and came forward with a greenstone mere in her hand.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka puta a Pihihuia me te wai.
Puhihuia appeared with the water.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Ka maremare rawa atu ahau.
I had to cough.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Kāore tātou e whai ki te haere ki te awa.
We're not going to have time to go to the river.
Negations of the future (I will not go) - Kāore... e...

Kāore ia e mōhio ki te waiata.
He doesn't know how to sing.
Negations of the future (I will not go) - Kāore... e...

Kāore au e paku pai ki te inu waipiro.
I have no desire to drink alcohol.
Negations of the future (I will not go) - Kāore... e...

Kāore te kapa haka e waiata i te hui.
The haka group will not sing at the gathering.
Negations of the future (I will not go) - Kāore... e...

Kāore te waka rererangi e rere ki Tāmaki Makaurau ā te ahiahi.
The plane will not fly to Auckland in the afternoon.
Negations of the future (I will not go) - Kāore... e...

He wahine atamai ia.
She is a clever woman.
Categorizing sentences - he

He wahine tino mōhio a Rongomai ki te hoahoa i te takoto o te whenua.
Rongomai is a woman very knowledgeable in designing the layout of the land.
Categorizing sentences - he

He waiata pai tērā.
That's a nice song.
Categorizing sentences - he

He waewae huruhuru.
Hairy legs.
Categorizing sentences - he

He tāone pai rawa a Raumati.
Raumati is the best town.
Categorizing sentences - he

Kua haere koe ki Te Waipounamu?
Have you been to the South Island?
Using 'ki' to indicate direction towards something - ki

I whāia ia tāna hōiho ki te awa.
He chased his horse to the river.
Using 'ki' to indicate direction towards something - ki

Ka hoe te waka ki uta.
The canoe paddled ashore.
Using 'ki' to indicate direction towards something - ki

He haere ki te awa, he haere rānei ki te tāone Nan.
We will go to the river or go to town, Nan.
Using 'ki' to indicate direction towards something - ki

Engari i mua i te haere ki tāhi, i hoki au ki taku ūkaipō ki te kite i te whānau.
But before going overseas, I returned home to see my family.
Using 'ki' to indicate direction towards something - ki

I haere mai ia i waho tonu o Taupō.
He came here from just outside Taupō.
Using 'i' to indicate direction away from something - i - i

Tīkina he wai i te awa!
Get some water from the river!
Using 'i' to indicate direction away from something - i - i

Kore rawa au i mōhio i tīmata mai te pepa i te rākau.
I didn't know that paper came from trees.
Using 'i' to indicate direction away from something - i - i

Kāore ngā hine e haere ana ki te toa.
The women are not going to the shop.
Negations of e... ana... sentences - kāore... e... ana...

Kāore māua e waiata ana i te hui.
We are not singing at the gathering.
Negations of e... ana... sentences - kāore... e... ana...

Kei te āwangawanga ahau ki te kōrero.
I'm worried about speaking.

Nā reira taua hi i karangatia ai ko Puketapu.
Because of that, that place was called Puketapu.
Conjugations - therefore - nā reira, nō reira

wai tēnei pene?
Who does this pen belong to?
Established possession - nāku, nōku...

Nō rāua tērā waka.
That car belongs to them.
Established possession - nāku, nōku...

wai te whare rā?
Who does that house belong to?
Established possession - nāku, nōku...

wai ēnei pene?
Who do these pens belong to?
Established possession - nāku, nōku...

wai ērā rahopūru?
Who are those avocados for?
Established possession - nāku, nōku...

Nō Ngāti Awa a Tawa.
Tawa belongs to Ngāti Awa.
Established possession - nāku, nōku...

No Hawaiki tātou katoa.
We are all from Hawaiki.
Established possession - nāku, nōku...

Nāku te ti nei,
This watch is mine.
Established possession - nāku, nōku...

Na wai tēnei tamaiti?
Who does this child belong to?
Established possession - nāku, nōku...

Na wai ēnā kōtiro mōhio?
Whose are those clever girls?
Established possession - nāku, nōku...

Na wai te waka whero?
Who does the red car belong to?
Established possession - nāku, nōku...

Na Mia taua waka whero.
That red car belongs to Mia.
Established possession - nāku, nōku...

No tōku tuahine ngā waka whero.
The red car belongs to my older sibling.
Established possession - nāku, nōku...

No wai mā ēnei hū?
Who do these shoes belong to?
Established possession - nāku, nōku...

Na wai ēnei taputapu katoa?
Whose is all this gear?
Established possession - nāku, nōku...

Nāku tērā waea pūkoro.
Ehara i a au tērā waea pūkoro.
Established possession - nāku, nōku...

Nāku tērā waea pūkoro.
That's my mobile phone.
Established possession - nāku, nōku...

Nōku tēnei waka rererangi.
This airplane is mine.
Established possession - nāku, nōku...

Nōku tēnei waka ātea.
This spaceship is mine.
Established possession - nāku, nōku...

Nōku tērā waka.
That car belongs to me.
Established possession - nāku, nōku...

Me waea mai mēnā e pīrangi ana koe kia tīkina atu.
Call me if you need a ride.
Conjunctions - if - mēnā

Ko Pani te wahine a Hata.
Pani is Hata's wife.
Possessives - 'a' class - ā, tāku...

I te tuatahi, kāore te wahine i mahara ki tāna mātāmua.
AT first, the woman did not recognise her first-born.
Possessives - 'a' class - ā, tāku...

Ma wai tāku karanga e rongo?
Who will hear by speech?
Possessives - 'a' class - ā, tāku...

He taumaha rawa atu te pēke a Pita.
Pita's pack is very heavy.
Possessives - 'a' class - ā, tāku...

Na wai ēnei kūkū?
Whose mussels are these?
Possessives - 'a' class - ā, tāku...

He takirihi tā Ataahua?
Does Ataahua have any watercress?
Possessives - 'a' class - ā, tāku...

He takirihi tā Amaru.
Amaru has watercress?
Possessives - 'a' class - ā, tāku...

Kua whati te waewae o te tūru.
The leg of the chair is broken.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...

Kua hinga te totara o te wao nui o Tāne.
The totara of Tāne's great forest has fallen.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...

No Te Wai Pounamu tōu tipuna wahine.
Your grandmother is from the South Island.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...

Kua mate rawa ō tātou koroua katoa.
All our old men are dead.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...

He toa ngā kuia o Waikato ki te kanikani.
The old ladies of Waikato are great dancers.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...

Ko Tūhawaiki te rangatira o Murihuku i tērā ray tau.
Tūhawaiki was the chief of Murihiku last century.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...

Kua whakatea tō mātou rangatira i tōna tūranga.
Our boss has returned from his position.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...

He tāokete ia no tāku hine.
He is a brother-in-law of my wife.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...

Ko tēnei tōku hoa pai rawa.
This is my best friend.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...

Ko Rina te hoa wahine o Koa.
Rina is the wife of Koa.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...

Kua whati te waewae o tāku tamāhine.
My daughter has a broken leg.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...

Kōrero ki tērā wahine e whakamau ana i tōku pōtae.
Speak to that woman wearing my hat.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...

Kua rere te wauria o Rua.
Rua's spirit has fled.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...

Ka mīharo rātou ki te ātaahua o te wahine patupaiarehe.
They were astonished at the beauty of the fairy woman.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...

He whāiti, he kōtiti ngā ara ki tōna taki.
The roads to her district are narrow and winding.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...

I te taha o te awa te ana o taua ngārara.
The cave of the monster was beside the river.
Possessives - 'o' class - ō, tōku...

Kāore te kēmu e whakatauria e te kaiwawao.
The game will not be decided by the referee.
Negating passive sentences - Kāore... e...

Kāore te waka e tāria e ngā kaiako.
The car will not be waited for by the teachers.
Negating passive sentences - Kāore... e...

Kāore te waiata i waiatatia e ngā tauira.
The song was not sung by the students.
Negating passive sentences - Kāore... e...

Kāore ōku waka.
I don’t have any cars.
I have no... - Kāore aku...

Kāore ā Hine waea.
Hine doesn’t have any phones.
I have no... - Kāore aku...

Kāore ō rāua waka.
They don’t have any cars.
I have no... - Kāore aku...

Kāore āku pātara wai.
I don't have a water bottle.
I have no... - Kāore aku...

Kāore ōku tungāne, he hine katoa mātou ngā tamariki.
I don't have any brothers, all of the children are female.
I have no... - Kāore aku...

He waka hou tōku.
I have a new car.
Do you have any...? - He... ?

He aha tāu hei kai paramanawa?
What have you got for morning tea?
Do you have any...? - He... ?

He waka tōu?
Do you have a car?
Do you have any...? - He... ?

He waka tōku.
I have a car.
Do you have any...? - He... ?

He waka tōu?
Do you have a car?
Do you have any...? - He... ?

He waea tā Hine.
Hine has a phone.
Do you have any...? - He... ?

He waka tō rāua.
They (two people) have a car.
Do you have any...? - He... ?

He wahine tāku.
I have a wife.
Do you have any...? - He... ?

He aha ngā kōrero o te ?
What is the talk of the day?
What? - He aha?

He aha tāu tūnga i tēnei wa?
What is your role at the moment?
What? - He aha?

He aha tōu ā te hanga tuarua?
What do you have period two?
What? - He aha?

He aha te hi pai ki a koe?
What place do you like?
What? - He aha?

He aha kei waho i te matapihi?
What's outside the window?
What? - He aha?

He aha kei waenganui i te rūma noho?
What's in the middle of the lounge?
What? - He aha?

He aha kei waenganui i te rūma noho?
What's in the middle of the lounge?
What? - He aha?

He aha te ?
What is the time?
What? - He aha?

Ko te kihi o tōna waka tēnā.
That's the key of his car.
That (near you) - tēnā, te... nā

Waiho tēnā.
Leave that alone.
That (near you) - tēnā, te... nā

He pai rawa atu tēnā.
That's great.
That (near you) - tēnā, te... nā

He pai tēnā waiata.
That's a good song.
That (near you) - tēnā, te... nā

He haunga rawa atu tēnā.
That is really smelly.
That (near you) - tēnā, te... nā

Kāore. He haunga rawa atu tēnā kai.
No. That is the smelliest food.
That (near you) - tēnā, te... nā

Kei te pīrangi ia ki tērā waka.
She wants that car.
That (over there) - tērā

He kawa tērā.
That is sour.
That (over there) - tērā

He kaiako tērā wahine.
That woman is a teacher.
That (over there) - tērā

He waka rererangi tērā.
That (over there) is a plane.
That (over there) - tērā

Te ātaahua hoki o tērā wahine!
How beautiful that woman is!
That (over there) - tērā

Ākuanei ka mutu te kura mō tēnei tau, mā wai ngā tamariki e tiki ki te kura?
Shortly school will be finished for the year, who will pick the kids up from school?
This week, this month, this year - i tēnei wiki, i tēnei marama...

I tērā tau, ka haere mātou ki naka.
Last year, we went to naka.
Last week, last month, last year - tērā

Ko tēhea waka tōu?
Which car is yours?
Which - Ko tēhea?

Ko ēhea waka ōu?
Which cars are yours?
Which - Ko tēhea?

Ko tēhea kaupapa te mea pai rawa ki a koe?
Which subject do you like the most?
Which - Ko tēhea?

Ko tēhea te rākau teitei rawa o Aotearoa?
Which tree is the tallest in Aotearoa?
Which - Ko tēhea?

Kāore mātou i te whakarongo ki te waiata i te rā whānau.
We were not listening to the song at the birthday.
Negations of the past tense - Kāore... i te...

Ko Niko te tamaiti kei waenganui i a Rangi rāua ko Pāora.
Niko is the child between Rangi and Pāora.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...

Ko Moki rāua ko Tū-te-kawa ngā rangatira.
Moki and Tu-te-kawa were the chiefs.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...

Ko Raureka rāua ko Tūhawaiki ngā mātua.
Raureka and Tāhawaiki are the parents.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...

I taraiwa māua ko taku hoa.
Me and my friend drove.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...

I taraiwa māua ko taku hoa ki te whare nanga.
Me and my friend drove to uni.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...

Ko Riripeti rāua ko Tīwana ā māua tamariki.
Riripeti and Tīwana are our children.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...

Kei te waiata a Peter, rātou ko Paul ko Mary.
Peter, Paul and Mary are singing.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...

Ko Tīwana rāua ko Riripeti aku irāmutu.
wana and Riripeti are my nieces/nephews.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...

Kua tūtaki au ki a Taika rāua ko tana hoa wahine, ko Aria.
I have met Taika and his girlfriend, Aria.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...

Ko Riripeti rāua ko Tīwana āku irāmutu.
Riripeti and Tīwana are my nieces/nephews.
Talking about more than one person - ...rāua ko..., rātou ko...

He taraiwa tekehi koe?
Are you a taxi driver?
Asking 'are you a...?' - He... ?

I tau mai te waka ki uta, me te karanga atu a te iwi e tatari ana.
The canoe came to shore while the people who were waiting called out.
Towards - mai

Kahore ia i whakatea mai mua o te haka.
He didn't move away from the front of the haka.
Towards - mai

Ka tū mai Aorangi, te tipuna maunga o Waitaha.
There stands Aorangi, the ancestral mountain of the Waikato people.
Towards - mai

Ka rīngi mai ia a te awatea.
She'll ring in the middle of the day.
Towards - mai

Kō ēnei waka e rua, i ū mai ki Hokianga.
These two canoes landed at Hokianga.
Towards - mai

Te taunga rawatanga atu o Paki i te waka, ka tīmata ia ki te kaukau.
As soon as Paki jumped out of the boat, he began swimming.
Away - atu

Kei kō atu te ngahere i te awa.
The bush is beyond the river.
Away - atu

Tae rawa atu te whānau ki te hōhipera, kua hoki kē te koroua ki tōna kāinga.
By the time the family arrived at the hospital, the old man had already gone home.
Away - atu

Whakapangia atu ki muri rawa o te pouaka.
Stick it to the far side of the box.
Away - atu

Kua tae atu koe ki Te Rerenga Wairua?
Have you been to Cape Reinga.
Away - atu

Kia ngāwari ake tō reo!
Speak quieter!
Up - ake

Nāu, ka tokowaru koutou.
With you, that makes eight.
Numbering people - tokorua, tokotahi...

Tokowaru ngā pirihimana.
There are eight police officers.
Numbering people - tokorua, tokotahi...

Ā, tekau mātou, tokowaru ngā tamariki.
Ah, there are ten of us, eight kids.
Numbering people - tokorua, tokotahi...

E toru ngā kahawai, e rua ngā tāmure.
There are three kahawai and two tāmure (fish).
Numbering things - e rua, e toru...

E rua ō waewae. Tahi, rua.
You've got two legs. One, two.
Numbering things - e rua, e toru...

E whitu ngā waka.
There are seven cars.
Numbering things - e rua, e toru...

E waru ngā tūru.
There are eight chairs.
Numbering things - e rua, e toru...

E iwa ngā whare.
There are nine houses.
Numbering things - e rua, e toru...

He pai ake te hanga tuatahi o te pukapuka nei i te hanga tuarua.
The first chapter is better than the second chapter of this book.
Ordindinal numbers (First, second, third...) - tuatahi, tuarua...

Toru karaka te .
The time is 2 o'clock.
Telling time - kara

Haurua mai i te iwa karaka.
Half past nine.
Telling time - kara

Hei te waru karaka.
See you at eight o'clock.
Telling time - kara

A te waru karaka ka haere tātou ki te marae.
We will go the marae at 8 o'clock.
Telling time - kara

Kua whakaritea, me tae rātou ki te mira o Kawerau i te iwa karaka.
It was arranged that they should arrive at the Kawearau mill at nine o'clock.
Telling time - kara

Te hui a te rua karaka, hei te whare nanga.
The 2 o'clock meeting will be at the university.
Telling time - kara

Hāwhe pahi i te iwa karaka.
Half past 9.
Telling time - kara

Kei te ora rawa atu au.
I'm extremely well.
Direction markers with adverbs - tonu mai, kā atu, rawa mai...

Kei te hiainu rawa atu au.
I'm extremely thirsty.
Direction markers with adverbs - tonu mai, kā atu, rawa mai...

He kōrero hōhonu rawa atu.
An extremely deep talk.
Direction markers with adverbs - tonu mai, kā atu, rawa mai...

He poto rawa atu ngā kōrero nei.
These stories are extremely short.
Direction markers with adverbs - tonu mai, kā atu, rawa mai...

Whānau rawa mai te tamaiti.
At least, the child was born.
Direction markers with adverbs - tonu mai, kā atu, rawa mai...

Ka rere iho te tīwaiwaka, rere iho hoki tana hoa.
The fantail flew down, and so did her mate.
Direction markers with adverbs - tonu mai, kā atu, rawa mai...

Tae rawa atu, kātahi tonu ia ka haere.
When we arrived, he had just left.
Direction markers with adverbs - tonu mai, kā atu, rawa mai...

Kei te tino pai rawa atu māua i nāianei.
We are really good now.
Direction markers with adverbs - tonu mai, kā atu, rawa mai...

Kaua rawa atu koe e hoko i tēnā pōtae.
You mustn't buy that hat.
Direction markers with adverbs - tonu mai, kā atu, rawa mai...

Kāore ngā hine e kōrero ana.
The women are not talking.
The article - te, ngā, he

I kōrero ngā hine.
The women spoke.
The article - te, ngā, he

Kāore ngā hine i kōrero.
The women did not speak.
The article - te, ngā, he

He wahine kaha ki te mahi a Rāhera.
Rāhera is a woman strong in work.
The article - te, ngā, he

He pūrotu te wahine.
The woman is pretty.
The article - te, ngā, he

He pūrotu ngā hine.
The women are pretty.
The article - te, ngā, he

He wahine tūai a Mere.
Mere is skinny.
The article - te, ngā, he

He kaha ngā hine o tō tātou iwi.
The woman of our tribe are stong.
The article - te, ngā, he

Kei konei ngā hine.
The women are over here.
The article - te, ngā, he

He wahine te hēkeretari.
The secretary is a woman.
The article - te, ngā, he

He hine ngā hēkeretari.
The women are secretaries.
The article - te, ngā, he

Hei taha mauī te waka i te whare.
The car will be to the left of the house.
Future locative - hei

Hei te taha o te motokā te wahine.
The woman will be by the car.
Future locative - hei

Hei roto te pirihimana i te waka.
The policeman will be in the car.
Future locative - hei

Hei konā tō waea.
Your phone will be there (by you).
Future locative - hei

Hei mua te waka i te whare.
The car will be in front of the house.
Future locative - hei

Hei tai te waka.
The boat will be by the sea.
Future locative - hei

Hei tāhi tō whānau.
Your family will be overseas.
Future locative - hei

Hei uta ngā waka.
The boats will be ashore.
Future locative - hei

Hei waenganui ngā tamariki i te papa tākaro.
The children will be in the middle of the playground.
Future locative - hei

Hei waho ngā kai i te pāmu.
The food will be outside the farm.
Future locative - hei

He pai rawa atu taua pōwhiri ki a au.
I really enjoyed that pōwhiri.
That aforementioned thing - taua, aua

He pai rawa atu kia a au taua pōwhiri.
I really enjoyed that pōwhiri.
That aforementioned thing - taua, aua

Ko Ngāti-Kahukoka e mea ana nā rātou taua hi moana.
Ngāti-Kahukoka said that part of the sea belonged to them.
That aforementioned thing - taua, aua

Kei te mōhio koe ko wai te kaiwhakahaere o taua hui?
Do you know who the organiser of the hui is?
That aforementioned thing - taua, aua

Ko te wai o taua pā he puna kei te taha ki te hauraro.
The pā's water source was a spring on the north side.
That aforementioned thing - taua, aua

Ka pai te waiata a aua kōtiro.
Those girls sang well.
That aforementioned thing - taua, aua

Tokoiwa ngā tāngata i taua hui.
There were nine people at that (aforementioned) meeting.
That aforementioned thing - taua, aua

Kaua e wareware!
Don't forget!
Negative passive commands (Don't be...) - Kaua... e...

Kaue e wareware ki te haramai.
Don't forget to come.
Negative passive commands (Don't be...) - Kaua... e...

Kaua e waiho ngā kī.
Don't leave the keys.
Negative passive commands (Don't be...) - Kaua... e...

Kaua e titiro ki te waka.
Don't look at the car.
Negative passive commands (Don't be...) - Kaua... e...

Kaua e waiho ō hū ki te kūaha.
Don't leave your shoes at the door.
Negative passive commands (Don't be...) - Kaua... e...

Kaua e waihotia ngā kai ki runga i te tēpu mō te rā whānau.
Don't leave the food on the table for the birthday.
Negative passive commands (Don't be...) - Kaua... e...

Kaua e tīkina te waka ki te marae.
Don't fetch the car from the marae.
Negative passive commands (Don't be...) - Kaua... e...

Kaua e waruwaruhia ngā kāroti.
Don't peel the carrots.
Negative passive commands (Don't be...) - Kaua... e...

Kaua ngā kurī e herea i waho!
Don't tie the dogs up outside.
Negative passive commands (Don't be...) - Kaua... e...

Ehara tōku pāpā nō Ngāti Raukawa.
My father is not from Ngāti Raukawa.
Negating nāku possessives - Ehara i...

Ehara tōna whaea nō Waikato.
His/Her mother is not from Waikato.
Negating nāku possessives - Ehara i...

Ehara a Hemi nō te rohe o Te Arawa.
Hemi is not from the Te Arawa region.
Negating nāku possessives - Ehara i...

Ehara i a au tēnei waka rererangi.
This airplane is not mine.
Negating nāku possessives - Ehara i...

Ehara i a au tēnei waka ātea.
This spaceship is not mine.
Negating nāku possessives - Ehara i...

Kāore ngā tauira i te whare nanga.
The students are not at the university.
Negation of locatives - kāore...

Kāore te waka i reira.
The car wasn’t there.
Negation of locatives - kāore...

Kāore te marae i taua hi.
The marae wasn’t at that place.
Negation of locatives - kāore...

Kāore te kurī i te taha katau o te waka.
The dog wasn’t to the right of the car.
Negation of locatives - kāore...

Kāore mātou i waho.
We are not outside.
Negation of locatives - kāore...

Kāore te kuri i mua i te waka.
The dog isn’t in front of the car.
Negating locatives - kāore... i runga...

Kāore te waka i tai.
The boat isn’t by the sea.
Negating locatives - kāore... i runga...

Kāore te maunga i tua i te awa.
The mountain isn’t beyond the river.
Negating locatives - kāore... i runga...

Kāore tōna whānau i tāhi.
His/Her family isn’t overseas.
Negating locatives - kāore... i runga...

Kāore te waka i uta.
The boat isn’t ashore.
Negating locatives - kāore... i runga...

Kāore ngā tamariki i waenganui i te rori.
The children aren’t in the middle of the road.
Negating locatives - kāore... i runga...

Kāore te kuri i waho i te whare.
The dog isn’t outside the house.
Negating locatives - kāore... i runga...

Kāore te pirihimana i te waka.
The policeman was not in the car.
Negating locatives - kāore... i runga...

Kāore te kuri i mua i te waka.
The dog was not in front of the car.
Negating locatives - kāore... i runga...

Kāore te waka i tai.
The boat was not by the sea.
Negating locatives - kāore... i runga...

Kāore te maunga i tua i te awa.
The mountain was not beyond the river.
Negating locatives - kāore... i runga...

Kāore tōna whānau i tāhi.
His/Her family was not overseas.
Negating locatives - kāore... i runga...

Kāore te waka i uta.
The boat was not ashore.
Negating locatives - kāore... i runga...

Kāore ngā tamariki i waenganui i te rori.
The children were not in the middle of the road.
Negating locatives - kāore... i runga...

Kāore te kuri i waho i te whare.
The dog was not outside the house.
Negating locatives - kāore... i runga...

Kāore te pirihimana hei roto i te waka.
The policeman will not be in the car.
Negating locatives - kāore... i runga...

Kāore tō waea hei konā.
Your phone will not be there (by you).
Negating locatives - kāore... i runga...

Kāore te waka hei mua i te whare.
The car will not be in front of the house.
Negating locatives - kāore... i runga...

Kāore te waka hei tai.
The boat will not be by the sea.
Negating locatives - kāore... i runga...

Kāore tō whānau hei tāhi.
Your family will not be overseas.
Negating locatives - kāore... i runga...

Kāore ngā waka hei uta.
The boats will not be ashore.
Negating locatives - kāore... i runga...

Kāore ngā tamariki hei waenganui i te papa tākaro.
The children will not be in the middle of the playground.
Negating locatives - kāore... i runga...

Kāore ngā kai hei waho i te pāmu.
The food will not be outside the farm.
Negating locatives - kāore... i runga...

Kei a wai?
Who has it? Who will have it?
Future locatives - kei te

Kei a wai te pēke taumaha i te ata āpōpō?
Who will carry the heavy pack tomorrow?
Future locatives - kei te

No Ngāti Kahngunu tēnei waiata.
This song belongs to Ngāti Kahungunu.
Words that can be 'a' or 'o' categories - o, a

Na Ngāti Kahngunu tēnei waiata.
This song is sing by Ngāti Kahungunu.
Words that can be 'a' or 'o' categories - o, a

He nui te mana o tō rātou waka.
Their canoe has great prestige.
Words that can be 'a' or 'o' categories - o, a

Ko te taiapa e karapoti ana i te wahanga o taku whenua.
The fence is around the edge of my section.
Sentences with two possessives - a, o

Ehara mā rāua te motokā e taraiwa.
They (two) won’t drive the car.
Negating the future agent emphatic - ehara mā..

Ehara māu te waka e taraiwa.
You won’t drive the car.
Negating the future agent emphatic - ehara mā..

Me waiata pēnei koe: Hari huritau ki a koe!
You should sing like this: happy birthday to you!
Like this, like that - pēnei, pēna, pēra

Ka waiata koe pērā i a Tui Teka.
You sing like Tui Teka.
Like this, like that - pēnei, pēna, pēra

Waea mai mēnā ka taea.
Give me a call if you can.
If (using mehemea) - mehemea, mehe, mēnā

Ki te hoki wawa mai a Tawa, ka koa ahau.
If Tawa comes back on time, I will be happy.
If using ki - ki

Ki te wehe moāta tātau, ka tae wawe tātau ki Heretaunga.
If we leave early, we will arrive in Hastings on time.
If using ki - ki

Tō tau hoki ki te waiata!
How excellent you are at singing!
How... - Te... hoki...

Te makariri hoki o tēnei hi!
How cold this place is!
How... - Te... hoki...

Te rawa hoki!
How excellent!
How... - Te... hoki...

Te makariri hoki o te wai.
How cold the water is.
How... - Te... hoki...

Ko hea te hi pai rawa o Aotearoa ki a koe?
Where is your favourite place in Aotearoa?
I like... - He pai ki a au...

He pai rawa atu te kaimoana ki a ia.
She really likes seafood. (Seafood is best to her.)
I like... - He pai ki a au...

He pai te tāwara o te pata heihei ki a au.
I like the flavour of butter chicken.
I like... - He pai ki a au...

He ika me te maramara rīwai te kai pai ki a ia.
He likes fish and chips.
I like... - He pai ki a au...

Tokoiwa pea.
About nine (people).
How many are there? - E hia? Tokohia?

Tekau mā waru ngā pereti, a rua tekau mā tahi ā tātou kapu.
There are eighteen plates and we have twenty-one cups.
How many are there? - E hia? Tokohia?

Kāore e taea e koe tōku waka te whakatika.
You are unable to fix my car.
To be unable - Kāore... taea...

Kāore i taea e koe tōku waka te whakatika.
You were unable to fix my car.
To be unable - Kāore... taea...

Ehara i te kōtiro te waiata i waiata.
The girl didn’t sing the song.
Negating the past agent emphatic - ehara i...

Ehara i a ia tō māua waka i whakatika.
He didn't fix our car.
Negating the past agent emphatic - ehara i...

Kātahi te reo reka ki te waiata!
What an awesome singing voice!
What a... - kātahi te...

wai e mahi te parāoa?
Who will make the bread?
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā

wai te parāoa e mahi?
Who will make the bread?
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā

Ka mutu te mahi i te kāwanatanga.
The work was stopped by the government.
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā

Kua tū te waka i te pirihimana.
The car was stopped by the police.
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā

Kua wareware i a au tana ingoa.
I have forgotten his name.
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā

Kua whati tana waewae i tāna takahanga.
His leg was broken by his fall.
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā

Kua pau te wai i a Kiri.
Kiri has consumed the water.
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā

Kua wareware i a au taku pene.
I've forgotten my pen.
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā

Kua wareware te parāoa i a ia.
He has forgotten the bread.
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā

I mate ia i te awa.
He died because of the river.
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā

I wareware i a Koa taku ingoa.
Koa forgot my name.
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā

Kua tutuki i a koe taku wawata.
My dream has been fulfilled by you.
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā

Kua tutuki taku wawata i a koe.
My dream has been fulfilled by you.
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā

Kua oti kē i a Pou te Tārai tōna waka.
Pou had already finished adzing out his canoe.
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā

I mate i a Kupe te wheke nei ki Raukawa.
Kupe killed this octopus in Cook Straight.
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā

wai e taraiwa? Māku?
Who's going to drive? Shall I?
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā

Kua wareware i a ia?
Has she forgotten?
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā

Kua pau te wai te inu e te kurī.
The dog has finished drinking the water.
Statives with 'i' - i a, i te, i ngā

Homai koa ētaho o ngā maramara rīwai.
Please give me some of the potato chips.
Some - tētahi, ētahi

I a Spongebob rāua ko Patariki e tītoitoi ana i te Krusty Krab ka pararē a Squidward ki a rāua.
While Spongebob and Patrick were goofing off at the Krusty Krab, Squidward yelled at them.
While... - i... e... ana, ka...

I a rātou e waiata ana i tā rātou waiata ka whakarite kai ngā ringawera mā rātou.
While they were singing their song, the cooks prepared food for them.
While... - i... e... ana, ka...

I tō rātou pēne e waiata ana, ka inu mātou i ngā inu kore utu!
While the band sang, we drank free drinks!
While... - i... e... ana, ka...

Kātahi anō taku hoa ka haere atu ki Hawaii.
My friend has gone to Hawaii for the first time.
Has just... - kātahi anō...

Kātahi anō tō hoa ka waea mai.
Your friend just called. (or: your friend finally called; or: your friend called for the first time)
Has just... - kātahi anō...

wai e horoi ngā pereti?
Who will wash the plates?
Who will? - mā wai?

wai e kato te pūhā?
Who will pick the pūhā?
Who will? - mā wai?

wai te pūhā e kato?
Who will pick the pūhā?
Who will? - mā wai?

wai ahau e āwhina?
Who will help me?
Who will? - mā wai?

wai e tiki atu taku kopa moni?
Who will fetch my purse?
Who will? - mā wai?

wai e horoi ngā rīhi?
Who will wash the dishes?
Who will? - mā wai?

Ma wai koe e āwhina.
Who will help you?
Who will? - mā wai?

wai te karakia e taki?
Who will recite the karakia?
Who will? - mā wai?

wai ngā rīhi e horoi?
Who will wash the dishes?
Who will? - mā wai?

wai te papa e muku?
Who will mop the floor?
Who will? - mā wai?

wai e horoi?
Who will wash?
Who will? - mā wai?

wai e?
Who will?
Who will? - mā wai?

wai ngā rihi e horoi?
Who will wash the dishes?
Who will? - mā wai?

wai te whare e whakatika?
Who will fix the house?
Who will? - mā wai?

wai ngā tamariki e tiki?
Who will fetch the children?
Who will? - mā wai?

wai ngā putiputi e kato?
Who will pick the flowers?
Who will? - mā wai?

wai ngā kurī e whāngai?
Will will feed the dogs?
Who will? - mā wai?

wai a Kayte e āwhina?
Who will help Kayte?
Who will? - mā wai?

wai te tēpu e whakarite?
Who will be the one to clear the table?
Who will? - mā wai?

wai ngā tamariki e āwhina?
Who is to help the children?
Who will? - mā wai?

wai tō rātou kakahu e haenga?
Who will iron our clothes?
Who will? - mā wai?

wai tēnei hui e whakahaere?
Who will run this meeting?
Who will? - mā wai?

wai e taraiwa?
Who is going to drive?
Who will? - mā wai?

Ko wai e whai nei?
Who's next?
Comparatives (better than...) - pai ake...

E whai nei a wai?
Who's next?
Comparatives (better than...) - pai ake...

Kāore i a au te waka.
I don't have the car.
Negating t possessives - kāore i a...

Kia tea mai koe, ka hui tāua.
When you are free, we will catch up.
When... - ka... ka; kia... ka

Kia mutu taku hui, ka waea atu ia ki a koe.
When I finish my meeting, I will call you.
When... - ka... ka; kia... ka

Ki te kore a Manu e hoki wawa mai, ka noho mau au.
If Manu doesn't get back on time, I will stay.
If not... - ki te kore...

Me waea atu ki a ia kia mōhio ai he aha to aha.
You should call him to know what's happening.
In order to... - kia... ai...

Me haere wawe tātou kia pai ai tō tātou tirohanga atu.
Let's go early so that we can get a good view.
In order to... - kia... ai...

I waiata au i tētahi waiata kia wareware ai aku raruraru.
I sang a song in order to forget my troubles.
In order to... - kia... ai...

I taraiwa ia i te motokā kia haere ai ki tātahi.
He drove the car in order to go to the beach.
In order to... - kia... ai...

I hīkoi au ki te kāinga kia kore ai au e kite i tōku whānau.
I walked home in order to not see my family.
In order not to... - kia... kore ai

Ko to ono karaka te e tīmata ai te hui.
The meeting starts (specifically) at 6 o'clock.
Specifically - ai

Ko Ōhope te hi e kaukau ai ahau.
Ōhope is the place (specifically) where I swim.
Specifically - ai

Ko Waikaremoana te hi i tapahia ai taku pito.
Waikaremoana is the (specific) place where my umbilical cord was cut.
Specifically - ai

Ko Te Kūhā te marae e nanga ai tātau.
Te Kūhā is the (specific) marae where we hold a learning session.
Specifically - ai

He mea hanga i roto i ngā roto i te ara haere atu i Waiuku ki Te Maioro.
[Some] were built in the lakes on the path going from Waiuku to Te Maioro.
The pseudo-passive - he mea...

Tukua te wairua kia rere ki ngā taumata.
Allow one's spirit to exercise its potential.
Kia for second verb after a passive - kia

Kāore e taea te taraiwa kia tika me te pātuhi anō.
You can't drive properly whilst at the same time texting.
Kia for second verb after a passive - kia

Ka mahue tō waea mai.
You forgot to phone to me.
You forgot to... - Ka mahue tō...

Te mahi a te waka.
There were heaps of cars.
There were lots of... - te maha a te...

Whakakīngia te waka ki te hinu kaua ki te diesel.
Fill the car up with petrol, not with diesel.
Not to, not with, not against - ...kaua ki...

I moe ia i a Pare, kaua rawa ko Kiri.
You should marry Pare, absolutely not Kiri!
Not that - kaua ko.. tēnei, tēnā, tērā

Kōrero mai tō whakapapa, kaua rawa ko tō pepeha.
Tell me your whakapapa, definitely not your pepeha.
Not that - kaua ko.. tēnei, tēnā, tērā

Kaua rawa e haere!
Do not go!
Absolutely don't - kaua rawa!

Kei waiata koe!
Don't sing!
Kei... - Don't...

E āhei ana tēnei pū-tohu- te noho hei hipa, tū hoki rānei.
The time marker can also be used for present or past tense.
Or... - ...rānei

He reka, he kawa rānei?
Is it sweet or sour?
Or... - ...rānei

Ka waiatatia tēnei, tērā waiata rānei e tātou?
Will we sing this song or that song?
Or... - ...rānei

Ka haere rātou mā Te Wairarapa mā Tararua rānei.
They will either go via the Wairarapa or Tararua.
Or... - ...rānei

Me kaha, me waimeha rānei tō tī?
A strong or a weak tea?
Or... - ...rānei

He reka rānei, he kawa rānei?
Is it sweet or sour?
Or... - ...rānei

Mā te awa.
Via the river.
Via - mā

Ko tērā i mā Waipā, i haere mā roto o Waikato.
Those who went via Waipā went through the Waikato.
Via - mā

Ka puāwai ana te pōhutukawa, ka mōmona ngā kina.
When the pōhutukawa blooms, the kina are fat.
When, whenever - ka... ana, ka...

Kāore te waka hei taha mauī i te whare.
The car will not be to the left of the house.
Negating future locatives - Kāore... hei...

Kāore te wahine hei te taha o te motokā.
The woman will not be by the car.
Negating future locatives - Kāore... hei...

Kāore tōu he waka?
Do you not have a car?
Do you not have any? - Kāore āu...

Kāore e tokowaru ngā pirihimana.
There are not eight police officers.
Negating counting people - Kāore e toko...

Kāore e whitu ngā waka.
There are not seven cars.
Negating counting things - Kāore e...

Kāore e waru ngā tūru.
There are not eight chairs.
Negating counting things - Kāore e...

Kāore e iwa ngā whare.
There are not nine houses.
Negating counting things - Kāore e...

Ko wai kāore i horoi i ngā rīhi?
Who didn’t do the dishes?
Who didn't? - Ko wai kāore...

Ko wai kāore i te horoi i te rūma?
Who isn’t cleaning the room?
Who didn't? - Ko wai kāore...

Ko wai kāore i tiki i ngā tamariki i te kura?
Who didn’t pick up the children from school?
Who didn't? - Ko wai kāore...

Ko wai kāore i te tunu i te kai?
Who isn’t cooking the food?
Who didn't? - Ko wai kāore...

Ko wai kāore i tākaro i te papa tākaro?
Who didn’t play at the playground?
Who didn't? - Ko wai kāore...

Ko wai kāore i hanga i te whare?
Who didn’t build the house?
Who didn't? - Ko wai kāore...

Ko wai kāore i kai i ngā āporo?
Who didn’t eat the apples?
Who didn't? - Ko wai kāore...

Ko wai kāore i te āwhina i te kaiako?
Who isn’t helping the teacher?
Who didn't? - Ko wai kāore...

Ko wai kāore i hopu i te ika?
Who didn’t catch the fish?
Who didn't? - Ko wai kāore...

Ko wai kāore i te tākaro i te kēmu?
Who isn’t playing the game?
Who didn't? - Ko wai kāore...

Ko wai kāore i hoko i ngā pukapuka?
Who didn’t buy the books?
Who didn't? - Ko wai kāore...

Ko wai kāore i te whakahaere i te hui?
Who isn’t running the meeting?
Who didn't? - Ko wai kāore...

Ko wai kāore i kī i te kākahu?
Who didn’t pack the clothes?
Who didn't? - Ko wai kāore...

Ko wai kāore i te waiata i te waiata?
Who isn’t singing the song?
Who didn't? - Ko wai kāore...

Ko wai kāore i whakaatu i te kiriata?
Who didn’t show the movie?
Who didn't? - Ko wai kāore...

Kāore koe e āhei te inu wai.
You are not allowed to drink water.
Not allowed - kāore... e āhei

Kāore te kaiako e āhei te haere ki waho.
The teacher is not allowed to go outside.
Not allowed - kāore... e āhei

Ko te Paraire, te tuaiwa o Aperira.
Friday, the ninth of April.

Kei te ngenge rawa atu au.
I'm extremely tired.

Kei te tea ahau ā te pō o te Paraire.
I'm free on Friday night.

Roa-noa, ka titiro ki te waka rā.
For a long time, he looed at that canoe.

wai rā, nāwai rā.

Kei te māuiui rawa atu au.
I'm extremely sick.

wai te pene nei?
Whose pen is this?

wai ngā pereti e horoi?
Who will wash the plates?

Kei te koa rawa atu au.
I'm extremely happy.

He pai tēnei hi.
This place is nice.

He poto rawa atu tōu kaka i tōku.
Your dress is much shorter than mine.

He reka rawa te inu?
Is the drink too sweet?

Kei te pōuri rawa atu au.
I'm extremely sad.

wai te taiaha nei?
Who is this taiaha for?

He kawa rawa te inu?
Is the drink too sour?

E pēhea ana te wai?
How is the water?

He marae ātaahua a Tūrangawaewae.
Tūrangawaewae is a beautiful marae.

Kua tae mai ki te ...
We have arrived at the time...


Kei te taha o te tangata whenua au i tēnei .
I'm on the side of the people of the marae this time.

Mā te .
See ya in time!

wai te motokā whero rā?
Whose is the red car?

He wera tēnei wai.
This water is hot.

I tino āwangawanga a Rangi.
Rangi was very worried.


Hoea tō waka, e hoa!
Go for it, mate!

Kei te hiakai rawa atu au.
I'm extremely hungry.

He makariri tēnei wai.
This water is cold.

Kei te kimi te whare nanga i tētahi tangata e hāngai nei ngā tohu mātauranga hei whakaako.
The university is looking for a suitably qualified person to teach.

Ka tino āwangawanga a Rangi.
Rangi will be very worried.

Hoea tō waka!
Please yourself! (sarcastically)

Kei te hiamoe rawa atu au.
I'm extremely sleepy.

He pai noa tēnei wai.
This water is just right.

He makariri a waho.
It's cold outside.

Kātahi ka haere ngā tāngata o Waikato ki ia iwi, ki ia iwi o tātou, o te Māori.
Then the Waikato people went to each tribe of us Māori people.

Anei he waka mōu.
Here is a car for you.

wai ngā mōhiti nei?
Who are these glasses for?

Ka tīmata i roto, ka haere ki waho.
Start on the inside, and move out.

Te tini o te tangata i tae ake, tāne mai, hine māi.
A huge crowd turned up, men and women.

Ka waea mai ia i te weherua pō.
She rung me at midnight.

I āwangawanga ia.
He or she was worried.

Kei te tino āwangawanga a Rangi.
Rangi is very worried.

Ka āwangawanga ia.
He or she will be worried.

Mā te !
(see ya) in time.

Kei te kōrero ngā hine.
The women are talking.

Mā te tāua tūtaki anō ai.
In time we'll meet again.

wai ēnei kapu tī? Mā ngā tamariki? Ehara, mā ngā kaumātua kē.
Who are these cups of tea for? The children? No, they are for the elders.

Kāore he waka.
There isn't a car.

He iti rawa ēnā.
These are too small.

Tē taea te haere i te mea kua pakaru te waka.
[We] couldn't go because the car was broken down.

Kei te āwangawanga koe.
You are worried.

Hei te .
(see ya) in time.

Hei te tāua tūtaki anō ai.
In time we'll meet again.

E puta ki waho.
Go outside.

Mā reira pea a ia ka tono ai i tana kōtiro ki te kawe wai māu.
Perhaps she will order her daughter to fetch water for you.

wai ēnei?
Whose are these? (near me)

Toro mai tō wae.
Give me your leg.

He uaua rawa.
It's too hard.

Kua wera te wai.
The water has become warm.

wai ngā pukapuka rā?
Whose are those books over there?

Ko ētahi o rātou, ko ngā rōpā me ngā hine i kata.
Some of them, the slaves and the women, laughed.

whakarongo ki tēnei waiata!
listen to this song!

Ki tā te Awara, ko Hei te pāpā o Waitaha.
According to Te Arawa, Hei was the father of Waitaha.

Ko te Raumati taku tino o te tau.
Raumati is my favourite time of the year.

Kua wae mai a Honi.
Honi has rung.

Pakeke rawa ati au, kua tu kē au hei Mema-Pāremata.
When I eventually grow up, I am going to stand as a member of Parliament.

He pai te noho kore waka.
It's good not having a car.

Kia manawanui!
Be steadfast!

wai te pōtae nā?
Whose is that hat (near you)?

wai ērā kurī?
Whose are those dogs (over there)?

Ke whakatika te ope, ka haere, ka tae ki tētahi awa.
The party set off, travelled along, and came to a river.

Ko Puhihuia i noho i te whakarei o te waka.
Puhihuia sat in the stern of the canoe.

Ki tāhi o te awa.
Across the river.

I horoi a Aria i tōna waka.
Aria washed his car.

Ko te haurua mai i te toru karaka te ,
The time is 3.30pm

Kei waho ngā ngeru i te kuaha.
The cats are outside the door.

I hē te whakahaere a Rua-tatanoa i tētahi hi o te karakia.
Rua-tataone made a mistake at one place in the incantation.

wai tēnei kapu?
Whose is this cup?

Kua kai rēwana koe?
Have you eaten rēwana?

Ke hoki ia ki Hawaiki, ka mauria e ia ētahi pounamu.
When he returned to Hawaiki, he took some pieces of greenstone with him.

He manawa tītī.
The heart of a muttonbird. Someone has endurance.

Koia nei te wairua o te kōrero kia tino whakapau kaha koe i ngā katoa.
This is the essence of this proverb to expend all of your ability all the time.

He rite tonu ō māua nei wawata.
Our aspirations are exactly the same.

Kua hinga te totara i te wao nui a Tāne.
Someone of great importance has passed away.

He rīwai ēnā.
Those are spuds.

He awa tino pai tēnei mō te hopu tuna.
This was a very good river for catching eels.

Kei te tino āwangawanga a Mere.
Mere is very worried.

Kia mutu rawa te mahi whakapaipai whare, ka tea kōrua ki te haere.
Once the house decorating work is completely finished, you both will be free to go.

Kei te whakatika i te waka.
The car is being fixed.

He wahine marae.
A woman with the knowledge of a marae who is active in her community.

tāku waea pūkoro
my cellphone

Kei te tākaro ngā tamariki ki waho.
The children are playing outside.

Ko te wai o taua pā he puna kei te taha ki te hauaro.
The water source for that pā was a spring on the north side.

Ngā rauawa o ngā waka.
The sides of the canoe.

He uri au nō Ngāti Raukawa.
I'm a descendant of Ngāti Raukawa.

Ko tēnei tō rātou waka.
This is their car.

Kei runga ngā tamariki i te waka.
The children are in the car.

Kāaore koe i wareware i a au. I wareware ahau i a koe.
I didn't forget you. You forgot me.

Kei te mahi ngā hine ki konei
The women are working here.

Ko te waka kākāriki ra tō mātou.
Ours is that green car.

Kei te kāinga ngā tamariki, kei waho rātou i te whare.
The children are at home, they are outside the house.

Ko te waha tawhito tēnei.
This is the old entrance.

Kei te hoki ōku whakaaro ki ngā o mua.
My thoughts are going back to the past.

He wahine mōhio.
A knowledgeable woman.

wai tēnei pukapuka?
Whose book is this?

I āhua āwangawanga ahau.
I was somewhat worried.


Māna e whakapiko te ara o te ika ki tāna hi e hiahia ai.
He could make a fish go wherever he wanted.

Ka āhua āwangawanga ahau.
I will be somewhat worried.

Te kuku o te manawa.
The pincers of the heart (the object of affection).

leave alone

He hono tangata e kore e motu; ka pa he taura waka e motu.
Unlike a canoe rope, a human bond cannot be severed.

Kore rawa au e haere.
I will never go.

Kore rawa ia e hoki mai ki a tātou.
He will never come back to us.

Haere tonu, ka tae ki Āniwaniwa.
[She] went on and reached Āniwaniwa.

Ki te kore a Mere e tae mai āpōpō, ka waea atu ki a Henare.
If Mere doesn't arrive tomorrow I will ring Henare.

Kei te pupuri i tana waewae.
He is holding his leg.

Mahi noa, nāwai rā, ka puta mai te mate moe ki a Te Tahi.
They worked on, and then presently Te Tahi felt sleepy.


Leave it!

Kei te kōrero ia: "He mate kei taku waewae. Kei te toto! E mamae ana taku turi!".
He says: "My leg is sore! There's blood! My knee hurts!".

I Manawatū a Miro e noho ana.
Miro was living in Manawatū.

Me te wai korari.
Like the honey of the flax flower (as sweet as honey).

Kaua e wareware ki te kati i te tatau.
Don't forget to close the door.

Kei taku hoa tō nama waea.
My friend has your phone number.

Kore rawa au i te inu waipiro.
I never drink alcohol.

Tātou ka mahi i te tawa kia rua rau putu te roa.
Let us make a tower 200 feet high.

I tino āwangawanga a Mere.
Mere was very worried.

Ko Hine-tītama koe matawai ana te whatu i te tirohanga.
You are like Hine-tītama, a vision at which the eyes glisten.

Kua kai ahau i te toroī? E kore rawa!
Have I eaten toroī! Never!

Ka tino āwangawanga a Mere.
Mere will be very worried.

Kei waho ngā tamariki i te whare.
The children are outside the house.

Awatea kau ana, ka haere te koroheke rā.
When morning came, that old man left.

Kāore ōna waka.
She doesn't have a car.

He koretake au ki te waiata.
I'm useless at singing.

ko wai?

He tino kawa te ārani.
The orange is very sour.

Ka tino pōuri te wahine i a Nikau.
The woman is very sad because of Nikau.

Whakarewa i te pata.
Melt the butter.

Ahakoa te kohu, ka rere atu te waka rererangi.
Despite the mist, the plane took off.

He kamakama te hinengaro o Tīwana.
wana has a stubborn mind.

nōu tēnei kōti waiporoporo?
does this purple coat belong to you?

He tūpuhi rawa atu ia.
She's too thin.

Kia wahangū!
Be quiet!

I wawata kau au.
I daydreamed.

He koretake a Tīwana ki te tunu keke.
wana is useless at baking cakes.

He karaka te waka.
The car is orange.

I wareware ia ki te raka i te kūaha.
He forgot to lock the door.

Ngā manaakitanga o te hi ngaro ki a koe.
Celestial blessings to you.

Ngā manaakitanga o te hi ngaro ki a kōrua.
Celestial blessings to you both.

Ngā manaakitanga o te hi ngaro ki a koutou.
Celestial blessings to you three or more.

He waina māu?
Do you want a wine?

Āe, kia ora. Mā te !
Yeah, thanks. See you later.

Kei whea te uru o te waka, e Kupe?
Where is the canoe headed, Kupe?

Kua eke waka koe?
Have you been on a waka?

He waea hou tāu.
You have a new phone.

Kei hea te uru o te waka, e Kupe?
Where is the canoe headed, Kupe?

He hangareka a Tīwana.
wana is hilarious.

He tangata māhaki taku hungawai.
My father-in-law is a humble man.

Ko te tina ināianei.
It's lunchtime now.

Titiro e Kawana.
Look, Governor.

Kia manawanui tamariki mā.
Be patient children.

Whitu tekau mā waru tōna pakeke.
She is seventy-eight years old.

Tekau mā iwa taku pakeke.
My age is nineteen.

Ko Ākarana te taone nui-rawa-atu o Aotearoa.
Auckland is the largest city in Aotearoa.

He tangata tino pai rawa atu.
A great person.

I āwangawanga ahau.
I was worried.

Ka āwangawanga ahau.
I will be worried.

He wahine kaha ki te mahi ahakoa te mahi.
She is a woman who is strong in work, no matter the task.

Kua whati te rakau i tāku waewae.
The stick has been snapped by my foot.

Kei hea te waka?
Where is the waka?

Ka kino rawa tērā.
That is awful.

Ka pai te waiata a ngā kōtiro.
The girls sang nicely.

Kei tātahi te waka.
The waka is at the beach

He pukapuka waiporoporo tēnei.
This is a purple book.

Atu i te āhua o ngā kupu, kāore he tino rerekētanga o ēnei pū tohu e rua nei.
In terms of the meaning of the words, there is no significant difference between these two expressions.

Kei hea rawa te hi i noho ai te nanakia?
Where is the place where the monster dwells?

E toru ngā pū-tohu- "hipa".
There are three time markers for the past tense.

Ko Riripeti te kuku o tōna manawa.
Riripeti is the darling of his heart.

Waha nui!
Big mouth!

I te reo Māori, e ono ngā pū-tohu-wa matua, e whitu me ka whakaarohia te "kātahi āno... ka", engari he mono tūkē te "kātahi anō".
In the Māori language, there are six main time markers, seven if we include "kātahi anō... ka", but "kātahi anō" is considered a standalone.

E rua ngā pū-tohu- "tū".
There are two time markers for the present tense.

Ko Ōtaki te awa
Ōtaki is the river

Kīhai a ia i āta mōhio ki te ara ki te puna wai.
He didn't really know the path to the spring.

He wahine tino mōhio ki te hoahoa i te takoto o te whenua.
She is a woman who is very knowledgeable about designing the layout of the land.

Ko Ngāti Raukawa te iwi
Ngāti Raukawa is the tribe

I āhua āwangawanga koe.
You were somewhat worried.

I tēnei he pahu karihi.
These days there are nuclear bombs.

Ka āhua āwangawanga koe.
You will be somewhat worried.

Kei te āwangawanga au.
I'm worried.

Waiata ā-ringa.
Sing with hands.

Kua haere koe ki tāhi?
Have you been overseas?

Ko tētahi āhuatanga whakaohorere ki te ākonga reo Māori, ko te akoranga nei, ehara noa te tū i te "ka".
A common confusion for Māori language learners is that the verb "ka" is not only used for future tense.

He pai te ahokore ki tēnei hi.
The wifi is good in this place.

Ke mea mai ia, ka pai tana kaiako ki te waiata.
He says that his teacher is good at singing.

E rua tekau mā iwa tōna pakeke.
He is twenty-nine years old.

Ko Aotea te waka o Waikato?
Is Aotea Waikato's canoe?

Kei hea taku waea?
Where's my phone?

E pēhea ana tērā wahine koi?
How is that sharp (intelligent) woman?

He ngāwari tēnei whakamātautau.
This assessment is easy.

Ehara te waka o Waikato i a Aotea.
Aotea is not Waikato's canoe.

He tata rawa te horohoro ki tō Ari whare.
The landslide was very close to Ari's house.

Ko Aotea, ko Tākitimu, ko Mataatua ōna waka.
Aotea, Tākitimu and Mataatua are his canoes.

He waha tēnei.
This is a mouth.

Whangaia hoki o mātou wairua.
Also feed our spirits.

I hoatu koe i te koha ki a wai?
To whom did you give the koha?

Ētahi rerenga kīwaha.
Some Phrases.

I tino āwangawanga a Hēmi.
Hēmi was very worried.

Kia manawanui!
Be steadfast!

Ka tino āwangawanga a Hēmi.
Hēmi will be very worried.

He ringa rehe a Moana ki te mahi māra, ki te purei rakuraku hiko, ka mutu, he rōreka ki te waiata.
Moana is a dab hand at gardening, playing electric guitar, and she loves to sing.

Kei te pāngia a Hera ki te takitanga.
Hera is afflicted with autism.

E hia ō waewae?
How many feet do you have?

Tāria te .
Wait for the time.

He tangata whakatika waka i te rā, ā, he pene whakangahau tōna mō ngā huihuinga whakahirahira.
He is a person who fixes cars during the day, and he has an entertaining song for important gatherings.

Ko Manawatū tōna ingoa.
Its name is Manawatū.

He poto noa aho.
Time is short.

Kia hāmama tō waha.
Shout it! (Let your mouth shout!).

Anei tētahi kīwaha mōna.
Here is a kīwaha about him.

Kei hea tōku waka?
Where is my waka?

He tata rawa tō koutou poti ki te tohora nā!
Your boat is close to that whale!

Kei te āhua āwangawanga a Mere.
Mere is somewhat worried.

Tekau mā toru tau te pakeke o Tīwana.
wana is thirteen years old.

Kia pararē te waha!
Call out!

He kawa ia.
He is sour.

Kainga i waho.
They ate outside.

He kaha a Tīwana ki tana whiu pātai nanakia me te whakapātaritari i tōna tuahine me tōna kuikui.
wana is good at asking tricky questions and teasing her sister and grandmother.

Kāo, kāore āku tamariki i tēnei .
No, I don't have children at the moment.

Kei waho i te kūaha.
Outside the door.

He rawaka āku moni mo āku hokonga.
I have enough money for my purchases.

Ko tēnei te waiata.
This is the song.

Tino kawa te inu.
This drink is very bitter.

E hoa, kua roa te !
Hey friend! It's been a while.

Ko ēnei ngā waiata.
These are the songs.

Āe, kua roa te , nē rā?
Yeah, it's been a while, hasn't it?

Kei a wai taku pukapuka?
Whose got my book?

I waiata rātou.
They sang.

Tū ana anō a ia i roto i te wai.
She was still standing in the water.

Kia ngāwari tō reo.
Speak softly.

Kia ora rawa atu e hoa.
Thanks heaps mate.

He hāwareware ia.
He is sticky.

Kei waho.

He poto rawa atu ēnei kōrero.
These stories are extremely short.

Kei te āwangawanga ahau...
I'm concerned...

He waiata pai tēnei.
This is a nice song.

Ka pēhi i te tahā rā ki roto i te wai.
She dipped the gourd into the water.

Tekau mā waru te pakeke o tana tungāne.
Her brother is 18.

Ahakoa te ua, ka haere ngā tamariki ki waho.
Despite the rain, the children went outside.

Haere koe hei kaituki i tā tātou waka.
Go and be the chanter for our canoe.

Mōu te wai nei.
This water is for you.

Ko tēnei he mea nō roto i te waea.
This is something from the inside of your phone.

I āwangawanga koe.
You were worried.

Kei hea rā tērā wahine koi?
Where is that sharp woman?

He tangata pai rawa atu.
A very good person.

He wahine matatau ia.
She is a knowledgeable woman.

Nōna te waka. He koretake taua mea.
The car is his. It's a useless one.

Kei waho ngā manuhiri i te whare kai.
The visitors are outside the meeting house.

Kei te āhua āwangawanga a Hēmi.
Hēmi is somewhat worried.

He waiata poi tēnei.
This is a poi song.

Me ngā tauranga mangō i waho ake o Puponga.
And the shark fishing grounds off Puponga.

Tito waiata.
Compose songs.

Āwhea a Rangi ako waiata tawhito ai?
When will Rangi learn ancient songs?

Ka mau ki waho i te whare.
And carried it inside.

Katoa ngā ākonga o te whare nanga i tae atu ki te hui.
All the students of the university attended the meeting.

Kua tutuki tō rātou wawata.
Their dream has been fulfilled.

Ā muri i te kura ka haere ētahi tauira ki te whare nanga.
After school, some students will go to the whare nanga (place of higher learning).

He rawaka āku moni mo āku hokonga.
I have enough money for my purchases.

He hinuhinu rawa atu!
That is really greasy.

I āhua āwangawanga ia.
He or she was somewhat worried.

He nui rawa a Tāmaki-makau-rau.
Auckland is very big.

E kore ahau e wareware ki a ia.
I will never forget her.

Ka āhua āwangawanga ia.
He or she will be somewhat worried.

He pai ake te raihi i te riwai.
Rice is better than potatoes.

He pai ake a Te Tai Tokerau?
Is the Northland region better?

He pai ake a Tāmaki-makau-rau i a Poneke.
Auckland is better than Wellington.

Ā muri i ia whaikōrero ka tū ngā tāngata ki te tautoko i te kaikōrero ki tētahi waiata.
After each speech the people will stand to support the speaker with a song.

Kia ora rawa atu.
Thanks heaps.

He tohunga katoa ki ā rātou kaupapa ngā kaiako o tēnei whare nanga.
The teachers at this university are all experts at their subject.

I noho au i raro i te marumaru o te pōhutukawa.
I sat under the shade of the pōhutukawa.

Ko ngā waka i mua rā, mate katoa ngā tāngata o runga.
As for the canoes in front there, all the people on board were killed.

Akuanei ka tata ngā waka o mua ki te hi i noho ai te nanakia rā.
Presently the canoes in front drew near to the place where the monster lived.

Nā te mea kua whara tana waewae.
Because his leg is injured.

He kaiako ia i te tērā .
She was a teacher then.

Nā taua wai rā i kawe rā i kitea ai te whakaaro a Ponga ki a au.
Because of that water that was fetched, Ponga's feelings towards me were discovered.

He hewa ōna makawe.
He is bald.

Ka waiho au i te raiti kia kā.
I'll leave the light on.

He whakatoi rawa nōu!
You are very cheeky!

wai koe e āwhina?
Who will help you?

He tauira ahau ki Te nanga o Raukawa
I am a student at Te Wānanga o Rauka

Kei waho te ipu para.
The rubbish bin's outside.

E waru ngā waitohu.
8 credits.

He tāone iti rawa a Shannon.
Shannon is the smallest town.

He tauira ahau ki Te nanga o Raukawa ki Ōtaki.
I am a student at Te nanga o Raukawa in (or at) Ōtaki.

He pehea a Kauri ki te waiata?
What's Kauri like at singing?

He rawa ngā tamariki ki te tuhituhi, ki te pānui hoki.
The children are good at writing and reading.

He reka ia ki te waiata.
She's sweet at singing.

Kei waho i te kūaha ōna hū.
His shoes are outside the door.

A wai?
Who did?

Mā te
in good time

Ā muri i te kura ka haere ngā tauira ki te whare nanga.
After school the students will go to university (the house of learning).

Kei a koe mō te waiata.
You're a great singer.

ko wai te mea

Whakahokia ngā kupu ki te hi tika.
Put back the missing words.

Kei te hiawai ahau.
I'm thirsty.

Tokowaru ngā pēpi kei tēnei kōhanga.
There are eight babies at this creche.

Pānuihia ā-wahatia tēnei kōrerorero poto.
Read aloud the short dialogue.

Ko wai kāore i te haere mai?
Who is not coming?

He paku te .
Time is short.

Kia ora e hoa, ko wai koe?
Hi friend, who are you?

Te tino omanga koa o te wahine nei, kua tata ki te taha o te toka rangitoto e tū ana i te ara.
This woman ran on happily, and reached the side of the scoria rock standing by the path.

Ka wani kē.

He hi ātaahua a Whakatū.
Nelson is a beautiful place.

He ngaere ātaahua a Waipoua.
Waipoua is a beautiful forest.

I āhua āwangawanga a Rangi.
Rangi was somewhat worried.

Ka āhua āwangawanga a Rangi.
Rangi will be somewhat worried.

Ika me te maramara rīwai.
Fish and chips.

I horoi waka au.
I washed the car.

Titiro ki tō taka.
Look at your timetable.

mīti me te rīwai.
meat and spuds.

Ko hea te tāone kawa rawa te kai?
Which town has the best food?

He waiwaitapu ahai ki kōnei.
I am new here.

Ko Mia te wahine tino ātaahua o te kapahaka.
Mia is the most beautiful woman in the concert party.

Kei te āhua āwangawanga ahau.
I am somewhat worried.


Kei te marae o Te Herenga Waka ia.
She is at Te Herenga Waka marae.

Ko te kahikatea te rākau teitei rawa o Aotearoa.
The kahikatea is the tallest tree in Aotearoa.


Ka haere rāua ki tāhi ā tēnei Rāhina.
They're going overseas on Monday.

Kia ngāwari!
Be gentle!

Kei te whakatoi te tīwaiwaka ki a Poti.
The fantail is teasing the pussycat.

Mōhio rawa ake ahau kua hē a ia.
I just realised she was wrong.

Ngā mihi o te .
Seasons greetings.

Ko Ōkaro te awa, ko Õtautahi te taone.
The river is Avon, the city is Christchurch.

Nō te marae o Te Herenga Waka tēnei.
This belongs to Te Herenga Waka marae.

He ātaahua tō waiata.
Your song was beautiful.

thirsty (desiring water)

Ko ngā paru e rere ana ki waho o te moana.
The sewage is flowing to the sea.

He wai māu?
Do you want a water?

He tiamu, he miere maple, he huka me te wai rēmana rānei?
Butter, maple syrup, or sugar and lemon juice?

Ko taku māringanui/waimarie...
I am really lucky.

Ko Tōmuri Te Awa tōku tipuna.
Tōmuri Te Awa is my ancestor.

Tekau mā waru.

Kei te waiata ngā tamariki.
The children are singing.

He waiata pai pēnei.
This is a nice song.

Ko tō te iwi rā i ana waka.
That tribe pulled its canoes.

Kei te matewai ngā tupu.
The plants are thirsty.

Tekau mā iwa.

He hi ātaahua a Waimarama.
Waimarama is a beautiful place.

Ko Tangiwai tōna whanaunga.
Tangiwai is his relation.

Anei te wai rēmana.
Here is the lemon juice.

Kei te matewai ngā tamariki.
The children are thirsty.

I haere au i te taha o tōku pāpā ki tōna hi mahi.
I went with my father to his work.

Kī katoa te ara i ngā wai.
The road is covered in water.

I haere ia ki te whakarongo ki te rōpu waiata.
He went to listen to the choir.

Kātahi tēnei ka karakia. Ehara, kua rere mai ngā ika ki roto i te waka.
Then this man prayed. Lo and behold, fish flew into the canoe.

te horoi
wash time

He puke onepū kei te taha o te awa.
There are sand dunes beside the river.

te kaukau
bath time

Kei te whāwhai atu rāua ki waho kia tīkina ngā kākahu horoi.
They are rushing outside to fetch the washing.

Ko Kelly tōku wahine.
Kelly is my wife.

Kei a wai taka rapa?
Who's got my rubber?

Ka wani kē! He mīharo! Kātahi rā te ingoa pai ko tērā.
Wicked! Amazing! That is a good name.

He wahine a Ataahua.
Ataahua is a woman.

Kei te āhua āwangawanga koe.
You are somewhat worried.

He tēpu kāwhi kei waenganui i te rūma noho.
There's a coffee table in the middle of the lounge.

Ko tāku wahine ātaahua tēnei.
This is my beautiful wife.

He waka tōna.
She has a car.

E, pai ake te haere ki te awa.
Yes, it's better to go to the river.

I a wai ngā tamariki?
Who had the children?

Ko te Moana-nui-ā-Kiwa te moana.
The Pacific Ocean is the ocean.

Ko ia te wahine a Niko?
Is she the wife of Niko?

Ko Raima rātou ko Tanira, ko Aniwa ōku tuāhine.
Raima, Tanira and Aniwa are my sisters.

I tino āwangawanga ahau.
I was very worried.

Kei waho te ngeru.
The cat is outside.

Ka tino āwangawanga ahau.
I will be very worried.

quite, very

Kei waho te kurī i te whare.
The dog is outside the house.

E hia ngā manu i te wao nui?
How many birds are in the wilderness?

He paru rawa koe.
You're really dirty.

Anā tō kai e hoa, me tūtaki au ki tō whaea ā tōna .
That's what you get mate, I should meet your mum sometime.

I tērā kua haere a Riu-ki-uta ki tua atu o Maunga-whau.
At that time, Riu-ki-uta had gone beyond Mount Eden.

I muri i tērā, ka haere ki tāhi.
After that, I went overseas.

watawata ana ngā uru māwhatu i te hana o te ahi.
Her curly hair was gleaming in the firelight.

He aha ō wawata?
What are your aspirations?

Tēnā koutou kua hui mai nei i tēnei .
Greetings to you who are gathered here at this time.

Ko wai koe?
Who are you?

Ko Tainui te waka.
Tainui is the canoe.

I āhua āwangawanga a Mere.
Mere was somewhat worried.

E hia ngā rīwai i te māra?
How many potatoes are in the garden?

ko wai koe?
who are you?

Ko Tainui me Te Arawa ngā waka.
Tainui and Te Arawa are the canoes.

Ko wai kei roto i te uwhiuwhi i nāianei?
Who'se in the shower now?

Ka rūpeke noa rātou ki waenga o te marae e nohoia rā e te manuhiri.
They all gathered together in the middle of the marae where the visitors were sitting.

Kei tāhi ia.
She is overseas.

Haere tonu kia mutu rawa te mahi.
Keep going till the work is completed.

Kei a wai te waea?
Whose got the phone?

He pai rāua ko tana hoa ki te waiata.
She and her friend are good singers.

Kei hea taku waea pūkoro?
Where's my cell phone?

wai rā i pai te tiki, kua kino.
For some time, all went well with the fetching, then it got bad.

Ko te tamāhine o te tino tangata i Maungawhau, he kōtiro pai, he wahine ātaahua.
A daughter of the high chief of Maungawhau was a good girl and a beautiful woman.

I tuketuke haere atu ia i waenganui i ngā kaumātua e rua.
He elbowed his way between the two elders.

He manuhiri kei waho.
There's a guest outside.

I reira, ka kitea tētahi mahi ātaahua rawa.
From there a beautiful project was seen.

wai ēnei tōkena?
Who do these sock belong to?

waenga i ngā toka i āta haere mātou.
We picked our way through the rocks.

Kei te āhua āwangawanga ia.
He or she is somewhat worried.

He tūai rawa ia.
She's really skinny.

Kei a wai taku pene?
Who has my pen?

He waka rererangi ērā.
Those (over there) are planes.

Kia kaha, kia māia, kia manawanui.
Be strong, be brave...

Āe, kua tae atu au ki reira, ki Te Rerenga Wairua.
Yes, I've been there, to Cape Reinga.

I ōna he iwi manene; i ngā hōtoke kei ngā raorao, kei ngā mānia, ā, i ngā raumati Kei ngā maunga.
In those days they were a nomadic tribe; in the winter, [they] were in the foothills and on the plains, and in the summer [they] were on the mountains.

E hia ngā tauira o te whare nanga nei?
How many students are in this university?

I muri i tērā, ka haere ki tāhi.
After that, I went overseas.

Herea ngā kurī i waho!
Tie the dogs up outside!

Tuhi waiata.

He tēpu kāwhe kei waenganui i te rūma noho.
There's a coffee table in the middle of the lounge.

He koti tino pai rawa atu tēnā.
That's an extremely nice coat there.

Kei te hiahia haere koe ki hea, ki tāhi?
Do you want to go to where, overseas?

E rere, wairua, e rere
Fly, o free spirit, fly

E Hera, Tangiwai, kia ora kōrua. Kei te pēhea kōrua?
Hi Hera and Tangiwai. How are you two?

wai te waea pūkoro nei?
Who does this phone belong to?

Tōna .
His car.

He tōtara hi rua, he kai nā te ahi.
A tōtara split in two is food for the fire.

Tino turituri te wakarererangi.
Aeroplanes are noisy.

Kua mutu mō tēnei .
We have finished at this time.

ōna waka
his cars

Kei hea taku reti?
Where is my wallet.

Ka whakatika tētahi anō o ngā uri ariki, ka tū hei kaituki mō te waka rā.
Another young chief arose and stood as chanter for that canoe.

He kawa tēnei ārani.
This orange is sour.

wai tēnei rima tekau heneti?
Whose is this 50 cents?

Kātahi aua tini tamariki rā, te tāne, te wahine, ka kohi i te hua o te miro, hei hinu whakakakara.
Then those many young people, men and women, would gather miro berries for scented oil.

tō te tāne waka
the man's car

Kei a wai te pukapuka?
Who has the book?

Aī! I wareware i a au.
Woops! I forgot.

ō te tāne waka
the man's cars

He nui rawa tēnei tarau.
These pants are too big.

Ngā kakahu o te wahine.
The woman's clothes.

Kei a wai te tikanga?
Who is it up to?

Kei te whanawhana ō waewae.
Your legs are kicking.

Ka wani kē!
How genius!

Kei te hē rawa atu tāna kōrero.
What he says is completely mistaken.

He nui rawa te utu o ngā hākete kura.
The school jackets are too expensive.

Kei wareware i a Taika mā ngā matā.
Taika and the others might forget the matches.

Hei te ahiahi ka m,āminga e koe he mate wai tōu.
In the evening, you will pretend you are thirsty.

Ka whāia te wahie mō takurua, ka mahia te kai mō tau.
Firewood for the winter is gathered, food for the year is prepared.

He makariri rawa a Kaingaroa i te takurua.
Kaingaroa is very cold in winter.

Kua wareware?
(Have you) forgotten?

Āe rā! Me i kore ēnei karu, kua ngaro rawa tō kopa moni, ngā kī, ō mōwhiti!
I sure am! If it weren't for these eyes, you'd have lost your wallet, the keys, your glasses!

He Aromatawai.

Ngā mihi o te ; kei te pēhea koutou?
Season greetings, how are you (three +)?

wai te paihikara pīataata nei?
Whose is this shiny bike.

Kia manawanui.
Be patient.

wai te ngeru pīwari nei.
Whose cute cat is this?

I tino āwangawanga koe.
You were very worried.

Tokorua ngā hine kei tēnei rūma.
There are two women in this room.

Nō Aroha te waka rā.
That car belongs to Aroha.

Ka tino āwangawanga koe.
You will be very worried.

Kei te waiata kōrua ko Pita.
You and Pita are singing.

I noho au i raro i te marumaru o te pōhutukawa.
I sat under the shade of the pōhutuka

Kei te waiata a Hine.
Hine is singing.

Tō tāua waka.
Our (2 incl) car.

He whero ngā pua o te pohutukawa.
The flowers of the pohutukawa are red.

Kaua rā e wahangū.
Keep not silent.

I waea a wai ki a koe?
Who rang you?

He tupuhi rawa atu ia.
She is so thin.

E tūmanako ana mātou kia whakaāe mai te Kawanatanga ki tā mātou pitihana.
We are hoping the Government will agree to our petition.

Ko tō wahine kua hara ki tētahi tangata ko Tupeteka te ingoa.
Your wife has sinned with a man called Tupetaka.

Ko Tīwana, ko Amiria, ko Riripeti, ko Tiakina, ko Maia aku mokopuna tuarua.
wana, Amiria, Riripeti, Tiakina, and Maia are my great-grandchildren.

He tupuhi rawa atu tātou katoa.
We are all so thin.

Kāore au e pai ki te inu waipiro i te ata.
I do not like drinking wine in the morning.

Kua kai tā rāua tamāhine i āna rīwai.
Their daughter has eaten her potatoes.

I āhua āwangawanga a Hēmi.
Hēmi was somewhat worried.

Kia nui rawa atu tāku aihikirimi!
Make my icecream huge!

E whā ngā manu kei waho.
There are four birds outside.

He iti rawa atu ēnā pāua.
Those pāua are too small.

E kore rawa au e inu waipiro.
I will never drink alcohol.

Ka āhua āwangawanga a Hēmi.
Hēmi will be somewhat worried.

Ki tōku nei whakaaro, koinei te mea pai rawa.
In my opinion, this is the best one.

Kaua hei puta ki waho.
Don't go out.

Kore rawa ahau e haere.
I won't go.

Tokowaru ngā pēpi kei tēnei kōhanga.
There are eight babies at this creche.

Hei te ahiahi ka māmingā e koe he mate wai tōu.
In the evening, you will pretend to be thirsty.

Huakina mai tō waha.
Open up your mouth.

I taraiwa ahau.
I drove.

Kia mutu tātou i te tika, nei?
Please let's try to finish on time, shall we?

Kei te tino āwangawanga koe.
You are very worried.

Kei te kōrero kōrua ko Tuhawaiki.
You and Tuhawaiki are talking.

Ko tēnei te hui tuaiwa ki konei.
This is the ninth meeting here.

Tena koa, kainga e koe tēnei hi?
Why don't you try this piece?

Āe e Mā, kei te hēmanawa au i te wera.
Yeah Mā, this heat is getting to me.

Kua kai kānga wai ia.
He's tried fermented corn.

He mea tino rahi te whakatūtūranga a te Rā o Waitangi.
The demonstration on Waitangi Day will be a big one.

Ko Rāhera tōku hoa wahine.
Rāhera is my wife.

wai tērā waka?
To whom does that car belong?

Ko Te Arawa te iwi.
The Tribe is Te Arawa.

He pai rawa atu tāu mahi.
Your work is very good.

Nō Jeff tērā waka.
That car belongs to Jeff.

Pai rawa atu tāu mahi!
Your work is terrific!

Oho rawa ake ia i te ata, ka tirotiro haere, kua ngaro kē `na hoa.
When he finally woke up in the morning, [he] looked all around, but his friends had disappeared.

wai te wai nei?
Who is this water for?

I te kōanga te pai mō te tirotiro i tērā hi.
The best time to see that area is in the spring.

Ko Kuikui tōku hungawai.
Kuikui is my mother-in-law.

Taihoa. Me tatari kia tū mārika te waka.
Hold on. You need to wait until the car has come to a complete stop.

Mō rāua te wai nei.
The water is for them.

He nui rawa te utu.
It's too expensive.

Kei te waitara.
It's hailing.

Ko te timatatanga o te raumati te haere ki te hopu tītī.
The start of summer is the time to go mutton-birding.

He kawa rawa.
Too sour, yuck.

He roa rawa atu te tangata rā me Hata.
The man with Hata is very tall.

Kāore e taea te taraiwa tika me te kai hamupaka anō.
You can't drive properly whilst at the same time eating a hamburger.

Kei te taraiwa mātou ki te Whanaganui a Tara mō te konohete.
We are driving to Wellington for the concert.

He mahinga ngātahi ki waenga i Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori me Countown e āhei ai te kaihoko ki te rongo i te reo Māori i ngā paeutu kaihoko.
A collaboration between Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori (The Māori Language Commission) and Countdown sees customers able to use self-checkouts in te reo Māori.

Kei te taraiwa mātou ki te Whanaganui a Tara ki te whakarongo ki te konohete.
We are driving to Wellington to listen to the concert.

Tokoiwa rātou i tū ki te kōrero.
Nine of them stood to talk.

Ko te tihewa ahau!
I've got to sneeze!

Mai i te o ngā tīpuna.
From the time of the ancestors.

wai tērā kōrero?
Who said that? (Literally: That speech belongs to whom?)

Kāore au e pai ki te rēmana, he kawa!
I don't like lemons, they're sour.

Ko Aotea te waka.
The canoe is Aotea.

"Katoa tō mātou kapa e tino manawanui nei i te āheinga a te hunga reo Māori ki te whakamutu i ā rātou mahi hoko kai i roto i te reo, i te āheinga hoki mā te whānui me te whāroa o ā mātou toronga, ka āwhina kia whakarauora i te reo, ā, kia whakamahia e ngā whakatipuranga kei te pihi ake."
"Our entire team is incredibly proud that not only can te reo Māori speakers now complete their shopping in their own language, but that we can use our scale and reach to help ensure te reo Māori is revitalised and used for generations to come."

Kei te waiata rātou.
They (3 or more) are singing.

I tēnei , kua tino kaha te pupuhi o te hau.
By this time, the wind had become very strong.

Rite te wai.
Test the water.

Ko tērā taku tūrangawaewae.
That's my place to stand.

Ko te kōha tēnei a Wairangi ki tana wahine.
This was Wairangi's gift to his wife.

Ākuanei, ahiahi rawa ake, kua pau kē tō hau!
Later on, by evening, you'll be exhausted!

Ko te tohu tērā i tika atu ai ia ki Waikimihia.
This was the sign that led her straight to Waikimihia.

He kānga wai tēnei.
This is fermented corn.

Who (did)?

wai te waka whero?
Whose is the red car?

Kāore ia e whai .
He will not have time.

wai ā...

Kua kai kānga wai koe?
Have you tried 'rottten corn'?

Te wahine mōhio.
The clever woman.

Nō Tame te waka whero.
The red car is Tame's.

He whakahaere nanga te mahi a te ratonga hauora Māori tūmatanui, a Hāpai Te Hauora ki Rotorua i tēnei rā ki te kōkiri i te kaupapa me te whakaaro, mā te reo hoki e ora ake ai ngā hapori.
Today Māori public health provider Hāpai Te Hauora hosted a symposium in Rotorua to advance the idea and says this could also be a factor in creating healthier communities.

Hoea tō waka!
Go for it!

Ehara nōku tēnā waka.
That isn't my car.

Kāore ia i whai .
He did not have time.

He taonga nui te wareware.
Forgetting is a great treasure.

Kei waho rātou.
They're outside.

He wai wera.
Some hot water.

Kei te tino āwangawanga ia.
He or she is very worried.

Koirā anake te mahi e pahawa i a koe!
That's all you're good for!

Kei te oma te kurī ki Te Waipounamu.
The dog is running to the South Island.

Engari hei tāna, "i roto i ngā tau ka huri ake ki muri, kaare anō kia āta whakaritea mai tētahi rautaki e ngātahi atu ai te pounga waihoe o te reo Māori ki roto i te ao hauora".
But he said over the past few years, there has been a lack of preparation and plan for te reo Maōri use in the health sector.

Ko te reo Māori, he waka eke noa.
Māori language is an accessible vessel for everyone.

Mauria mai taku pukapuka waiata.
Pass me my song book.

Ko te reo te waka kawe i te whakaaro Māori.
The Māori language is the vessel that carries a Māori worldview.

E kore a Repo e rere ki Manawatū ki te ako i te reo Māori.
Repo won't fly to Manawatū to learn the Māori language.

Ka take te ...
After some time...

Rua haora noa-atu-rā i waiata ai ngā tamariki.
The children sang two hours ago.

Kua ngū rawa.
It's too quiet.

E kore rawa a Tia e kai i te kūtai.
Tia will never eat mussels.

Ko tēnei tētahi o ngā mea pai rawa.
This is one of the best ones.

Ehara i a au tēnā waka.
That is not my car.

Ko Rongomai tōku hoa wahine.
Rongomai is my wife.

He pai ētahi o āna waiata.
Some of his songs are good.

Ki waho
to the outside.

He makariri te wai.
The water is cold.

I tino āwangawanga ia.
He or she was very worried.

Ka hiki au i ō waewae.
I'll lift up your legs.

Ka tino āwangawanga ia.
He or she will be very worried.

wai tāu?
Says who?

Homai he wai mōku.
Bring some water for me.

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