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Results for 'āpōpō'

āpōpō - tomorrow

whakarāpopoto - to summarise (v); summary (n)

āpōpō atu - at some point in the future

E haere ana mātou ki te one āpōpō.
We are going to the beach tomorrow.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

E haere ana tātou ki te toa āpōpō.
We will be going to the store tomorrow.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

E haere ana koe ki te kura āpōpō.
You're going to school tomorrow.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

E haere ana koe ki te kura āpōpō.
You're going to school tomorrow.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

Ka haere au ki te toa āpōpō ki te hoko kai.
I will go to the shop tomorrow to buy food.
Simple sentences: past tense - i te

Ka whiti te rā ki Kaitaia āpōpō.
The sun will shine in Kaitaia tomorrow.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka

Ka haere au ki te kura, āpōpō.
I will go to school tomorrow.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka

Ka hoki mai au āpōpō.
I will return tomorrow.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka

He aha tā rātou mahi āpōpō?
What is their task tomorrow?
What are you doing? - He aha tāu mahi?

Kia ahatia, he rā anō āpōpō.
It's all good, there's another day tomorrow.
Never mind the... No worries! - Hei aha te..., Kia ahatia@

E apu kai ana ānō nei kāore e ara te rā āpōpō.
He was stuffing food into his mouth like there was no tomorrow.
It was as if - ānō nei

Kaua e waiho ngā rīhi mō āpōpō.
Don't leave the dishes until tomorrow.
Negative active commands - Don't! - Kaua e..., kāti...

Kāre e taea a au te haere ki te mahi āpōpō.
I can't go to work tomorrow.
I am able... - Ka taea e...

He aha te pukapuka pai hei pānui mā ngā tamariki hei konei hei āpōpō?
What is a good book for the children to read here tomorrow?
For the purpose of - hei

Ka hui rātou āpōpō kōrero ai mō te wharenui.
They will meet tomorrow to discuss the wharenui.
The reason for an action - ...ai.

E mea ana au ki te hauhake i aku kūmara āpōpō. Heoi anō, ki te ua, ka waiho pea mō tērā wiki.
I'm intending to dig up my kūmara tomorrow. However, if it rains, I'll probably leave it ‘til next week.
Conjunctions - on the other hand, however - heoi anō

Kei te aha koe āpōpō?
What are you doing tomorrow?
What is happening at the moment? - kei te aha?

Ka mutu tā tātou mahi āpōpō.
Our work will be finished tomorrow.
Statives - mate, ngaro, mau...

Ka hoki atu ngā tamariki ki te kura āpōpō.
The children are returning to school tomorrow.
Ka used to indicate the past - ka

Kāore mātou e haere ki te tāone āpōpō.
We won't go to town tomorrow.
Negations of the future (I will not go) - Kāore... e...

Kāore au e haere ki te toa āpōpō ki te hoko kai.
I will not go to the shop tomorrow to buy food.
Negations of the future (I will not go) - Kāore... e...

Āpōpō, ka haere au ki te kura.
Tomorrow, I will go to school.
Using 'ki' to indicate direction towards something - ki

Kāore tātou e haere ana āpōpō.
We will not be going tomorrow.
Negations of e... ana... sentences - kāore... e... ana...

Tōna tikanga, me hōmai ngā tuhinga roa āpōpō, engari, taku aroha ki a koutou, e pai ana kia hōmai ā tērā wiki.
Strictly speaking, you should hand in your essays tomorrow, but out of the kindness of my heart, I'll let you do it next week.

Ka piki ā rāua tamariki i te maunga āpōpō.
Their children will climb the mountain tomorrow.
Possessives - 'a' class - ā, tāku...

Ka hoki mai au āpōpō.
I will return tomorrow.
Towards - mai

Ka haere mai ia āpōpō.
She is coming here tomorrow.
Towards - mai

Hei āpōpō haere atu ai au ki te tāone.
Tomorrow I am going to town.
Away - atu

Hei āpōpō au tae atu ai.
I will come tomorrow.
Away - atu

Ko te rā tuatahi o te hararei āpōpō.
It's the first day of the holiday tomorrow.
Ordindinal numbers (First, second, third...) - tuatahi, tuarua...

Kei te mahi māua āpōpō.
We will be working tomorrow.
Future locatives - kei te

Kei te kura ngā tamariki āpōpō.
The children will be at school tomorrow.
Future locatives - kei te

Kei tēnā āpōpō.
That one will have it tomorrow.
Future locatives - kei te

Kei a wai te pēke taumaha i te ata āpōpō?
Who will carry the heavy pack tomorrow?
Future locatives - kei te

Mehemea ka ua āpōpō, kāore au e haere ki te mahi.
If it rains tomorrow, I won't go to work.
If (using mehemea) - mehemea, mehe, mēnā

Ki te whiti te rā āpōpō, ka haere tātau ki tātahi.
If the sun shines tomorrow, we will go to the beach.
If using ki - ki

Ki te ua āpōpō, ka noho tāua ki te kāinga, kei mākū.
If it rains tomorrow, we will stay home in case we get wet.
If using ki - ki

Āpōpō te hui tīmata ai.
The meeting will begin tomorrow.
Asking "when" with ai - ā hea... ai?

Ki te kore te rā e whiti āpōpō, kāore tātau e haere.
If the sun does not shine tomorrow, we won't go.
If not... - ki te kore...

Āpōpō au moe ai.
Tomorrow, I will sleep.
Using "ai" instead of ka - ai

He aha tātou e kore ai e kai i puaa āpōpō?
Why won't we be eating pork tomorrow?
Why won't... - He aha... e kore ai e...

Apōpō ka pai te kai.
Tomorrow the food will be good.

Ka moe ahai i tērā rūma moe āpōpō.
I will sleep in that bedroom tomorrow.

Hei āpōpō.
(see ya) tomorrow.

Hei āpōpō tāua kite anō ai i a tāua.
Tommorow we'll see each other again.

Ka ua āpōpō.
It will rain tomorrow.

Āpōpō kā kōrero au ki tōku hoa.
Tomorrow, I will speak to my friend.

Ki te kore a Mere e tae mai āpōpō, ka waea atu ki a Henare.
If Mere doesn't arrive tomorrow I will ring Henare.

Āpōpō kā kōrero au me tōku hoa.
Tomorrow I will speak with my friend.

Āpōpō ka hui tātou ki Papaiea ki te ako i te reo Māori.
Tomorrow we will meet in Palmerston North to learn the Māori language.

Hei āpōpō, ka ora ake koe.
You'll feel better tomorrow.

Kei te mahi ai tāku taumahi āpōpō.
I'm working on my assignment tomorrow.

Ka aha koe āpōpō?
What are you doing tomorrow?

Āpōpō, ka ea i te iwi tā rātou whakataunga.
Tomorrow, the tribe will settle their decision

Āpōpō ka haere tātou ki te marae.
Tomorrow we will go to the marae.

Ka haere ia āpōpō.
He is going tomorrow.

He rā anō āpōpō.
It's another day tomorrow.

Hei kai mā tātou āpopo.
For us to eat tomorrow.

Āpōpō ka haere mātou ki te tāone.
Tomorrow we will go to town.

Āpōpō te hui.
The gathering is tomorrow.

Apōpō, kei te haere au ki Otaki.
Tomorrow I'm going to Otaki.

Āpōpō a Pita ke kōrero.
Pita is speaking tomorrow.

Apōpō, ka haere tātou ki te kāinga o Honi.
Tomorrow we are going to Honi's home.


Ka kite i a koe āpōpō.
See you tomorrow.

Kāore e taea e au te haere ki te mahi āpōpō.
I am unable to go to work tomorrow.

Āpōpō atu.
At some undefined point in the future.

Ko te Rātū āpōpō.
It's Tuesday tomorrow.

Hei āpōpō pānui au ai i ētahi pukapuka reo Māori.
Tomorrow I will read some Māori books.

Ka haere kōrua āpōpō.
You should go tomorrow.

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