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Results for 'āwhina'

āwhina - to help

Ko Āwhina te mataamua. Ko Aroha te pōtiki.
Āwhina is the oldest. Aroha the youngest.
Identity sentences - ko...

Ko wai kei te āwhina i te kaiako?
Who is helping the teacher?
Asking who - Ko wai...?

Kei te hiahia āwhina koe?
Do you need a hand?
Simple sentences: present tense with a verb - kei te

E āwhina ana a Hēmi i a Ari.
Hēmi is helping Ari.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

E āwhina ana ahai i a ia.
I am helping him.
Simple sentences: present tense - e... ana

I āwhina mai ia. He atawhai nōna.
She helped me, She is very kind.
Simple sentences: past tense - i

Ka āwhina koe i a au ā tērā wiki.
You will help me next week.
Simple sentences: future tense - ka

Me āwhina koe i a ia.
You should help her.
Simple sentences: you should - me

Kei te āwhina rāua i a Rangi.
They (2) are helping Rangi.
Sentences with i - i

Ka āwhina aua manu i te tīwaiwaka.
Those birds help the fantail.
Sentences with i - i

ngā tāngata i āwhina te whānau.
It was the people who helped the family.
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic

Nikau i āwhina a Taika.
It was Nikau who helped Taika.
Past agent emphatic - nā - agent emphatic

Tawa a Manu e āwhina i te nei.
Tawa will support Manu today.
Future agent emphatic - māku

Māna e āwhina ahau,
She will look after me.
Future agent emphatic - māku

Ka taea e koe au te āwhina mai?
Are you able to help me?
I am able... - Ka taea e...

Anei he pukapuka hei āwhina i a koe.
Here's a book to help you.
For the purpose of - hei

He āwhina koe.
You are a helper.
Categorizing sentences - he

Koia kei a koe te āwhina i whaea! I aha kōrua i te māra?
You're awesome for helping your mum. What did you do in the garden?
Family relationships - mother - mama, whaea

I kōrero ia kia āwhina ai i te rōpū.
He spoke in order to help the group.
In order to... - kia... ai...

I kōrero ia kia kore ai ia e āwhina i te rōpū.
He spoke in order to not help the group.
In order not to... - kia... kore ai

Ko wai kāore i te āwhina i te kaiako?
Who isn’t helping the teacher?
Who didn't? - Ko wai kāore...

Kei te āwhina ia i āna tamariki.
She is helping her children.

Kei te āwhina mai te kuia i ahau.
The grandmother is helping me.

Ka haere au ki te paku āwhina i a rātou.
I'll go and give them a bit of a hand.

Kei te āwhina au i a koe.
I am helping you.

Kāore āku mahi nui, i whakatā, i whakapai whare, i āwhina i tōku whaea i tōna māra.
I didn't do much, I relaxed, cleaned the house, helped my mother in the garden.

Kei te āwhina a Kauri i a Amaru.
Kauri is helping Amaru.

Tēnā koa, āwhina mai.
Excuse me, can you help.

Kei te āwhina i a ia ngā tamariki katoa o te tāone o Taranaki.
All the children of the town of Taranaki are helping her.

Ko āna tamariki tonu ki te āwhina haere i a ia.
Her own children used to help her.

He tika te a tātou ariki, te kōtiro nei i pai mai ki a Ponga, kāti me āwhina e tātou.
The words of our leader are just; because this girl loves Ponga, we should support her.

"Katoa mātou kapa e tino manawanui nei i te āheinga a te hunga reo Māori ki te whakamutu i ā rātou mahi hoko kai i roto i te reo, i te āheinga hoki te whānui me te whāroa o ā mātou toronga, ka āwhina kia whakarauora i te reo, ā, kia whakamahia e ngā whakatipuranga kei te pihi ake."
"Our entire team is incredibly proud that not only can te reo Māori speakers now complete their shopping in their own language, but that we can use our scale and reach to help ensure te reo Māori is revitalised and used for generations to come."

Ko te rāngai hauora Māori e kimi āwhina atu ana i te rāngai pāpāho Māori me ngā mātanga reo Māori ki te whakakaha ake i te whakamahinga o te reo Māori i te ao hauora.
The Māori health sector, Māori media and Māori language experts want to increase the use of the Māori language in health.

E āwhina koe ahau i a Tame.
You are helping Tame.

Ko Aroha taku taokete, he tino pai ia. Koia kei te āwhina mai i ōku mātua i ia rangi, i ia rangi.
Aroha is my sister in law, she is great. She helps my parents everyday.

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