āwhinatia - helped (pass of āwhina)
Kei te āwhinatia te hoa e au.The friend is being helped by me.Passive sentences - tikina...
Ka āwhinatia a Ari e Pita.Ari was helped by Pita.Passive sentences - tikina...
I āwhinatia rātou e mātou ko aku tēina.They were helped by me and my younger siblings.Passive sentences - tikina...
Kāore te hoa i te āwhinatia e au.The friend is not being helped by me.Negating passive sentences - Kāore... e...
Kaua e āwhinatia te ngeru kia piki ki runga i te tūru.Don't help the cat climb onto the chair.Negative passive commands (Don't be...) - Kaua... e...